DCIS - Further surgery required

Hi @Summer-sunshine that was a long day… I bet you was physically and mentally exhausted by the time you got home.

I agree, we do need to remind ourselves that this is non invasive and all of this is preventative surgery. My friend visited today who had invasive cancer 20 yesrs ago. She ended up with a mastectomy after a WLE, she said the mastectomy was a breeze to get over, it is just the emotional healing after. She is 56 now and absolutely amazing. She never had a reconstruction as her daughter was very young at the time and she didnt want to be out of action so to speak.

Take good care of yourself and keep in touch xx

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Hi @talawah I can totally understand what you are saying, all of this is so traumatic. How did your Talk Therapy go?

Sending hugs xx

Hi @tracy1 Hi Tracy1 i have been busy running our Family Foodbank that ive not had the opportunity to catch up with messages. The talk therapy is going really well and that all the emotions that I have been feeling is complete normal. I see every day as special. I thank God every day for my husband and two daughters who have supported me through this traumatic event and still supporting me. I am learning to listen to my body and know to take time out when needed. Thank you for asking. Have a blessed week ahead :blush::+1:

I can relate to you, one lumpectomy and they did not get a clear margin. I had a lumpectomy in right breast 14 yrs ago which was grade 3 invasive. I am in a dilema about having another try on the left breast to get a margin as I am worried about radiation over the heart. I had radiotherapy last time.
Thinking of having a mastectomy but I am unsure. Such a dilema when the choice is given to you. Of course if they do not manage to get a clear margin if I choose to let them try, I will have to have a mastectomy anyway. I have to decide by Thursday morning!

Hi @talawah thank you for your reply. It’s lovely to read your message and hearing you are doing so well. You are definitely right about listening to your body and taking time out.

I get my MRI results tomorrow so am a little anxious tonight.

Sending hugs xx

Hi @lynnie1 sorry to read you are in this position. It is such a personal decision isn’t it and not an easy one to make.

I get my MRI results tomorrow so am a little anxious at the moment. Could you ask if an MRI might help you to decide?

Sending hugs to you xx

Hi @holly.52 hope you are ok. Been thinking of you… did you get your results last week? I get my MRI results tomorrow. Sending hugs xx

Hi tracy1, I do not think an MRI is the normal option in the U.K. Are you here?

Hi @lynnie1 I’m not sure, but my consultant said he would request one for me. My original diagnosis was 5mm DCIS, but after my WLE they removed 30mm, without any clear margins. I will know tomorrow what the MRI has shown. Yes, I’m in the UK xx

Hi Tracy, I had two areas which were not clear, so a little different, and my area was smaller, that is probably why he has not suggested an MRI. I am leaning more towards the mastectomy as having had previous breast cancer in the other breast, I would like some peace of mind with this one! I know there are no assurances. If a mastectomy is suggested, would you consider reconstruction? I have been so lucky getting appointments in my area.

Tracy1, I am so sorry I forgot to wish you well for your NRI results :pray::pray:x

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Hi @lynnie1 I totally understand what you are saying about peace of mind. I’ve been thinking a lot about this and I think I would consider implant reconstruction, but obviously would have an abundance of questions to ask before any firm decision could be made. You are lucky with your appointments, the waiting is just awful xx

@lynnie1 thank you sooo much xx

Hi tracy1 I have just noticed this last email. I only joined today, and I am finding my way around this forum!
I don’t know much about implants , I am not sure if a general breast surgeon could do them or it needs a cosmetic surgeon as well. I spoke to someone today who had an implant and then had to have radiotherapy. It makes the implant go hard so she said. I think if I go for mammo I will go for flat.
Once again :crossed_fingers: for tomorrow x

@tracy1 Hi :wave: Tracy i know its not easy to not worry but your in good hands. I wish you a positive outcome to your MRI. Sending a prayer your way :pray:

Hi @tracy1

It is a difficult place to be, having to make this decision. We messaged earlier in this chain as I am on the same journey as you, so I thought I would let you know where I am currently. I have decided to opt for the single mastectomy with a DIEP reconstruction if my blood vessels are ok, if they aren’t then I will consider an implant as I am not comfortable with going flat on one side.

I can’t say any of this has been easy and I like you no doubt, have good and bad days, I also, know at any time I can change my mind and switch my treatment, not that I will but it is somehow a comfort.

Hope all goes well with your results tomorrow, do let us know how it goes and if you need to talk, this is a great channel for this.

Sending virtual hugs xx


@lynnie1 @talawah @Summer-sunshine thank you for your lovely messages yesterday. Just wanted to update you on my MRI results today… there is still an area of DCIS showing in the superior margin, so they are going to carry out a 2nd WLE on 27th March, followed by radiotherapy. There is still a chance this will not result in clear margins, but the seem optimistic.

@Summer-sunshine I am so glad you have made your decision, none of this is easy is it. Reading the comments on here, I am sure you have made the right decision for you.

Thank you all again. I am sending you all hugs xx

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Hi Tracy1,
It sounds as though the MRI was a good idea. So pleased they were able to give you some reassurance about hopefully getting a clear margin if you have a second operation.:pray: When will that go ahead, do you have a date yet?

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@tracy1 Hi :wave: I had two surgeries and they couldn’t get a clear margin so I opted for a masectomy rather than radiotherapy and hope for the best. I wish you the very best and my prayer for a positive outcome. :pray:


Hi @lynnie1 thank you for your message. Yes, it was a good idea for me. My operation is 27th March xx