Lots of info/opinions re photograhy, all a bit wierd to me. Try Googling John Swannell. now that’s a photographer (we do his website too). I love his work. In fact looking through his nudes portfolio really helped me after my bilateral mastectomy as it made me realise just how much breasts do not define the woman. It’s not something I’ve ever mentioned on this forum as in all honesty I don’t want to challenge people, especially when they’re going through treatment but maybe you’d see what I did, the beauty of being female… not tits.
You may or may not like it, I love his stuff.
You may recognise it too of course. I expect you’d know the pics he’s taken of the queen for example.
And you don’t want to know what his rate is, assuming he’s not busy LOL.
So great you met up… baths run. more later
Angie (queen b**ch on tamoxifen, does not suit me but may be stress of moving too)
Hi all
It’s been a busy 2 days what with my full circuit around the M25 when my sat nav wasn’t as accurate as it could be on the way home from Lilys’ ,as well as work all day today. As you can see we did meet up and managed to talk all the time! Wow Lily you really know how to big me up! As to the ‘thin’ bit I guess the eyes are still not right? Lily is as lovely as you all imagine and a very young looking 40-something year old. She had far more hair than me and I was quite envious and realised quite how short mine is still - especially when she insisted on a photo for posterity! I’d also like to report back that at no point did she try to murder me - just to set the record straight! In fact I should have stayed off here for a few days to get you all worried Seeing myself on TV was not particularly pleasant as, again, I looked far worse than I imagined. Why she wanted to keep showing me I do not know! Her grandson is an absolute delight and so well behaved as he had to put up with us nattering all the time and disturbing his video watching. So all in all a great success which we hope to repeat soon. The TTT was out so I didn’t get the smothering I’d been promised - hooray! Well, that’s our update - how are the rest of you doing?
Angie - sounds stressful! Hope it doesn’t get any worse otherwise everyone had better watch out. Maybe have long walk into the middle of nowhere and have a good scream?
Lisa - hope you get over all your bugs soon and the penicillin doesn’t upset your stomach too much, I think we’re all still a bit delicate in that area - well I am anyway. Is your birthday next week? If so let us know and maybe we can all let each other know so we can raise a glass to a better one than last year’s.
Lorraine - hope all went well today and the results come back quickly without any nasty surprises.
Julia - hope appt with Prof gave you some good or helpful news as well. It seems when there’s some other health ‘problem’ interfering with what treatment we need for BC that there’s no communication and it takes ages to get sorted.
Bev - hope the tan’s faded - only joking. I bet you are so rested and relaxed after your hols. It’s such a good time to go away when the UK is so dismal and you’re the only one looking healthy! Make the most of it, it will be ages before we see anything like that here.
I’ve got a quiet weekend and hope to see Slumdog Millionaire on Saturday. We need to get out as YD’s got 10 friends coming over for her ‘canape evening’ Hope she gets it all done as I really don’t want to be the sous chef! Hopefully the weather is nice enough for a couple of walks.
To all of you, have a great weekend and hope I’ve not missed anyone off, sorry and didn’t mean to is I have. I always forget when we start a new page as going backwards involves too much cut and pasting!
Take care
Nicky x
glad nicky and lily had a great time. been for scan today, feeling ok about it, but then again i felt ok before, and what a suprise that was. but what ever will be, i will face, but it would be nice to have good news.
my friend made me laugh today, her grandaughter whos 3 was constipated, and shed been trying to go on the downstairs loo without much success, so she wandered up to the one upstairs. her mum asked what she was doing and she said
“the toilet downstairs isnt working” bless her. if only treating constipation was that easy.
well I don’t know about moving on, I have just received another hospital appointment in the post, so that is 3 now! This one is not for months though and is for a mammo on the anniversary of my first operation. Is anyone else getting all these? I have not had any from the trial yet, so hope I don’t have even more coming!! So it is full blood tests next week, the oncologist on my first day back at work and the surgeon on my 3rd day back at work. So far work have been absolutely fine about them. It is ironic that they have all come up just as I am going back to ‘normal’. I guess normal has changed now! Anyway I had a very exciting day, booking a holiday for the summer and managed to wheeler dealer a good deal by getting Thomas Cook and Thompsons to go head to head, on a rainy day with no-one else in the shop. At least it gives me a reason to go back to work - to pay for it!!! In the morning it is wedding dress shopping and I am fair bursting to look at all the lovely dresses and see my daughter as a bride. She has a cold unfortunately but still keen to go. Victor is limping wounded now, and goes around very carefully but he is getting terrible cramps in his calf and foot.
