Just a quick drop my as my inbox is just filling up right now and I’ve got so many invoices to do.
Nicky great to hear from you, will PM you my email address in a mo so should be the next message you see on this thread after this one.
Lorraine. Hope the bath was nice and onc appointment is productive, assuming the back pain is normal muscular pain you’d want a combination of 3 homeopathic remedies ideally. 30c each of Rhus Tox, Ruta and Arnica. Arnica deals with any surface bruising and the other 2 deal with deeper tissue and muscle damage. That specific combination is amazing and is the one we always have in our walking first aid kit. I kid you not when I say it saved our poor dog from surgery, he’d done real damage to his leg when he jumped of a style and was limping really badly, vet couldn’t see the damage and said he’d have to do exploratory surgery just to see what was wrong, we refused, took him home, called my mum and gave his all 3 remedies 3 times a day for 2 days and suddenly he was bounding again. Since then we use it every time someone sprains an ankle, does their back in or lands badly (we’re not delicate people).
This is why I’m suspicious when people say this stuff is all in the mind as the dog hasn’t a clue what he’s taking and why.
I’m a big fan of hot bubbly baths for back aches but doesn’t really work on really bad ones does it
I’ve just taken my first Novaldex this morning, so far everythings OK. I suspect that I’ll manifest some symptoms just worrying about them though LOL. How long before the side effects kick in Ladies?
Can’t believe that Friday is the 1 year anniversary of my diagnosis. Struck me this morning that today’s Wednesday which is clinic day at Carlisle and there’s probably some poor woman who’s going to get the news that we all hate so much and go through the year we all did, and while I feel pretty good right now I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
I just hope that things stay in stasis or even recede for those of you with secondaries.
Lots of love Ladies, must eat now, feeling nauseous again, but then I have only had a satsuma so far today.
Hi Angie
Give it a few weeks for any SE to kick in from Nolvaldex. However I didn’t really suffer on Tamoxifen all those years ago, well 5 years ago. Certainly didn’t notice much once I’d finished my 2 years of Zoladex. maybe because it was a breeze compared to all the SE’s from Zoladex! Just a word of warning to everyone it is worth getting your Blood Pressure checked every so often, my went up dramatically and it was the Tamoxiifen causing it as it went back to normal once I stopped taking it last year whilst on chemo.
Take care all, gotta dash, about to eat.
Nicky x
ps Hope all went well today Lorraine - let us know how you got on
i just lost the longest message ever.aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh went to see onc today, he is giving me a bone scan to check back, he thinks it may be due to the mets i have down spine, ( i really hope not). i asked loads of questions.
what grade is my cancer 2
am i having the best treatment for your age yes, when you reach 52(or if i do) we will change it then
can i dye hair yes, nurse said why? its lovely, he says its fashion
can i do my job (in nursery) not ideal, dont lift over 10kg
why skin flaking inbetween fingers from chemo
can i shave under arm not on affected side
can i live a normal life yes but no no no lifting
i said this is great fun aint it!
so ive had to give up my job, but am more relaxed now not letting p;eople down. i was enjoying it, but my health means more to me. i will have to try for dis allowance again, i was refused before.
lily 2000
hope you well
thanks for advice if it works for dog, i will give it a try.
Oh Lorraine… that’s horribly restrictive… hugs. Really hope that it’s normal muscular damage. I can’t believe how easily things go twang at the moment. I don’t think they realise how weak it leaves us feeling to be honest.
Hi all: Am working today and trying to catch up with you all. Really good to read that we are all moving on to new things – and trying to revert to normal (whatever that is).
Angie – just had a look at the venue – looks lovely, the area is great – stayed in Buxton some years ago and thought it was really beautiful. Can’t think why anyone should be offended by your homeopathic remedies – I’ve always found them fascinating – only problem is getting hold of them. Think your recommendations for bruising sound good – am definitely going to get hold of those – OH slipped off loft ladder beg of last week and fell from second step onto wooden floor. Since he has less fat on him that the proverbial chip (Oh pleeeease) is very sore and bruised. Did say he could have some of my fat if he wanted any!! Your year’s project sounds very demanding but as I have found working thru it does give you something else to think about. Unfortunately having been a complete sloth the rest of the time (and put on stone!) have now got to get moving.
