Dear Ladies I know how you feel

Hi, just sitting here reading all the latest posts (for the 1000th consecutive evening it seems) and it occured to me I know exactly how you all feel. It doesn’t matter whether you have a 1mm lump or a 95mm lump grade 1/2 or 3 I have been there.

Just so you know I was diagnosed completly out of the blue in March this year with a 75mmm lobular grade 3, subsequent surgery showed 3/19 (I think) lymph nodes were involved. Iam 41 with 2 children 8 and 11.

when I first went to the clinic with my dimple (no lump for me) I was prepared for the result (thanks google). What I wasn’t prepared for was the gloom that a positive diagnosis gave me “would I live to see my children grow up”. (I am sure almost without exception you know this feeling)

Well I am 3 months post chemo 3 FEC 3 TAX and post 15 RADS still bald with no eyelashes or eyebrows starting to grow back.My oncologist assures me she has not yet had a patient who did not get their hair back.

But most importantly I know it will always be there (in my mind) but I BELIEVE I am cured. I am back at work and I can almost forget most days.

Sometimes its almost like it happened to someone else, I am not trying to reduce the significance (it was major!!) however I am/will be back to me (once I have hair).

In my darkest hours, of which I had a few this site helped me more than the world will ever know, but I guess if you are here then you understand. In my humble opinion the worst days are the first days) (Poet who doesn’t knowit LOL)

Can’t wait for Xmas and am skiing in Feb (bring it on)

Love and positive thoughts to you all



wish i was as postive as you. 1 year ago today for me and feeling so low and lonely.

wishing you well

K x