Lorraine loved the story, made me smile. When will you hear about the scan? Hope they don’t keep you wondering too long and that it is the news we all wish for you. Angie - very interesting idea about women and will look that up. The wedding venue looked lovely, I did eventually remember to look at it! Good luck with the more mundane job of packing boxes and wishing you both health and happiness in your new home. Lisa, my son is on the same tablets as you, from the sound of it. The 3 hours is a killer isn’t it? His tonsils are yellow and the tablets don’t seem to be making much difference although in himself, he seems brighter. he went back to school for one day and then was ill again this morning. Hope you are not as bad as him - miserable illness to have.
Nicky - oh poor you on the M25, how far extra did you go? I feel bad you having such a journey. Can we do a deal and I will donate hair but you have to take bulges as well!!! (Lorraine I think it is just us 2 on the cakes you know!) Thank you for your kind comments and next time you come, I can show you the clip of you on tv another 3 times!!! LOL. I hope you enjoy the film and that the house is not over run when you return. I was reading about trials showing that walking 3 - 5 miles a week is beneficial in Bc. I did start walking but seem to have stopped without realising. I am feeling a bit stiff at times so not sure if it is lack of exercise or the nolvadex.
Julia how did you get on today? Hope they have a good plan for you now that involves as little intervention as possible with great results. You must have almost finished rads now, are you on fire?? Hope not. Bev hope you are still feeling good from the holiday. I think you spurred me into action.
Lily x
Hiya All
Lorraine good luck with the scan.
Angie - im sure its the stress o moving rather than the tamoxifen, good look with the moving too
Nicky - sounds like you had a lovely time. Yep its my birthday on Friday, same day I found the lump, and similar to Lily have a mamogram same time as found out results - wierd, didnt think Id make the year mark and other hand scared that had a year already!
Lily - glad you got a holiday booked - where you off to? Enjoy looking at the wedding dresses.
Well, seen the nurse today about recon, the only one they do in my area is latissimus dorsi flap as we dont have a plastic surgeon. I feel comfie with the surgeon and my nurse but still weighing up options. I know they wouldnt look fab but its something to put in bra without worrying about top falling down and having no cleavage. They would use back muscle and fat (plenty of that) and bring it round and put an expander implant in thats more naturl and then pump away then take port out after few months then start again on other side!!! Euuughh, hard pushed to go for it but want something done. She thought that you couldnt use your tummy for a double recon but I think others have had it on here - so more research, got a huge tummy but getting rid of it isnt my main priority. Enough waffle
Hi Lisa,
op sounds like a lot doesn’t it. I think I would have it done, especially if young like you. You could always ask to be referred if you prefer a different recon. They have meetings down here where you can go and look at volunteer’s recons and ask them questions. There must be a big centre for recon in your area. You are so brave, already having more surgery than most of us. There is a lot to be said for ahving a surgeon you like though. How is your throat now?
I think it must be easier to decide if you have it all done at the same time but harder when you have got better and think about starting again. You know we will support you through it as much as we can in cyber space. If it would make you feel better about yourself, then you should go for it.
I can’t believe Ulrika won!!! Whata fix, little Verne should have won.Going to bed now.
Lily x
so glad to hear the big meet up went well that must have been lovely for you both Lily and Nicky. Lisa is really sounds as if you are having a prolonged journey to deal with and I am thinking of you but do your research and then you feel more in control of what is happening to you as you will have a better understanding good luck.
Thanks for the advice on the switch to Nolvadex from the Tamoxifen I am on with all the horrible side effects of basically not being able to sleep for longer than a couple of hours at a time. The GP has agreed to the change in medication so I can pick up the new ones next week I will report back.
Well first week of being back at work although I have done reduced hours and making the time up with holiday entitlement so I do not lose out financially. It felt so good to be doing normal things again.
Well can’t be too long today as I have my mum staying this week and we are just off to visit my brother and sister in law. Will catch up in more detail later.
Angie good luck with the move but be careful and don’t over do it!!
sniffle, body has decided to fake a cold to get me out of moving… it won’t work. I say fake, it could be a real one but last time I move I suspiciously got a cold too.
I also seem to be reliving chemo symptoms as I lose the weight, it’s very odd. I know the body stores the toxins but here’s the brief list of effects right now.
occasional small nose bleeds (probably related to being blocked up with fake cold and low iron levels), painful veins, stabbing pains in armpit (same side as radio), bleeding gums when brushing teeth, cold sores and cracked lips.
Gosh what a pretty picture. So hard to say what’s causing what actually. I know a certain amount will be the weight loss and toxins and stress but can Tamoxifen mess you up like that?
I’ve only been on the nolvadex for a couple of weeks and so far no flushes but my moods aren’t pretty.
Have a great weekend Ladies. I’m looking forward to getting my new keys tomorrow.
