In December I had my very first appointment for a mammogram arrive through the post and as I’m not quite 50 and didnt notice any change in my breasts I wasnt sure if I should bother going!! … Busy lifestyle and all that!! Anyway, fortunately I went - and after being called back and having a biopsy I’ve been diagnosed with intermediate DCIS. I have been in shock off and on ever since and can’t really think of anything else. I had a lumpectomy a week ago and am now waiting for the results and the next step - which cant come soon enough! Ive been warned that they may find invasive cancer. Would love to hear from someone who has gone through the same experience.
Hi, I was diagnosed with intermediate dcis October 2014 after routine mammogram in September. Shock and disbelief that there was anything and then a mastectomy for something I hadn’t heard of! I had suspected minimum 6.5 mm area and multi focal which meant lumpectomy was not feasible Path results post mastectomy showed there were areas of high grade DCIS but no invasion. It is unlikely there would be any invasion with an intermediate diagnosis but it may be found. I hope yours, like mine, was found early enough that you need minimal treatment. The waiting for results is horrible but try to hold onto the fact that in the majority of cases of DCIS there is no invasion and everything is contained within the milk ducts. Good luck for the results being non invasive x Stella x
This happened to me,twice.A total shock.However,neither side was invasive,high grade DCIS both sides,did have mastectomies as well…keep us posted …you may well need further surgery.Fingers crossed.
Hi Jane, I had similar to you just over 18 months ago.
I did a blog when I was going through my treatment (mx and DIEP) - if you would like to take a read pm me with your email address and I will send you a copy
Carol X