Lily – Love the Kato comment – I am going back a bit in catching up! Have you had your back to work meeting yet? And did it go OK? The wedding venue sounds lovely but we are all hoping you are sitting down when the quotation arrives.
Everyday: sorry to hear about the job. As I said above, I think it really helps to have something to move on to. Are you going to search around for something else? In Gordon Brown’s recession it may not be easy but best of luck.
Nicky: thanks for the good wishes for Friday – I think one of the difficulties with various drugs is that oncs get stuck into a routine and it is difficult to move to something else, but we will see. Having talked to my sister about the family history, it is worse than I thought. Our mum had two heart attacks – first at 60 – where she technically died and had to be paddled back to life (I hadn’t forgotten obviously but have only been asked about cancer history not heart).
Hair is still taking ages to grow – sides and back are OK but top is still thin, am dosing it with Vit E oil and taking the brewer’s yeast to give it a boost.
Have no 8 of 15 rads today so have hit the halfway point. No probs yet, been a bit itchy but that is all. Am using the aqueous stuff but think I will change to Aloe Vera as the cream gets into your clothes but the gel seems to sink in more. Will also use the Vit E once it is all over as the oil I have is very gloopy and is fine for rubbing into my head but wouldn’t want to do the same to my poor old boob.
Anyway, better to some work – will let you know how the onc meeting goes. Have a good weekend everyone, not sure about the weather, pretty yukky I think but not so cold.
Hi ladies
Went to my hairdresser yesterday only to be told he thought my hair was great and just needed a trim! I knew he’d say that but after a week of getting used to it, 2 daughters and OH saying it looked fine and then 3 hairdressers giving me the thumbs up I’m feeling better about it! I actually had it cut, as in textured, and nearly fainted after seeing it fall off - I’ve spent so long growing the damn stuff I don’t want it gone! Anyway, then braved Guildford on the way back for some retail therapy as I need some different clothes to go with the ‘edgier’ me - any excuse. Then back to work today with no wig! We are an open plan office on one floor so everyone saw as I walked in, plus I start later than most people so they were all there before me! Anyway, had lots of compliments and had to explain to a few people that, No, I hadn’t had a drastic haircut, I had ditched my wig. So I’m now officially de-wigged and enjoying the freedom, if not the cold ears! Now I just have to see friends and family and get them used to the new me.
Lorraine - so sorry about the job but I can see where he’s coming from about the lifting. Maybe you can find another job? I know it’s difficult but I’m sure there will be something out there. Your info from your onc sounds good in terms of grade etc and I hope there’s no further spread. Having said that I have read on here that it can happen and they can switch hormone tablets etc to help. Also I would try for DLA, there’s loads of info on here if you do a search but get a MacMillan nurse or someone in the know to help you with it. I applied in Nov and am waiting to hear but got the benefits advisor for MacMillan to fill it in for me as I’d met her on a secondaries event. Even though I feel fine I still have to take time off work for appointments and I don’t get paid if I don’t work. Plus I felt so bad with all the side effects I couldn’t work anyway. You sound like you have a strong case for it and it certainly would help financially.
Julia - hope the rads skin stays calm but watch out for afterwards as Lily found out! Good luck for tomorrow.
Hi to everyone else and hope you are keeping away from any bugs. I’m so glad we didn’t have chemo during the winter months as it must add an extra worry.
Angie - meant to have said I hope you can celebrate tomorrow and finally put those 12 months to bed. As you say there will be some other lady having the same type of news as this awful BC gets to so many of us. But - onwards and upwards my dear!
Bye for now take care everyone, have a good weekend if I’m not on here before.
