David W again

David W again

David W again With all what has gone on before in the forum - I thought you all may be interested to know that …

I am in talks with Channel 5 TV at the moment - seems they are doing a program on Breast Cancer and Men - I have been asked to take part in the program - details not comfirmed yet - will let you know when it is all going to happen. Tuesday 8th August is penciled in so far - Live TV program called Doctor Doctor hosted by Dr Mark Porter.

For those of you who don’t know me - you might get a chance to see where I am coming from.

Watch this space. David W

Thank you for telling us this, David. I hope all goes well, and that you raise the profile of men suffering from breast cancer.

I was pretty ignorant about bc in general before being diagnosed, so this will be a chance for you to have your say.


Men and Breast Cancer Hi David

Nice to meet you and hope you are sucessful with the talks at channel 5 I have 2 sons and they did’nt know untill I was dia that they could get it so AWARENESS FOR MEN has got to help.

and keep us informed
Janet xx

Good for you, David. I remember a programme a few years ago - had a feeling Bill might have taken part, though I’m not 100% sure.

Much more needs to be done to raise awareness of the fact that men can get breast cancer too, and Dr Mark Porter strikes me as a fairly sensible chap, so it should be a good programme. Keep us posted.

Men and Breast Cancer I hope that the programme goes ahead and that you have the opportunity to get your message across. More power to you!

Best wishes

Good luck Hi David,
Just like to wish you good luck and yes i would be interested to see the program. Will keep an eye out for you.
take care

Thank you all Ladies - I would like to take this opportunity in thanking you all for your support - I will post again about this when I have confirmed dates and times of the program.

David W