DCIS - Further surgery required

Hi @talawah thank you for your message. I totalling understand your decision and I hope you are healing well and wish you all the very best xx

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@tracy1 I am praying all goes well on 27th March :pray:

@talawah thank you so much. Unfortunately, my operation may have to be put back as i have had covid and the letter says i cannot be operated on until 7 weeks after covid :disappointed: I am waiting to hear back from my surgeon xx

@tracy1 Thatā€™s a bump in the road. Take care of yourself hun and keep me updated. I get busy with our family foodbank especially coming up to another half term but will respond :blush::grinning:

@talawah bless you, I will. Good luck with your foodbank, such a worthy cause and wonderful thing to do xx

I too have decided to go for the 2nd WLE on 20th March, as it seemed the surgeon thought a mastectomy could be over treatment and speaking to Breast Cancer Now nurses. Hopefully they will get clear margins but if not I will go for mastectomy. I am concerned about radiotherapy on the left side over the heart following WLE. I understand there is a new breath holding technique, has anyone any experience of this?

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Hi @lynnie1 you have the same thoughts as myself. Hopefully, we will both get clear margins this time. My op is scheduled for 27th March, but as I recently had Covid, and was quite poorly with it, my surgeon wants to see me on the 22nd to check I am fit enough for the op. My letter said I need to wait 7 weeks after Covid. Good luck on Wednesday. I will be thinking of you. Is your op scheduled for the morning? Mine is scheduled for the afternoon of the 27th xx

Hi Tracy 1,

Good to hear from you.
Praying and hoping as you no doubt are, that this time will be a good result. My breast is still very tender from the last op, which will be 5 weeks when I have the 2nd.
I am just shutting myself away to try to avoid :microbe:
Such bad luck you caught covid, I do hope you are still able to have your op on the 27thšŸ™
Is yours on the left side? I am not sure if I mentioned before that I was concerned about having radiotherapy on ge left, because of the heart. I understand that you now have to hold your breath to try to avoid the heart. I am not great at that as I have asthma. Nothing seems simple does it. Hoping you are fit again soon. x

Hi @lynnie1

Yes, like you I am praying for clear margins this time. My first op was 12th January, so almost 11 weeks to 2nd WLE, so I am hoping and praying it goes head.

I am working from home now to avoid any further bugs as I have had two lots of antibiotics since the covid.

Mine is my right side. Currently 30mm DCIS high grade plus 2 x 10mm shaves, without clear margins. I have been reading about holding your bresth if it is the left side. Have they said you will need radiotherapy? They have told me I will, but havenā€™t said how much xx

Hi Tracy,
You poor thing two lots of antibiotics, your immune system must be shot! Make sure you stay well away from everyone!

Do you take Vit D? I have done a lot of research on this and if you are interested, watch Dr John Campbell on YouTube discussing the benefits of Vit D. The amount we need to maintain a good immune system is way beyond that suggested by the NHS. If possible itā€™s a good idea to try to get your levels checked by a GP. They are reluctant though to spend the money!

Yes I do have to have radiotherapy, for two reasons, it is high grade and I have had a previous cancer in the other breast.

I had two clear margins, but I have no idea how they are going to be able to see where they have already removed tissue. The marker and seed were in a large blood clot I had as I haemorrhaged during the biopsies. So they are gone. Fingers crossed the surgeon knows what he is doing. I have not had much luck with it all since the biopsies caused a problem.

I have read that some people have a third WLE but I would go for a mastectomy.

Get plenty of rest and spoil yourself. Lynne x

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Hi @lynnie1

Thank you for your lovely reply.

Yes, Iā€™m avoiding most people right now!!

I actually take vitamin D. I had melanoma 5 years ago (just discharged) and the consultant put me straight on vitamin D. My levels were really low, but he also said prognosis is better with good vitamin D levels.

I asked my breast care nurse that question! She said not to worry as they will be able to see straight away. I also have a haematoloma that will be removed during surgery.

You too Lynnie, I donā€™t find resting easy, but Iā€™m trying hard!

Look after yourself xx

Hello again,

So sorry that like me this is not your first rodeo! Some of us seem to be more susceptible to cancers!

I had a BCC on my nose which took three goes at to remove several yrs ago, but nothing like you. . Always thinking I should have myself checked for moles etc. There always seems to be somethingšŸ˜Š

Interesting that your VitD levels were low. As a matter of interest how much did they advise you to take? Was it also prescribed alongside K2 for absorption? Sorry if I am asking too many questions, it is a subject I am very interested in.

I understand you finding it difficult to relax, I do too. Sleeping is a big problem for me ever since I had chemo previously. Of course you will understand that the night time thoughts are the worst.