Nicky x
where art though lily? are you enjoying life so much you havnt got time for the pc, hope you ok, thats all that matters.
thanks for the kind messages of support about job, ive accepted it really, cos part of me didnt mind being at home, but i just need some income, so i will try DLA again, though i think you need to be on your last legs to receive it.
been to hosp again today, with son hes now got a new splint on it. wouldnt have been able to take him if i was working, so that was easier.
OK so I’m still being tested. Tomorrow’s the 1 year anniversary and I feel fine but my Nan’s now in hospital. She’s been having heart trouble and was having the stress tests when she had a heart attack. She’s OK, colour in her cheeks, sitting up, laughing and reading etc and lets be honest, there’s no better time than when wired up to monitors but still… gulp. She’s 80 this year.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed for her, just agreed with my Mum that we now all avoid hospitals this time of year!
Hi, (posting attempt number 3 Grrrrrrrrr)
firstly Angie so sorry to hear about your Nan but very pleased to hear she now seems ok and long may that last.You sound really busy, which is good but remember to EAT! Still lots of repairing going on inside our bodies. I still haven’t looked your wedding site up yet but intend to, when my memory does what it is supposed to. So what are you up to workwise? Anarchy or saving the world!!! I dreamt we all travelled from our various ends of the world and surprised you at your wedding. I am sure this was after watching Mamma Mia! When we realised who each other was we all screamed and then you came in and realised who we all were, grinnining like cheshire cats, and started screaming too. It didn’t do a lot for the registrar !! Obviously I have weddings on the brain these days.
Nicky - for someone who is fighting to get on the computer, boy you have written a lot. I have enjoyed reading your long posts and why so much worry about your hair? Anyway glad you now find it to your taste and congratulations on rejoining the wig-free population. Can’t wait to see the edgy hair, when you visit. I am fair bursting to meet you in person, rather than the virtual Nicky on my sky plus box. I wonder how many times I can play it in one day. I just hope you won’t be sick when you see the close up of your hand with the cannula, assuming it is your hand of course. It still has rings on it! Have you got them back on again yet? Mine is still tight at times, probably got a permanent dent underneath it though. Thanks for the tips on Vit E as I have some from when I used it on my operation scars and still put some on occasionally. I will also try to get my bp taken some time to see if the Tamoxifen has affected me. By the way, even if hubby is still home, you are still very welcome.
Lisa - how is the H and Dennis these days? I loved that spell when we were trying out hair replacement ideas, it just kept me chuckling all the way through those weeks. Are the Se of the op slowing down at all?
Julia - gosh you are motoring on through the rads now and hopefully without any problems. I think the trick is to make sure the radiated skin of the underneath of the boob does not touch the skin of the chest. I am still using the cool gel dressings but it is not bothering me at all unless I try to wear a bra. Commando for a bit longer. It is just very brown with big peeling patches now so just got to wait for the skin to recover.I think the squirmy itchy part is worse than the heat of the burn myself as I couldn’t scratch it.
Bev are you back and did you have a lovely time?
Lorraine, so sorry you had withdrawal stmptoms from my daily wittering. Two men are keeping me busy!!! Hubby is still in bed so constant dashing up and down stairs with meals, food, phone calls, etc and tiny terror has to be picked up by 1pm and has stayed every evening. Also my lovely forum friend Sharon2 has been hijacked by our local hospital so I went to visit her last night. She is being held captive with egg sandwiches and a yoghurt! How is your back now? I still feel very sorry about you giving your job up and have been trying to think of ideas for something else. What about a library? Or I could send my ironing every week???Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!! Hope your son’s hand is healing well now too.
I went to the work interview with sleeves rolled up ready for action and was met by a very sweet, very large young lady who started by saying ‘do you mind telling me what cancer you have as my Mother died of it’ That put an end to anything else and as I was not poor, gay, a single Mother, in debt, unable to pay my mortgage, disabled or missing any major body parts AND HAD A JOB!!!, they were unable to help me any more in finding me a job. So I went home again. Next stop was to tell my boss I plan to descend this month and so I have to go for a meeting next week to discuss what I will be doing. He is keen for me to do very little in the 2 weeks before half-term. We’ll see how it goes when I get there. It will be good/scary to go back in after 10 months of no contact at all. Might try to make a dash down the corridor to see my lovely tutor group who I have missed so much.
