Dark pigmentation after rads

Hi ladies

was wondering if anybody else has really dark brown patches to the treated boob? If so is it ever going to fade? I’m 6 days post rads and it’s getting worse xx


Hi swifty6. I’m 5 days post rads and I think I’ve finally got to the worse colour .my boob is covered in LOTS of dark brown freckles but my armpit is totally dark brown. Hope your skin is holding up well

Hello Swifty, fear not, the little brown freckly thingies will gradually disappear!!  I am more than a year on from rads and did have a freckly boob but now can’t remember how long they took to disappear - but they certainly have. Hope you are doing well otherwise, you are still in convalescent/recovery phase and it’s easy to try and do too much too soon - be kind to yourself and get lots of rest. :catvery-happy: 

Hi swifty,

It can get a bit worse before it gets better, but it will resolve.  I had rads in May this year, I can’t remember specifically, but my boob was pretty much back to normal appearence a few weeks after rads finished.

ann x

I’m also experiencing the same, spoke to the consultant after I’d finished 3 weeks of radio she said yes there is slight discolouration I’m still experiencing sharpe pains and the colour of my treated breast well to be honest looks like it’s still cooking, nipple and breast are totally different colour. I don’t want to be a pest when I’ve been told it’s normal however I’m nearly 4 months on

Not so much dark brown patches but went from red to purple to very dark with a skin breadkdown around my scar on the side of the breast.  Very distressed at first however now been given Flamazine cream which has soothed the area.  This is after 8/9 days after finishing 15 day treatment.  I have been told by breast care specialist that treatment will peak at 14 days and take 6 to 8 weeks to heal.  Bit painful and felt set back at first. Now just want to get to the end of this and get on with my life!  Hopefully will be sorted before Christmas!  Hope you are doing well ,very best wishes xx

Hi all I had oringinally posted on thread started by artimax just sharing my experience as I am now 5 weeks post rads, I also had the skin turn really dark and also had dark freckles on my breast which I am told are burnt hair follicles, I had a big patch under my arm near node scar and under my affected breast. Eventually the skin fell off to reveal pink skin (that part was a little sore) 4 and a half weeks post and skin has grown back its just really itchy, when skin was sore i found flamazine cream and dressings really helped!

I’m so sorry you’re all struggling but also so relieved you’ve shared your experiences. I have one more booster to go and my underarm is now very sore, particularly around the scar. I’ve creamed religiously. This morning I slathered on cream and repeated 5 minutes later, as it had all soaked in! I have also started to break off pieces of my aloe Vera plant and that gives huge relief. Rubycat thank you for letting us know there is healed skin in sight!! X

Hi Sue I hope no running for trains today!! Xx

Swiftly thank you for your reassurance! X

I am 9 days post radiotherapy and my surgery scar is black like charcoal! It turned back at 6 days plus, also have black freckles all over. The skin u derneath is very tender. I got some Mepilex Lite dressings and intrasite jel from the nurses, seems to have done the trick and the dressings stay in place really well. Glad I’m not the only one in this boat. Lx