Oh forgot to say, whatever force of nature’s picking on my Nan should get the full wrath of my mood swings. She is stable now which is great but her ward’s now been closed with Norovirus… Hospitals, really not a good place for an ill person are they.
Get well soon Nana, and get out of there soon Nana.
Hiya Lily, my throat is much better thanks, but gaggin for my weight watchers wine as I snuggle up tonight with Mamma Mia, but not sure if allowed on penicillian!!! Surgery is a lot to deal with so going to meet sugeon and also be referred to either Newcastle or Manchester, its the nearest place that does them to me out here in far flung Cumbria!!!
Angie - you sound really run down, make sure you get a good rest once you get in your new home - I must admit to havign the odd pains and niggles on radium side too mind x
Bev, glad you enjoyed work and thanks for the advice. Im also not sleeping much at moment, which Im assuming is down to Arimidexx
well I am floating along on a cloud today after going with my daughter to look at wedding dresses. Her friend burst into tears as soon as she walked out in the first dress but surprisingly it did not take me that way. I just kept thinking I have seen this moment and looked more like a chipmonk with a silly grin on my face.LOL. We just tried 2 local wedding shops but have already seen one in each shop that she would be very happy with. She looked absolutely beautiful, so much so that in the second shop, another bride insisted on trying the same dress and was going to buy it there and then. Apparently it takes 4 months for a dress to arrive when ordered, so anyone who needs one quicker has to choose one from the shop stock and have it altered as necessary. We have tons of time so plan to visit every shop in the county and have lots of fun trying them. I know I am biased but she looked absolutely perfect. I can’t tell you how this is making my heart sing and forget everything else. Sorry had a real mummy moment there.
Bev, I am so pleased it sounds like things are getting back on track for you and that the holiday was just what you needed. Fingers crossed that the nolvadex will be good for you too and get rid of those horrible flushes. What kind of work do you do? Have a lovely visit with your Mum and family.
Angie, take that stress out on the moving. Fake cold lol. I love moving house so just feel very excited for you. I think it will be good to be living in a house where you haven’t spent years looking at the bathroom tiles on chemo!! I would like to move but we will probably continue to try to do up this house as we have not done a great deal for some time. You know we have to let docs know for 6 months after finishing chemo, so it must take quite a while to completely recover inside and out. I have been trying to eat more salad and fruit but my stomach is really not happy and it started some of my ols side effects off too. Maybe we still need to eat for getting better and not for dropping a dress size. OR it could be another excuse for me to delay the diet!!LOL. Do you move next week? Big hug for your Nan x.
Lisa, I don’t know about alcohol either as my son is partial to a few beers when out at friends, so said don’t chance it. His tonsils are still absolutely covered in pus and disgustingly yellow. I think he may have to go back to see the doc as they were concerned about glandular fever because of his age. I don’t think he has it as not tired enough. I had it when I was 18 and so did my eldest at the same age and we could not even walk up the stairs without stopping half way for ages. Mind you he is a toughy when it comes to illness and amazed the docs when he caught pneumonia as they said most would be in ITU as so severe. He was playing computer games in bed. That was a day, we went to the GP, then sent to A & E who ignored us for ages. Then when they looked at his x rays, we had to have a blue light ambulance to another hospital which specialises in children’s chest conditions. I had gone in my car and was in such a panic, I overtook the ambulance on the way and arrived first!! Then 6 weeks later he broke his ankle as well as his leg in 3 places, right through his growth plate. We were taking him for check ups for years. I always say boys should come with warnings. Lorraine how did you survive 3 boys and how is your youngest’s hand now? Were all yours daredevils too?
Nicky hope the house is still standing when you get back tonight and that you enjoyed the film. Did she manage to get all the cooking done herself? I have what my friend calls ’ a house of trousers’ meaning all males except me now and could not have a decent conversation about wedding dresses at all when I got back all hyper and wanting to let it all out!! Start getting yourself prepared for a quieter house when they go to uni, it is so strange when you are used to girls chatting and sharing news. I have to chat about man utd to get my son in a conversation!
Well hope there are no floods your way
Lily x
poor lily, your body just isnt used to lettuce leaves is it? nor mine. i just cant seem to get my head around the slimming thing. and when my back was bad and i blamed my weight to the onc, he just sits there saying tamoxifen, i really dont think its that so much as the junk im still consuming. i do eat healthilyt , but i like the naughties as well. somebody laughed the other day. i said id had a cornish pastie for lunch, and they replied “thought you were dieting” i just said i thought i was good because i didnt have cream cake after it. the trouble is they have a bakery at our hospital. otherwise i never touch pastry.
talking about boys, my youngest (13) is going through the tramp stage, i cannot get him to bath or brush his teeth, i thought it would get better when girls came on the scene, but theyre about and he still wont go near water. do you think hed notice if i give him a bed bath in the night? my other two were handfuls but they were always clean, just goes to show men are all a pain in the butt.
hope everyone else has had a peaceful weekend, and felt reasonably well. cant believe weve come so far, brilliant isnt it.
hiya all
Bev diet going okay but not really dieting trying to cut out crap which is hard for me as love my booze and chocolate and nuts, all things I shouldnt have.