Must post before the gremlin eats it again
Lily x
Angie – sorry to hear about your Nan but from what you say she sounds OK. These old birds can be very tough – hope we are the same when we get to her age. Glad you have made the one year anniversary – I discovered my lump about one year ago and had it confirmed on 7 Feb and from there it is history. Can’t really believe it is that long ago.
Nicky: Great news about your hair – can’t wait to ditch the wig, it is getting itchy and boring now. Must go see hairdresser next week, he will probably give it a trim to encourage growth. Quite like my Sinead O’Connor look (as my office cleaner called it when I showed her the progress!!). Am writing myself some notes for my meeting with the onc today otherwise you tend to only talk about one thing and forget the rest.
Lily: Yes I have got dark patch on chest below what used to be a good looking boob but it is not itchy or sore – yet. Still lathering on the gunk – have just changed to Aloe Vera and using the aqueous as shower gel. Surgery scar seems to be diminishing which my onc said it would with the rads. Still wearing proper underwear - haven’t resorted to the baggy look yet!!
Love the story of your work interview – I am afraid that unless you tick all the boxes on your list you are a forgotten commodity in Gordon Brown’s gulag. I’m sure you will fit right back in at work and wonder why you were concerned.
well my Victor is still flat on his back and at my mercy!!! LOL. I did enquire how he felt about being the patient for a change and he said huh, not impressed at all. He then let slip that he had thought lying in bed looked better than it was in reality. He has got up a few times today so I hope things are improving so I can have a rest next week! I am madly trying to write a section for the final year of my Masters and keep losing my thread due to interruptions, meal and drink breaks, chemo brain and lack of motivation. I might just be wasting my time trying to do it now but don’t want to think I failed to finish it just because of Bc. It takes too many things away as it is. I feel like I am the worst one at getting back to work.
I have not dared to try my suits on yet as some were getting a little snug before all this. Might be a good reason to go for a really big shopping expedition next week if I can face buying bigger sizes. I almost booked a summer holiday this week. I was sitting in the travel agents, lost to everything else, as they searched for nice places within my budget (which was taking some time) , when my daughter rang and all the alarm bells went off in my head at the same time- oh s…, I am supposed to be picking tiny terror up in less than 30 minutes and I am miles away. So I had to leap up and run out of the shop and leg it back to the car park. So now I get a reminder phone call from her every day , not to to forget my Grandson. When did I get to this state, how did it happen, is it chemo or early senile decay!!! My alternative onc, who I don’t like seeing, tells me it is due to menopause! What a cheery thought.
It is strange because only today someone mentioned my birthday soon and that I would be 49. I said at any other time I would have been saying ooh no I’ll be 50 next year, but you know I don’t think I will ever moan about being older again. Even thinking about being 60 or more sounds like good news! Funny how things change so much,
Very old (and I don’t care) Lily x
Hiya all , sorry Ive been absent, just sooo busy! Work, partying and sort of getting my life back, its scary as bit nervous bout enjoying self just in case. Gyni signed me off and oncologist but off for breast check up on monday and to see about my arm, think got lymphodema, just dont want a blasted sleeve. Mamogram next week as its coming up to the year mark as found it on my birthday last year, its defo a similar time for all of us I think. Well hoping to have 6 mths to do things then have recon. Would really love to get my teeth sorted but not sure what can be done, had braces for years when younger and teeth were fine, now the two front ones have parted and large gap and one turns slghtly, makes me paranoid but never had guts to do anything about it - no idea what but might try and find out.
Hope everyone okay.
Angie - hope your Nana okay and that you are eating enough!
Nicky - really pleased about your hair
Lily - any mrore wedding plans? Get that holiday booked!
