
I was dignoised with dcis september 2010 had the area removed and 15 sessions of radiotherapy told all clear, had a 2nd mammogram Oct last year all clear a couple of months ago I found a new lump in the same breast saw Doc yesterday who said lots of cists but one large lump needed a biopsy which he did yesterday just wanted to know if anyone had the same and what the chances of it being just scar tissue from op or is there a risk of getting another type of cancer?

Just bumping this for you. Good luck x

Get my biopsy result tomorrow and much more nervous this time round I am hoping its just scar tissue from my Dcis removal two years ago fingers crossed

GOOD LUCK for tomorrow xx

Thank you Sharon, as I have no idea if you can get cancer after Dcis that has been removed I am hopeing it is just scar tissue