Day 1 post surgery

Hi everyone

Hope you are all doing well at whatever stage of surgery /recovery you are

This is my 2nd post having asked the nurses for some advice a few weeks ago and thank you again to my sisterhood for their helpful pointers too

I had my surgery yesterday after finding the lump which I refer to as turd pebble? in mid January 

Lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy ( the nuclear medicine was injected and scanned yesterday morning  - that was a stingy bee sting pain I never want again!

Followed by my surgery yesterday and home last night (don’t know how many nodes they removed as yet)

The waiting for consultations, tests, biopsies etc was hard and felt interminable but with lots of support I got through it

I started writing my story down on my laptop as days merged into weeks. It really helped me to get the medical terminology in my head and get emotions out via my keyboard :slightly_smiling_face:

I downloaded a free app called Smiling Mind, opened up some fabulous Youtube Mindfulness videos i used in lockdown to practice my breathing and have some real me time during a busy pre tax year end at work, and took our dog for lots of extra walks on days when it got me doing the ’ what ifs’ too many times!

Today I’m resting, drinking tea, doing my exercises as told by physiotherapy and waiting for test results and post op checks in 4 weeks time

If I can help with one thing it’s to say be kind to yourselves and people around you who really dont know what to say ( and they say some really stupid stuff at times but mean well),  ask for help even if you don’t think you need it and rest with a good unpadded bra if you are a FF like me !!

Dear Curlywurty,

Well done to you for getting this far and doing so well, would just like to say wishing you well going forward.

Take good care, one day at a time, keep drinking the tea.

hugs Tili :rainbow: :rainbow: