
Hi I’m 46 and 6 weeks ago I went to the gp with breast pain which I had been having for about a year. After my mammogram I was told had micro calcifications. From there it has been one appointment after another.
On the 19th April I had the microcalifications taken out. I was surprised but the cut not to mention the pain. I then got an infection and on my second week of antibiotics.
I met with my oncologist and will be having 15 treatments of radiotherapy, over three weeks.

I have a had such a hard few years I have a 15 soon to be 16 On Saturday year old daughter who after much fighting the system finally relising she has mental health issues, emotional conduct disorder and bipolar, we lost my mother in law on 9 months ago from agreesive womb cancer.
I feel so bad for my children and husband that we just cant get a break.
I question I must be a bad person
I have my job to care for my mother in law and my daughter ( who has come along so well and soon to sit GCSEs)

Thank you for readying this, I have cried as I have typed it. Thank you for letting me vent xxx

Hi Salina, everyone here is so supportive.


I have had my op and just started on hor one treatment and start radiotherapy in a week or so, 15 sessions like you.


So your DCIS has now been removed, thankfully, so you need to have hormone treatment?


It is a hard journey, yet one full of such hope now due to great advancements in treatments.


Sounds like you have been treated at early stage, even though stressful, that is good news. Yet surgery is not pleasant and having an infection makes it worse. I feel quite manhandled, my poor breast so sore, scarred, and emotions all over the place.


Please think of calling the helpline 0808 800 6000


Talking with a person who understands and can advise is so helpful.


You are not a bad person at all, you sound so loving and caring , unfortunately anyone can have this diagnosis.


I am disabled and help a lot of other disabled people, I know how exhausting it is being a carer and advocating for your daughter. Especially with a system under such pressure and therefore you maybe not getting all the help you should.


Have you asked Social Services for your own Carers Assessment? I am assuming you live in UK? if so please do ask for one as most importantly helps you. They could arrange some extra help whilst you unwell, having treatments and side effects. maybe respite care if suitable, so you can have a break.


Contact Carers Uk carersuk.org/ for support too


Also consider seeing your GP to share how you feel, most will try to help.


You are not alone, there is help out there and here too for you, meanwhile keep sharing, offload, let others come alongside,





Meri thank you so much for your reply and kind words

No one has discussed with me about hormone treatment but I will ask at my next appointment.

As for social services they have been involved for a while and finally left us in Feb after they felt my daughter was no long a risk to herself/ or others
They were also involved as she is homeschooled.

I have great friends and good family support.
But it is nice to chat to people who have been through it and understand

Thank you x

Hi Selina,

First of all, you’re defo not a bad person! It’s just one of those things, but after the time you’ve been through, you need it like a hole in the head.

As Meri says, as it’s been caught early, a full recovery is the usual outcome, so thank goodness it was picked up when it was.  There are loads of us here who are now out the other side & back to life as normal.

wishing you all the very best

ann x



Thank you Ann, very kind of you x
Just a question the therapy will be in my left breast has anyone had this and had to learn the breathing techniques?

hi Selina, I also had rads on the left breast but did not do the breathing technique, presumably as I had a wide local excision for a small lump, which was in the outer upper part of the breast.
If its needed, the team will sort it out with you.
ann x

Thank you again Ann x

Got an appointment with surgeon today…last week I was diagnosed with a papilloma with suspected DCIS can you please tell me what to expect …