I was diagnosed Feb this year with high grade DCIS. Had lumpectomy in March, then mastectomy in April with immediate reconstruction that sadly failed. Implant removed in May & now I’m flat on the left. I am ever so lucky to have been treated quickly & here I am, cancer free with NO further treatment required. I just don’t know how I’m supposed to be feeling about my experience. To me, it’s feels like a dream & although I sometimes get sad & have a cry about it all, I just feel numb. Are there any other DCIS ladies out there & what’s your journey been like? Do you even feel like you’ve had breast cancer? I sometimes feel like a “fake” although I have the scar to remind me ??‍ :female_sign:

Hi Andi…keep your chin up. Certainly NO FAKE. Cancer is cancer no matter the area or treatment. Some people get off much easier than others. I too was diagnosed with high grade, non-invasive DCIS, right breast. Some people don’t have any options for treatment, just treatment. Like you, I had options. After careful reading, talking with other women, I chose to have a bi-lateral on July 8/21…now not quite 3 weeks later and I’m doing well enough. Had 4 drains, they are out now, but dealing with small seromas on each side and armpit swelling due to 3 sentinel node removal. I’m 68, so for me to have both breasts removed at the same time was preferable to me, no regrets, and I require no further treatment. I did not wish a lumpectomy with radiation, and was praying for the results I received. Also the bi-lateral gets me out of future mammo testing and worrying about my other breast. I went in positive, remain positive and will embrace my new flat chested self. I also have chosen no reconstruction…simply no more surgery. I have a hard time even thinking that I had BC as things moved so fast for me, however, at the same time, I know cancer has played into my life and I was one of the very fortunate ones…caught early, had treatment options open to me as to what I wanted. Don’t beat yourself up…you’ve been through a lot with all your surgeries to get to where you are now. We can cry, feel sad, feel happy, feel healed, feel fortunate and feel numb all at the same time. Your feelings and brain will settle and adjust to the new you.   Take good care.

Hi @Andi Toro  - welcome to the forum and I hope you find others diagnosed with DCIS. There is a specific board on the forum, which I’m hoping I can send the link to, but please let me know if it doesn’t work - forum.breastcancernow.org/t5/DCIS-LCIS/bd-p/4431

Alternatively go onto the forum home page, then click the “diagnosed with breast cancer” board, and in there you will find the DCIS/LCIS board and may find others to chat to.

As @kauaimouse  says, you are most definitely not a fake. You have been through a diagnosis and surgery and need time to recover both physically and mentally from that. Time for lots of self kindness and not beating yourself up or calling yourself a fake.

Best wishes, Evie xx

I certainly get how you are feeling. 

I was diagnosed with DCIS about a year ago. I went to my GP after feeling a lump. I had a mad month or so of scans and biopsies etc ending up having a single side mastectomy. No further treatment was needed.

I had a couple of months off work while things healed and then was more or less back to normal. I do feel a bit of a fake, and don’t think I could ever call myself a cancer survivor. I had a lump and now I don’t. Just like I had my appendix removed years ago. Most people at work just know I had an operation and didn’t have full use of my left arm for a while. 


My experience is similar to @scientistamafier .  I was diagnosed with high grade DCIS after a routine mammogram, had a mastectomy and reconstruction in May and now feel pretty much back to normal. Logically I know I’ve dodged a bullet, and am still recovering from major surgery, but that doesn’t stop me feeling a bit like a fake too (which I know is ridiculous,  but there you go). I suspect there isn’t a ‘right’ way to feel, so am sending you (all) much love and positive energy to power you forward.


I have just been diagnosed last week with high grade DCIS and I am waiting for a lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy. I’m coping ok with the diagnosis as feel that although it is bad news it could have been worse. A friend has also recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and is waiting for a mastectomy with chemotherapy already started and radiotherapy to follow. Both our cancers were picked up at  routine mammograms. 

It sounds like you have had a hard time with the various operations to remove the cancer. I hope you have a good cancer nurse who can help you with how you are feeling now