Lorraine - so sorry about the job - hope you feel better soon.
Better go, having another weight watchers glass of wine! Healthy ish eating!!!
Hi all
Well, just completed my 1st ‘full’ week of work and really enjoyed it. It felt good to be doing more normal things and this is the first 4 weeks in a looooong time where I haven’t been to a hospital for anything since last March. Of course this was ruined yesterday by my blood test for my treatment on Monday but, fingers crossed, all will go smoothly and I’ll be done for another 4 weeks. Plus point was no longer wearing wiggy and getting compliments that my new look suits me. I’m now in my ‘anniversary’ time since my dx last year. I found out my lump was BC the day before my YD’s 17th birthday so we were all upset plus her bl**dy boyfriend had dumped her so all in all a pretty rough time for her and us. Plus my b’day was (is) a few days after hers so can’t say mine was much good either. That’s why we’re intending to have a great time for her 18th and then for my 40th (ha, ha - only kidding, 47th really) just after. Just have to hope I don’t get any scan appointments before or that I can put them off till just after.
Angie - hope your Nan is well on the road to recovery.
Lisa - sounds like you’re getting on with things which is great. Sorry if it is lymphodema but hopefully if it’s caught early there’s more that can be done for you. Take a big breather from any ops and enjoy some time away from BC and all that it entails.
Lorraine - I know you are ‘meant’ to be on your last legs for DLA but you can apply under the special rules part. You need to get your GP or (I think) MacMillan nurse or onc to sign the form for you. It is a bit scary as basically it’s saying you are not expected to live longer than 6 months however I argued the point with my GP that ‘who can tell?’ as he was reluctant to do it. Also the benefits advisor I saw says there are many thousands of people on DLA under special rules who have been for over 18 months. I really am not a sponger but, as was pointed out on another thread, we can’t guarantee drawing our pensions when we’ve got secondaries so we should get any help we can now. You also get a disability badge (which I don’t intend using for a long time) which may hep you with parking if your back is really painful and mobility is impaired for a while. Definitely worth looking into. Hope your look for a new job goes well but I know what you mean about liking being at home - it’s so easy to do nothing all day even when there’s loads you should be doing. Also hope your son’s arm is getting better and he’s not done any permanent damage.
Julia - nearly finished in the fryer then? Must be over half way by now (I think) Look after yourself, you can get very tired towards the end of it all. Hope appt with onc sorted your next options out for you and it went the way you wanted.
Lily - well D day minus 5 and counting! Let’s hope we don’t scream too much (as in your dream/vision!) when we meet up. I hope I’m not expected to wait on Victor as well? Would be a bit too much in one day to try out my bedside manner! Do you need texts for everything? If so I’ll text you to remind you that I’m visiting - make sure the red carpet is hoovered please! It is so easy to forget these dys. I don’t think I’ve been too affected by chemo brain but if I don’t make a note about something it doesn’t happen - having said that it was like that before chemo so maybe senility was on it’s way already!
Take care all, plus anyone I’ve not included. Bev - hope you have the time to read all these posts when you get back, can’t believe we’re up in the 70’s already!
Have a good weekend all, nice and sunny here today after a very wet night.
Nicky xx
Lisa sorry to hear you think you might have lymphoedema, is your arm very swollen? Keep us posted how you get on with that. Someone had posted lymph exercises to do if you can find them on a search. I have an idea Fizbix was either posting them or reading them, if you want to ask her. Good to be getting signed off by some of the hospital departments and you have your fair share of them! Do you know what they will do on your check up, I have no idea ? I think check ups are going to be scary times for us all but at least we will all be having them at similar times so won’t feel so alone. Nurse sort of implied to me that I would be put on 3 year mammos, do you think that can be right? I will probably go privately if they do. Regarding your teeth, my son had a white plastic brace, which hardly showed. We had to pay as not covered by NHS but no choice as he is allergic to certain metals and we had been told it would definitely cause problems if he had a regular one. I think if it is important to you, then go and do it. Not that many things that are in our control these days. The wedding arghhh, will I cope/afford 3 more after my eldest??? She phoned a photographer and it was £2500 for him to take the shots and produce an album, everyone else paid extra for any they wanted!!! I must be totally out of touch as I thought it was a horrendous price. Angie, does Tommy do weddings??? If not get him into them quick and have a life of leisure.LOL.
