Hi just diagnosed read lots of info going for surgery on 30 having a wile sentinel biopsy and lumpectomy found behind nipple think I may be losing this been reading forums but not really read of anyone having this done
Hi Red
I had invasive lobular but like you it was just behind the nipple. I had a central wide local excision which removed a chunk of tissue all the way down to my chest wall and it included my nipple.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Take care.
Hi, I also had DCIS which was located behind the nipple, unfortunately I lost both my nipple and areola and lost about a cup size in tissue. I know it sounds quite harsh but I still think myself as really lucky I didn’t have to have a total mx and chemotherapy. My scar is about 5 inches across the middle of my breast but it has healed well and is fading every day. I also had radiotherapy but refused tamoxifen. Try not to worry I’m sure you will be fine. Take care xx