DCIS and tamoxifen (or equivalent)

Apologies this topic has probably been raised before. I ve had SMX due to DCIS (beginning of Jan 25 so still a few weeks post surgery). I m still waiting for my surgery and sentinel node biopsy results (hopefully will get these next week). Should these be all clear (:crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:) I’m expecting to be discharged to the oncologist.
Is there anyone here who has been in the same situation as me and chosen NOT to have tamoxifen (or similar) for next five years? Up until now I have felt totally confident with all my treatment. With all the reading and research I’ve been doing I just don’t feel that tamoxifen (or equivalent) is the right way forward for me and want to go to my next appointment as well informed as possible. Any help, suggestions or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated. I am post menopausal if that helps. Thanks :star_struck: x

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Hello and welcome

You’ve not said what type of DCIS you have/had but will assume it was hormone positive? I believe an AI (aromatase inhibitors] is more favoured for post menopause. So you may be offered something like Letrozole, anastrozole, Exemestane. It may be worth researching those.

It’s your choice if you take hormone therapy. I was put off my so many negative posts…some people have a difficult time with them but you need to consider there are many that do not. We humans (myself included) are more likely to write about something if it’s causing us a problem, not so much when it is going well….if you catch my drift.

Since it was a key part of my treatment, I’ve decided to give it a go. I was on Tamoxifen for 3 months, with some minor side effect over a few weeks, nothing that would put me off. For other reasons, I have been moved to Exemestane, and not had any side effects (yet), which does make me wonder if the tablets are working! It’s early days and maybe in six months I might have a different take on them, but I need to atleast try first.

Best wishes, and hope you come to the best decision for you x

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