Nicky congrats on getting through a full week of work and enjoying it too, wow a real result!! Lots of luck for a smooth treatment on Monday and then just think, peace again for weeks. When is your birthday? Mine is 2nd Feb. Angie, you and I must be close in dx dates and birthdays, weird!!! Anyone else got a birthday soon? We all seem to be having a think back to last year. Mine was dx on 29 Feb so I won’t go through that date again for 4 years. It was 6 weeks after my boss was dx and I had been really trying to support her, and about a fortnight after my friend’s secondary was dx - we all work at the same place! Some of our friend’s there said they had their hand down their jumper checking every day after us lot. How many needles do you think we have had in the last year? I sometimes wonder if they can spot us from space with the amount of radiation we have all accumulated!!LOL. MY scar from having the port out has turned into a marble like hard lump, which is so on my mind right now. I know it is almost certainly shrinkage from the rads, what do you think? Victor managed to be up for quite a lot of the day so looking good for Monday. He said he will go in late and take it easy, so I can drop him right outside the station, rather than a longish walk from the commuter car park. He gets the 5am train usually so not looking forward to doing that drive, if I have to!! BTW stop taking the mickey out of my memory problems with texts, I am covered by the Disability act!! I will tell my cleaner to do extra work on the carpet for you!!! How long will you be able to stay? I can talk for weeks!!
Julia hope the sting hasn’t settled in yet and how did you get on with the onc? Hope it went as you wished.
Angie how are you doing on the nolvadex? Hope it is not giving you flushes.
Speak soon
Lily x
Just a quick note as I have not been back long and need to unpack etc etc and so haven’t had a chance to catch up with all the posts yet but just to let you know I thoroughly recommend a drop of sunshine. It has done me the world of good my eybrows are completely back, eylashes longer than before! and hair appearing albiet still pretty sparce but it is coming back! I had a lovely relaxing time and feel my energy levels are back to normal to the point that had one late night clubbing session! (yes I am not past it yet) and was up dancing to the a tribute band of the Drifters until 2 a.m. I was amazed. I see the Onc tomorrow and need to ask if my tamoxifen can be altered maybe to the Nolvaldex as the one I am on doesn’t allow much sleep as I am either boiling or freezing so sleeping for longer than a couple of hours seems to be impossible. Back to work on Tuesday! so normal life resumes.
Sorry will read everyone’s post and catch up properly.
Bev glad you had a lovely time, sounds just like what you needed.
Lily, arm about 2cms, really dont want bloody sleeve but needs must. My check up is just a feel around which Ihave every 12 weeks, have mamogram next week and told I would continue every year without doubt so check that.
Getting used to hair - its only bout cm but doing okay, lashes seem to be loosing a little again but maybe it just me. Lots of headaches but hoping its just pills! Trying to have some normal time now - thanks for info on teeth will see how brave, more needles - my phobia of them has eased a little but get wound up cos of lack of viens, longer go without having one the worse it comes up again.
Bev, welcome back and wow you sound like it did you the power of good. I think you might need another, later in the year!!! LOL. Where did you go on holiday? I am trying to book a holiday but things/ill people keep stopping me. I’ll get there eventually.
Lisa, do you mean your arm is 2cm wider than the other? I have never checked mine but I thought the right arm (if right handed) was always a bit bigger as you use the muscles more. You have me wondering now, how did you spot yours? I hope I have more frequent checks but don’t know. I have the postponed check up with the surgeon in a fortnight and also waiting for an appointmnet to check my blood has returned to normal again, with the onc. That one is supposed to be within 6 weeks of finishing rads, so prob Feb too. Not sure what happens with the trial as my nurse has changed jobs and no-one else has contacted me yet. Headaches are tricky aren’t they as they are a known side effect of so many drugs as well as being just a normal thing. Don’t let the mind wander too much, anything dodgy, I believe, would also make you dizzy or have balance problems. If in doubt check it out though. I am trying to keep my imagination away from thinking about the lump under my scar!!! Easier said than done.
