

I have just been diagnoised with pre cancerous dcis and because of its position the only treatment is a masectomy. Scary stuff, anyone else been in this position. I would love to hear from them.


Hi Sweetheart

I do not live near you but have just had a second diagnosis of DCIS and will be having a mastectomy soon. I’m looking into having an immediate reconstruction. It is very scary and the waiting and decision making is very hard.

Take care love

I had fairly extensive DCIS and had mastectomy with immediate LD reconstruction about 18mths - as cassie mentions the waiting and decision making is the worse -it’s some roller coaster ride! But you will get there.
I do not live near Exeter but if any other questions you want to ask feel free.
Take care

I have made the decision not to have reconstruction, feel better in myself now I have made the decision,
now I need to contact the bc nurse as I have been told that taking arnica tabs for a fortnight or so before the op helps with bruising, it has taken four weeks for the bruising to go from my biopsy, what does anyone else think on this matter


Would be interested to replies to this as I intend taking arnica the day before my wle and senitnel node biopsy. I spoke to a homoeoppthist ? spelling and that was the advice that I was given. I would love to hear of other people that have taken this and the outcome


I have just been talking to my bc nurse and she says taking arnica is fine, or I can take arnica cream into hospital with me to use after my masectomy
