I am 28 and I was diagnosed with DCIS about a month ago. I’m now at the point where I need to decide whether to opt for a lumpectomy w/ radiotherapy, or a masectomy with reconstruction straight after. (Either an expander or an LD flap, although I apparently dont have much muscle/fat to take from)
The thing is I really am struggling with these desicions.
I’ve booked a second opinion at the Royal Marsden, and have been sent a date for the 21 Nov. (This makes me slightly anxious, as I wanted to get on with the process as soon as possible, but I also feel like I need a bit of time to make an informed desicion.)
I really want to save my breast if possible. The idea of a masectomy is so overwhelming… My boobs are my favourite bit of my body!
I wondered if there were any young women who had been through this process that could share their experiences?
Thanks so much. I am incredibly glad this forum is here
hi snapper,
i wasnt as young as you when i had to make the same decision as you, I was 40 but like you my breasts were the part of my body that i liked the most. Before cancer I used to model and unfortunately cancer has not only taken my breast but also my self confidence. I think you need to find out what the second opinion comes up with. I had 2 appointments and eventually went for the mastectomy with immediate ld flap recon. Im pleased with the recon although ive had problems with the implant (a whole other story!) but ive met other ladies who are really pleased with their recon’s. This is a decision that only you can make when you have all the available info, but i wish you lots of luck.
Welcome to the forums. As well as the support you are receiving here you might find it helpful to talk things through with one of the BCC trained members of staff on the helpline. Here you are able to share your concerns with someone who will offer you a listening ear as well as additional support and information. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open 9 to 5pm Monday to Friday and 5 to 2pm Saturday.
I had DCIS. The lump was only 2 cm and was near the chest wall and in the lower part of my breast. On their advice I had a lumpectomy that completely removed the lump. The scar was longish but under and to the outside of my left breast. Now, 8 months later, it is practically invisible.
Then I had radiotherapy, every weekday for 3 weeks. I did feel a little tired into the second week but the treatment is totally painless and each session lasts less than a minute. I was treated with the utmost kindness and respect.
Another patient I knew had a mastectomy and was delighted with her reconstruction.
I know the initial shock is very frightening and the waiting is hell but DCIS is the earliest and least worrying of the possible types of cancer we can be diagnosed with so I think you can feel confident that you will have a very good outcome.
Best wishes.
I am 36 and was diagnosed with DCIS in May. The decision my doctors made was for a skin sparing mastectomy with an expander implant which is being left in permanently. The reason for the mastectomy was because my DCIS was 9cm and quite widespread - although all low / medium grade. I was never given the option of radiotherapy so things were kind of taken out of my hands. I am about half way through with things now (expander is fully expanded and now waiting for the next stage i.e. nipple recon and also a lift on the other side).
I am really pleased with the result of my reconstruction and my implant settled in more or less straight away. It does feel slightly alien at times but I am getting used to it and for the majority of the time I don’t even notice that it is there.
As I say my decision was kind of made for me but I am very pleased with the result and am living my life as normally as I was before the operation.
If there is anything else you want to know please ask and I will do my best to help you.
I was 36 when i was diagnosed last year. I was given the same options as you, with a staged approach. I had a lumpectomy and was then offered the choice of rads, or a mastectomy w/ recon. Its such a personal choice, but i oped for the mastectomy. I didnt want to live with the ‘what ifs’. Ive had a tissue expander in for just over a year, and am scheduled for the swap in two weeks.
It hasnt all been straightforward, but im really happy i made the decision i did. And i kind of like my foob. I prefer to think it has replaced the bad stuff rather than think about what im missing.
I wish you lots of love and luck in your decision - you’ll make the right choice for you xxx
Hi Snapper
I’m 33 and had two tumours and high grade DCIS. I opted for a WLE as I wanted to save my breast. Unfortunately that didn’t get clear margins so have now had a MX. The decision was really made for me but I am relieved to know that they have got it all and I can have a reconstruction later on (I did not have an immediate reconstruction as they thought I could need rads…now they don’t think so)
When you have all the information I hope you will be able to come to the decision which is right for you. All the best of luck
Hi Snapper
I’m older than you, but like you very fond of my breasts. Because my tumour was 3cm and in the upper quadrant of my breast I was offered a third option, which was a mammoplasty type operation - basically a “boob job”. The tumour was removed then the remaining tissue was moved around inside to create a new, smaller and perter breast. I later had the healthy breast done to match the cancer one. Has anyone mentioned if this might be a possibility for you? Presumably since they’ve offered you a lumpectomy the size of the DCIS isn’t huge, but if you’ve got small breasts the options may be reduced.
Hey everyone - Thanks so so much for all your comments and advice. I really, really appreciate it!
I have gone for the option of the WLE and rads. It was really hard to get there, but I couldnt even really think about the possiblity of masectomy and reconstruction without bursting into tears, so I think I’ve made the right choice!
The lump is in the upper inner quarter of the boob, so it isnt going to be easy apparently… Crossing all fingers for clear margins.