We seem to have minds which work along the same lines, and how strange that you too had a blood clot. Lx

Hi @lynnie1

Yes, we do seem to be very similar!

Not at all, please ask away. My Vit D level was 17 when first diagnosed with Melanoma. I canā€™t remember the high dose I had to begin with to raise the level, but I now take 400 a day, which I have been told is for life. I havent been prescribed K2.

Do you mind me asking your age? I am 61 and from Warwickshire. I have had various breast lumps over the years, my first fibroadenoma removed at 25, before they did biopsies. Since then Iā€™ve had a number of biopsies, but this is my first breast cancer and have found it quite terrifying. Iā€™m also worried I will end up with another haematoma after this operation.

My mind never stops! Especially at night time!

Tracy xx

Good morning Tracy,

I would encourage you to look at the videos I suggested as if your Vit D levels were that low on only 400 a day I think they will still be very low. I take 4000 plus 100 Vit K2. All in the same tablet as I hate taking tablets. It is a hormone rather than a vitamin and has so many health benefits. When I was tested after taking it for several months my level was 120. My GP said whatever I was doing to keep it up!:blush:. Sorry if this sounds like a sales pitch, it really isnā€™t, I had just never realised the importance of a good level until delving into it.

On to the history of my boob lumps over the years. I started getting cysts in my late 20ā€™s, several aspirations and biopsies over the years. Nothing sinister until the age of 61. I was initially told it was a lipoma, but after 6 months I was not convinced and returned to be told, yes it is BC.

I had taken HRT due to an early menopause, and had two very stressful periods in my life which were quite prolonged. I do think stress has a part to play as it diminishes the immune systems ability to deal with rogue cells. The cancer was a stage 3 er+Her2+

I had a lumpectomy, chemo ( did not loose my hair, wore a cold cap) and radio, plus 18 infusions of herceptin every three weeks. Recovered very well, although my boob suffered aesthetically after radiation. Took anastrazole for ten yrs.

You are a baby compared to meā€¦ as I am a 5ft 2, 8st 7 lb highlighted 75yr old. I know I am very lucky in being otherwise very fit and agile and do not feel my age at all. Although it could explain why I do find this site slightly confusing technically!:joy:.

Enjoy the weekend ā€¦. xx

Good morning Lynnie

Oh wow, i will definitely be looking at those videos! Sounds very interesting. I agree about stress, my Mum had passed away a few months before the Melanoma diagnosis, she was my world and I really struggled after losing her.

Sounds like you did marvellously with your treatment, you must be a very strong lady. Age is but a number and you sound anazing! My goal is to get some weight off me after all this, i have actually gained a stone since my diagnosis on 22nd December.

Keep doing what you are doingā€¦ you are my inspiration!

Have a lovely weekend Lynnie and take good care xx

Hi @lynnie1

Just wondering how you are after your operation? Hope it all went well and you are feeling in less discomfort now.

I saw my surgeon yesterday and he has put mine back to 3rd April as Iā€™m stll not fully over Covid.

Sending hugs xx

Thanks for asking Tracy1. I got my results but it was not good news. The area is now 59mm and they still havenā€™t got to healthy tissue. Still invasive mixed with the DCIS and LCIS. I was offered a further excision, with no guarantee of success, or a mastectomy. I was given time to think about it and after much research decided to go for the mastectomy without a reconstruction as this was unlikely to be successful for reasons he explained. My surgery is planned for 15th April.

I see that your op might be delayed due to covid. I hope that you donā€™t have to wait too long for a new date.

Thinking of you

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Hi @holly.52

Iā€™m so sorry that you need a further operation. I think you have made the right decision, at least you know itā€™s all gone and you can make the decision about reconstruction when you have the time to consider everything.

My op has been rearranged for 3rd April and hopefully I will be fit and well by then. The surgeon said he will hopefully get clear margins this time, but again there is no guarantees.

Sending you hugs. Look after yourself xx

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Hi Tracy,
Thanks for your message. Surgery was fine, but I developed a large hematoma that night. Went back next day as they thought they might need to remove it. Fortunately, they aspirated and gave me antibiotics. Which are pretty horrid!
Saw surgeon again for a checkup today and he thinks it is not so hard. Histology results not back yet, but he will call me this week if they come in.
So sorry to hear your op has been put back again, you poor thing. Stay safe and avoid crowds in the meantime x

Hi @lynnie1

So glad your surgery went well. Im sorry to hear about the haematoma. I had the same, they tried to aspirate mine, but they decided to leave it until my second surgery to remove it. However, as itā€™s been so long since my first op on 12th January, it has started to absorb into my body, so hardly there now. How long did you have to wait for your results the first time? I had to wait 4 weeks. Make sure you continue to rest. Sending hugs and positive vibes for your results xx

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