As discussed recently on another discussion with Judy, some of us are in long term relationships, and that is a whole debate (how it work out, what kind of support is given and how HE copes). Sometimes, the relationship does not survive the illness, sometimes it makes it stronger.
Some of us, on the other hand, reach this unknown land without a partner - either divorced, separated, sometimes too young to have a life partner.
Then, we get huge scars on our bodies (I had a mastectomy, and the other side is a DD, talk about unbalance), we get a bald head for months and months - saying that we don’t feel at our best is - ahem, an understatement. To top it off, Tamoxifen, weight gain, early onset menaupause are the next stops.
Yet, do we really want to give up a romantic life, a sex life? do we have to?
In other words, when does one say “I am in treatment for breast cancer” during a polite conversation with an attractive representative of the other sex???
To put things in a more personal perspective: I have been diagnosed 2 months ago, have had a mastectomy, am now in Chemo. I am taking treatment very well, it makes me tired and of course bald, but I am still determined to make the most of when I am well. Guess what? I met someone I really like, and I can tell he likes me (well, what he has seen is a healthy person with a whole mop of hair)… I could like this guy a whole lot more - we have been put in touch by a common acquaintance before I got sick, and we’ve been mailing since. It so happen that we only met now… and now, what. I cannot pretend nothing… the realization my hair is a wig (not even mentioning anything else… :)) ) would come quite fast…
Of course, this is not my main problem. care, survival, feeling good is the most important part. But these questions are part of feeling good, are part of a good life.
So, what do you gals think???