December 2015 chemo

Dropping in from January thread to wish Tina and Vicky good luck for your first T tomorrow! Hope it all goes well and your new side effects are minimal and manageable
:slight_smile: xxx

sad new today i have cancer in my hip they belive it was ther when i was 38 now 40. so been told i wont be having t but will saty on fec then rabs. before my next mri to see what hip is doing.

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Oh Fred, that was a bit of a shock. It’s a lot to deal with but I gather they must think FEC is going to do more for it
maybe it will see it off?! 


Tell us us all you know, what is the plan or are they working on that. Are the rads just for you breast area or will they zap your hip too? Did you only get this news today? Maybe it will mean a bit of a tweak to your treatment plan and it will be longer, but just keep at it!


Sending you big love and hugs,


Amanda x

Yes we will keep them posted Tina.

Omg Fredflowerpot! Can’t believe that. Hope they can sort it.
Please keep us informed.
Extra big hugs xxxxxxx

And thanks everyone for the messages of luck for me and Tina.
Nice to hear from you Amanda xxx

Fred just thought of a question, is it spread from the breast or is it a bew different cancer?
Keeping my fingers crossed for you xxxx

Went ok thanks Gillian.
Steroids didn’t have too much effect on heart so far. Just slightly raced as it was going in but nothing too bad.
Nothing strange to report when t administered.
Feel tired but that is due to not sleeping well last night due to hot flushes mainly and a little anxious about today.
Hope it is all going ok for you Tina.
Bet it is a good thought that almost only one more to go then done. Still not feeling the almost there thing. Cold cap felt awful today as hair so thin. Don’t want to loose what I have managed to save so far but not sure I want to carry on with it. Although I say that I will probably get another strong moment and carry on. Just not feeling it right now.
Hoping no bad se’s crop up. Roll on April 1st and last one.
Hugs to all you lovely brave ladies xxxxx

when i had my frist mri scan in december they thought i had a hip bursituis . so was rescaned on jan 29 . yesterday it turns out that it wasnt that but cancer . said to be fro the breast. 

 i have been told tho hope ongl knows his stuff lol . that t wont help so stay on fec. then have rads on my breast area. 

 then a re scan in 6months .take it from they . it seems he hasnt said about rads on hip or other treament which bewirled me as i thought rad would be given and fab the hell out of it.

 i am going to start a hormoine inject begin with z cant find papper work sorry . to bring on early menapause and stop ostergeon . that s as much as i know at  present. so a bit bewilerded .thank you all

Fredflowerpot so sorry to hear that. I can help you out with the injection to bring in early menopause though. It is called Zoladex. I am on it at the moment. Injection in the stomach every 4 weeks. I am on it while on chemo to try and protect my fertility. It works by turning off the oestrogen like you said.
Have they said if they can get rid of it?
Why don’t you try CBD oil? There are loads of testimonials online to say it works and loads of studies too. If they have said they can’t get rid of it there is nothing to loose. I take it and mine was all removed. I posted some more info in a CBD oil thread in complementary therapies. I take CBD white from CBD brothers online. It does make me feel better and Onc says I can take it while on chemo as no info to say it would interact.
I hope it can be got rid of. Sending big hugs xxxxx

Hi Fred-flowerpot,


I not surprised you’re a bit bewildered, you’ve had a hell of a shock and lot to take in over the last few days. My suggestion to you is keep a pen and paper (or smartphone etc,) with you as much as possible and write down anything you want clarification or more information about. You should have a contact for your Onc or at least, his secretary and then you can call when you are ready to know more.


What sort of scan did you have on the 29th? Are they intending to do a biopsy to confirm their suspicions? Did they say if it was on bone or soft tissues? If they are saying it is from the BC and it sounds like you are ER positive, that gives them an excellent extra treatment, the Zoladex and maybe tamoxifen or similar. I do think that it’s possible to have radiotherapy for secondary cancer on bones, but perhaps that’s something you can discuss with your Onc when you next meet. Don’t be afraid to gently question your Onc, and although general googling is best avoided, use this, Cancer Research and Macmillan to get as much information as possible. Yes, you may read some stuff that scares you but now you need to be proactive about your health care, knowledge is power and all that! I’m not suggesting you argue everything with your medical team but it probably helps them if you have good basic knowledge of your condition and treatment options as they don’t have to try and explain everything.


Good luck and keep talking to us!


Amanda x

Hi Gillian,


I’m not too bad now, thanks FEC 3, day 9, felt this one more than the others for sure though! I’m very interested to hear what the difference between the FEC and the T are? I know I have to take steroids the day before and give myself 7 injections instead of 5.


Well done Vicky, you seem to be doing ok, just two more now?


Hope you are doing ok Tina
 2/3 of the way through now!


