Hi, I am new to the forum and in need of a little support!
I am 41, single mum of 11 year old twins. I found a ropey like lump in my breast between Christmas and New Year. I went to GP and referred to breast clinic on 17th Jan. The consultant examined me and said he wasn’t concerned and felt like fibrocystic changes but I would have a mammogram and ultrasound just to be sure. Thank god he did!
Had biopsy taken due to calcifications and was diagnosed with intermediate DCIS on 25 Jan.
The consultant, who is also my surgeon explained it was an area of 10cm but because I am quite generous in the department His words! I would need a lumpectomy.
However he went into say that due to having dense breast he wanted an urgent MRI. Had this done on 1st Feb with a follow up tomorrow.
I was advised during my diagnosis to download an app called My Chart where you can view your appointments etc. Today I have received a notification that I have an ultrasound booked for tomorrow on my aux nodes?
Not going to lie I have freaked out thinking my initial diagnosis was incorrect and something more has been found, as DCIS is non-invasive so cannot travel to lymph nodes.
I got myself in such a state that I rang the BCN and spoke with a nurse that was present in the MDT yesterday when the ultrasound was decided. She states that it was routine after an MRI and things are no different. I was reassured.
However now my head is all over the place. I know I will find out tomorrow and feel silly posting when nobody can tell me what I am going to get told tomorrow but just wondering if anyone knows if this is routine.
sorry for the long post!