
If you’ve been on BCC for any length of time you will probably have come across Dawn. Dawn was first diagnosed with bc in 1990, she had several recurrences and was diagnosed with extensive bone mets in 2002. She has been one of the biggest supporters on BCC and a beacon of hope for many of us.


Sadly, after 27 years of living with cancer (14-15 of those with secondary) our friend died on 10th of June. She was at home where she wanted to be, with her lovely family. She passed away peacefully at dawn.


I was lucky enough to meet Dawn in real life and she was as lovely as she was on the forums. We became good friends and she was always so kind and genuine, a wicked sense of humour and a down to earth wisdom.


Even when Dawn was going through tough times herself she was always there to help, guide, encourage and give hope to those who were new or in need. She will leave a huge hole here but her past posts and wise words remain with us.


Dawn, will have been there for many of you and I  know that when we lose our long time beacons of light and hope it is particularly difficult. Dawn would have told us to carry on, take one day at a time, live as well as we could and appreciate the good things in our lives.


I know Dawn had a faith so I  know she is ok and at peace. God bless you Dawn and thank you for all the years you shared with us. I will try to do for others what you have done for me - Love you my friend xx

Such sad news to hear of Dawn’s passing. I only ever ‘met’ her through this site and other BC sites but she was so supportive and helpful to me when I was diagnosed many years ago now. Rest in peace Dawn - my condolences to your family and friends



Rip …lovely Dawn …we are so sorry to lose you as it was your inspiration that kept everyone going.
Many years ago I remember saying we should get tee shirts printed " let’s do a Dawn and fight this " .
Rest in peace …your pain and suffering are now over .???

Always so hard to hear of another lovely lady losing the fight with this vile disease and a reminder why we need to make every minute count , thinking of Dawns family and friends at this very sad time Xx Jo 

So saddened to hear Dawn has passed away. I was diagnosed Dec 2012 and read Dawn’s posts avidly. She was such an amazing lady and a real inspiration. She was very supportive and knowledgeable.
Dawn, rest in peace lovely lady and my thoughts are with your family and friends. You will be greatly missed.
Love Helen xx

Dawn was great I remember her well and her nursery best wishes Molennium RIP Dawn

Was so sorry to read this thread.  Dawn was one in a million.  I had breast cancer back in 2007 and she supported me throughout my treatment (along with many others on here)…Thought she would go on for ever…What an inspiration to us all…RIP lovely lady xxxx