Lily, boy your son sounds like a tough cookie! My throat loads better, thought I was going to be down and out but think I was maybe starting to come round before got the pills - checked and can have a few so had some wine tonight which makes me eat! Weigh in day tomorrow.
Lily wedding dresses sound fab, its sooo nice looking for them, I hated looking for mine due to being overweight but ended up finding a lovely shop who wouldnt let me try any dresses on unless I tried one on she had in hand first, didnt like it even though said could change materials etc. god it made me drop a stone when tried it on and she was sooooo right, was perfect - albeith expensive - three of my friends went to her afterwards!!!
Anyone watching dancing on ice?? Back to work tomorrow
Lorraine now I am going to have a job to stop laughing again, with your quote ’ because I didn’t have a cake after’. You are a woman after my own heart. No bakery would be safe with us two about!! LOL. You just enjoy yourself because you deserve it. My son is the opposite to tramp stage and I had to buy him his own straighteners and heat protecting cream!! He is a real clothes horse and loves fashion. I agree though about how far we have come, dieting was the last of our worries a while back x.
Lisa yes I am watching the skating too. Laughed my head off when Todd lost it and sailed off. Hope he is as bad every week. LOL. Son is a toughie but a big hugger too, which is nice. Can’t wait for the next wedding dress expedition, such fun. Did you see that film,where that girl kept pretending to be getting married and trying dresses on everywhere. I cans ee why now.
Have good week everyone. I am off for blood tests before my post rads check with the onc. I have so got out of needles already!!
Lily x
phew had a bit of trouble finding you all so I typed in Lily and managed to track where you all were.
Lily the dress fitting sounded wonderful and you enjoy having your mummy moment! personally I think girls are more hard work as it has always been our daughter who has caused all my grey hairs and she too, like your son, damaged a growth plate but in her arm and we were going back and forth for years for hospital visits she started off causing more concern as was a prem baby being 4lb every family has to have one (not prem baby but one that causes more work!)
I haven’t been able to swap to the Nolvadex yet as awaiting prescription but I shall be glad to as I get so cold not only during the night but during day too, it is either that or boiling which is so difficult to deal with. Being hot I can take things off but being freezing is really unpleasant just like the chemo days. Although feel a bit worried about the possible mood swings after reading your post Angie it could be that you are feeling so run down with a cold and moving it all sounds a bit much to cope with, wishing you happiness in your new home.
Lorraine I know the feeling I too would really like to drop some of the weight I have gained but the onc cheerily said to me “you’ll have trouble being on Tamoxifen” really fills you with enthusiasm to try so I polished off the remaining chocs I had in the house.
Lily I now work in retail in a monsoon with a great bunch of girls who have been really supportive. I actually worked today without the wig but was very aware of how cropped my hair is but at least I have a full covering now. I didn’t seem to frighten the customers away and tend to wear the wig more as a hat to keep me warm.
hello to everyone else and I will try to find you all again soon.
oooh I hate this new site, all the things I liked about the old one are gone. I can’t find private messages yet and now worried that all the whispers have gone public. I can’t even see anywhere to edit posts if you wanted to. Can you bookmark? The anti-pink ladies will hate this colour! Most of all I hate that they print the last message up so now end up reading things I wouldn’t have before. Must stop moaning!
I have been rushing around trying to see all the people who have supported me over the last 10 months, as back at work this week. The dog will think I have left the country with just the postman to look out for and attack!!LOL. He sounds like a rottweiler when he sees that postbag. No idea why postmen upset dogs so much.
Bev I am still freezing, 3 jumpers on tonight and heating up to full blast. They say chemo can affect yout thyroid so might ask when I see the onc on Thursday. Had bloods on Monday and seem to be getting more jumpy about needles these days.
Will finish her as I am floundering, due to this new layout.
Lily x
Snap. The one good thing is the profiles - put my horrid pic on but struggle to find my way around totally and when you go to discussions you cant see all of them so cant just offer support when you know people want it.
Lily I havent ben private messaging much but I am sure that they wouldnt display them so your secrets are safe!!!
Hi all
Just to say, Yes, I’ve found where we are but with work and finding my way around here this will be a very short post. I’m sure we will get used to it but a bit strange for now. Overall everything is OK with me just been a bit busy so will reply/post a more meaningful post later today when I can get on the PC for longer!
Take care buddies
Nicky x