Debate on Secondary Breast Cancer in Parliament Today

Some exciting news I wanted to share with you all.

Annette Brooke MP has managed to secure an adjournment debate tomorrow, Tuesday 25 November 2014, for us on secondary breast cancer. This has come as an amazing surprise as adjournment debates are done on a ballot system and Annette secured this on her first attempt!

I will let you know how it goes.  We believe that the debate is scheduled for 5pm tomorrrow afternoon.

Best wishes


Here is an update as promised on what happened during the Parliament debate on secondary breast cancer.

Please read here to find out what went on at the secondary breast cancer debate in Parliament on Tuesday 25 November. The whole debate can also be viewed here.

Thank you to Andy Glyde, Public Affairs and Campaigns Manager for being such a key part in this and for ensuring that we are all kept up to date.

Best wishes


Forum Coordinator