Hello there I’m new here, wasn’t sure where to post so I hope this is appropriate.
I was treated with surgery for DCIS Sept 2019. Histology and surgical factors were favourable so I elected not to have radiotherapy - decision supported by oncologist & surgeon. I had chemo for a different cancer 20 years ago, otherwise healthy and active. Because of 2x cancer diagnoses have been referred to clinical genetics but not been tested yet. Have certainly not been thinking I was extremely vulnerable re Covid-19 as I had no radio or chemotherapy for recent DCIS. Then today I got the shielding letter from Department of Health - and a call from my local council as I am apparently on their vulnerable spreadsheet. I have heard that the letters are generated by algorithm and can be wrong - but since I am not on active treatment I really can’t understand why I’ve ended up on the list (and this is the first letter I have had). Phoned hospital and advised by breastcare nurse that they wouldn’t advise me to shield, but GP surgery said they didn’t think it was a mistake - but not spoken to GP yet and confused about what they are telling me.
Very confused, any advice welcome! Thank you