Well Victor is back to work tomorrow and now my son is ill. Typical!!! His temperature is 38.8 and I think it is tonsilitis but always keep an eye on him as he had severe pneumonia a few years back and ended up in hospital. He is boiling hot but wrestling me to get the covers back as he feels cold. Rotten trying to take tablets with a lumpy throat. So I think I will take him off to the doc for some antibiotics tomorrow and then knowing him, he will want to go back to school. Just for the social life and pool table you understand, not a studious type!! I wish! I have been having a good chuckle at Victor doing his exercises as he has to do alternate arms and legs, which make him look like he is doing the Saturday night fever dance. Can’t help singing it every time and when he tries to get back on his feet!!! Well I could be sick laughing as he has such long legs and is like a crashlanded daddy longlegs.LOL. So lots of sympathy from me!!! I should really try harder after all his caring for me but men are not good patients are they?
I am off to see the Headmaster tomorrow to see what job he has planned for me. It will be strange being back but I think it will just be in his office and prob won’t see my lovely tutees.
Have a good week. I have a tv star coming to see me this week. Beat that!!
Lily x x
Now Lily you can’t leave us in suspense like that! who is it?? I went to Tenerife for my hols which is a great place to go for some winter sun as they get sunshine all yaer around how unfair is that! Sorry to hear your family have beein going through the illnesses it is such a horrible time of year of all the bugs hopefully this really cold weather will kill a few off (not people! the bugs) I too have a large lump under my scar but I assume that is scar tissue and will take a time to disperse if indeed it ever does go completely. Interesting that you see the Surgeon again I only saw mine prior to chemo and will not see her now until June? seems a long time but I guess they know what they are doing. Likewise I still have swelling of my index finger and thumb that really has never gone down so I am hoping that too is post surgery and will eventually sort itself out and on the dreaded L, I did see a lympodema nurse about it and she measured my arm and it is bigger than the other so she has suggested I have a sleeve to wear when I am doing heavy work (me doing heavy work where did at come from) such as gardening or heavy duty housework well I certainly wont have to worry about the housework but I do love my gardening so will follow instructions. I will be interested to learn what others are advised.
Lisa did your swelling begin in the hand? I hope all is o.k. but as I said I have been advised to wear the dreaded sleeve (although thankfully only for heavy duty work and I hope it remains like that) as like you I don’t want that kind of daily reminder.
Nicky so good to hear you are back at work and enjoying the normality and that people have been paying you compliments for the new hair style just what you need
Angie so sorry to hear about your Nan.
Lorraine what a blow being told not to continue with the job still I am sure something else will turn up for you that in the end will be better and you must listen to advice as you say health comes first (and don’t we all know that to be true!)
Julia I used aloe vera propolis cream the whole time during rads and really had very little redness or soreness the hospital staff were all impressed with the condition of my skin and I usually burn easily being faired skinned. I am still slapping it on now post rads just to make sure all will stay well. It is amazing how quickly the body forgets about the horrible times (thank goodness) just needs a bit of special treatment.
Well I had better get that case unpacked and clothes washed (the horrible part of a holiday) and then go shopping,no food in the house either and then off to see the Onc. Will let you know how I get on before returning to work tomorrow!
Hiya Bev, swelling I noticed in my elbow but my upper arm always seemed slightly larger since surgery - its 3cm bigger near the top but from elbow down its all the same, smaller in one case!!!
Lily headaches banging a bit and although not dizzy inside my head feels a bit dizzy, got worried a bit about brain mets but will take some pracetomal and see what happens!!! Also might go and get eyes tested just in case!!
Lily good news re the job hope you get sorted!!!