DCIS and mastectomy

Hi - Ive just joined this forum. I went for routine mammogram in December and called back for biopsy. Got results on 23 December saying high grade DCIS, Stage 0 and booked in for mastectomy on my left boob 21st January. I was so shocked and really down and still trying to get my head around it all. I have appointment with breast surgeon on 9th January. At first I thought I wont have it done but think I’ve realised I have to. I think theyll be able to do reconstruction at same time as mastectomy.

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I’m so sorry that you’re going through this.
When you go to your next appointment ask if they have any emotional support available and let them know you’ve struggled with the diagnosis. It may be they have very little mental health support available (my hospital doesn’t offer much ) but it’s important you tell them.
Sounds like you’re getting your mastectomy quickly which is really good. Just to reassure you - I had a double 7 weeks ago and it has been absolutely fine. I was really scared because I’d never had surgery before but I have come through it fine (no reconstruction as will be having radiotherapy). The first week is uncomfortable because the drains are a nuisance but I wasn’t in any great pain and I only needed paracetamol for 2 days. I am usually a real wimp so was really surprised how easy it was. I’d rather have a mastectomy than a wisdom tooth out for sure.
Make sure you do your exercises as they help you heal well and maintain good movement. And drink lots of water to get the anaesthetic out your system and stay hydrated.
Wishing you all the best. Xx

Thank you for that - really helps a lot! So glad you are recovering well. Ill let you know how I get on. Take care x

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Hi @moz61

So sorry that you are dealing with your diagnosis; it is all very overwhelming with the speed that it all happens.

It is an individual decision whether you go flat, have implants or the reconstruction. I personally had DCIS which ended up with me having a bilateral mastectomy with immediate DIEP reconstruction last April, it was a big operation but I feel it was worth it for me and can tell you more if you would like to know more.

Also, as @jayesse mentioned do talk to your nurse about whether counselling is availabe through your trust, my hospital offered it post-surgery, but it took a couple of months to arrange due to being a small team. I was sceptical, but it was really good and has helped me to move forward.

wishing you all the best xx

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Thank you for sharing that. I’m hoping I’ll be able to have reconstruction of some kind too. How long after the surgery could you go out for a walk, go back to work?


Hi @moz61

I was up and out of bed the following day, then doing short walks when I got home from the hospital, building up over the next month to walking a couple of miles, albeit slower than my normal pace. I was able to take 3 months off work, which did benefit me, particularly mentally, and adjusting to what has happened, but some people do return to work a lot quicker.

Have a look at the Home - Restore - Breast Cancer Reconstruction Support and Keeping Abreast - Breast Cancer Reconstruction Support I found both sites really helpful.


Thank you. I walk about 5 miles a day at the moment with my dog and go to the gym etc too so hoping I can still do walks even if not so far to start with. That’s good you were up and about so quickly - gives me hope :grinning: x

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I had a left-sided mastectomy in August 2020. I stayed in hospital overnight, though most people went home. I was up and about round the house the next day. After a week or so I went on a family walk at a local country park, though I did sit and rest for a bit while the family did a longer loop.

About a month later I jogged/shuffled around a 5km loop as a virtual Race for Life. I was back in work at the end of October.

I think listening to your body and following the advice around stretching is the route to healing well. You mention walking your dog. I don’t have a dog, but can imagine that you might need some help walking one at first, depending on how much your dog pulls on the lead, etc.

Wishing you all the best with the operation and recovery

Thank you that’s great and really encouraging. It’s so good to hear from others who have gone through this. It’s all I think about, wake up about etc x