Amanda x

Hi all.
Right so far yesterday from treatment

Didn’t need to take emend before this treatment. No one told me but luckily I forgot to take it. Yold yhem when I got there. They said it could be making stomach cramps worse so try without on this one. Do far didn’t need it. No nausea!
I am having 16mg steroid infusion right before my chemo instead of tablets the day before so they put on cold cap and set it up. Cold cap felt so bad this time as my hair is so thin. Hardly acclimatised between eavh one. There was none of the pre med that makes you feel like you were sitting on pins so that was good. In fact no pre meds straight to T.
That went for about an hour, then flush while still sitting with cold cap then once that was done home.
Been feeling ok so far. No nausea, no temperature dipping really low. No nothing except feeling hot when temp 36.4 and not sleeping as well thanks yo the steroids. Felt tired yesterday when I got back as hardly slept the night before from anxiety so had a short snooze. Maybe in hind sight it was a bad idea as woke lots last night and every time struggled to get back to sleep.
Hope this helps Amanda.
Will keep you posted.
Tina how are you doing do far?
Where are all the other ladies? Hope you are all ok.
Big hugs
Vicky xxx

Hi Tina. I can’t remember who was with us either. Got to love chemo brain. Felt achy in my lower back last night. Leo gave me a massage and it seemed to ease a little. Legs, hips and arms a little achy today. Also funny taste in my mouth. Face constantly going ok then flushing especially at night. Only sleep in 3-4 hours blocks then waking up with a flush feeling hot although temp ok, needing a wee or thirsty. Had palpitations day of treatment and last night while in bed. Hate the steroids.
Feeling very tired today but trying not to sleep so hopefully sleep better tonight. Waiting for the bus to hit and hoping it doesn’t, although it probably will. Can’t wait for all this to be over with. Hoping us putting this on here at least helps others some how.
Love Vicky xxxx

hi all forgot not having t just done my frist day of tablets .oops. does anyone know what the t part of fec is ment to attact   . is it the bones as the ache more just woundering

good luck n love all

Hi Tina and Vicky,

Thanks for the reports, very interesting! I hope that you’re both still feeling reasonably well, and not too achy. 


I have been told by my Onc that I wouldn’t be getting Emend for T as sickness is not such a problem with it. It seems that it is more about joint and muscle aches that kick in after a few days.


Do they tell you to take your steroids later in the day with T, Tina? With the FEC they told me to sure to take them all by lunch time to avoid sleepless nights. (I still wake around 4 or 5am and can’t get back to sleep for about a week or so after each cycle)


They did well to get your temperature etc sorted and treat you Tina, much as we hate chemo, we don’t want any delays either, I’m still miffed I’ve lost a week!


There is that time when your stomach is sort of airy/bloated/grumbling and your not quite sure if you hungry or going to start feeling sick!


Your reports are eagerly read, thank you all. Gillian, it will be interesting to see if T 2 follows a similar pattern to you first one.


Love and hugs to everyone.


Amanda x

Hi everyone.
Tina yes I have Omeprazole too. Yes they are to help with stomach probs, particularly acid, but I have been suffering since Friday with indigestion.
Last night taste buds went. Everything tastes muted and rubbish. Even chocolate. :-/
I have a sore throat this morning too so maybe your throat Gillian was part of side effects and not infection. Who knows. If it gets any worse i’ll call in but temp is fine.
Legs, hips and back are mainly what aches on me although headache starting now as I type.
Loose bowels and every time I eat or drink anything with milk in, stomach cramps and need the loo again.

Good luck for Tuesday Gillian xx

Sorry don’t understand. Is that you have been told not to have a reflexology session for some reason or that it wouldn’t help?
I have a reflexology session voucher my best friend gave me for Christmas.
I feel like a lump in my throat too and dry.
Also need to learn to take time for me. I am sitting in the club house at tennis where my youngest plays as he really wanted me to take him. Got halfway here thought shouldn’t have driven here, my bones ache way too much. Just got to get us both back now. Luckily 45mins break. My other half is going to park the car for me when I get back as can’t parallel park right now. Twisting around to see is painful.
Next time I won’t be doing this. Ouch!

Yeah me too re hair loss thread but so far I think mine hasn’t changed. Hoping it won’t get any worse.
Leo gave me a back massage the other night and that was good although because I have already had surgery it was awkward laying on my front. Did a weird prop up on pillow thing.
I was thinking I might save my reflexology until after the last cycle but might try and book it in soon when I’m not feeling too bad then. It’s at a salon 30 minutes away from me.
I might try a hot bath with lavender bath stuff tonight too. Sounds like it might help xx

Hi - dropping in from the Jan thread :slight_smile:
I had reflexology the 3rd week of my first FEC and got my next tomorrow (3rd week of 2nd week) and I loved every minute! It seemed to help ease my seroma build up although it could have been a coincidence. Had it at The Haven which is just a couple of stops up the trainline from me. Just wish I could have my own personal reflexologist come to my house during my crappy week - how wonderful it would be to be rich!!
Often drop in on you guys to see how you’re doing, especially as a lot of you are now on T! Keen to pick up tips!
Not cold capping myself and I’m sure if we compared hairloss those of you who are, would be pleased you are!!
Take care everyone, lots of love Kim xxx

I have canoed 50 miles in two days before and climbed 3 mountains, one of which for advanced mountaineers on my very first try, but never have I felt pain in my knees and hips like this. Ouch! It was a mistake to drive my littlest 3 miles there and back to tennis thats for sure. I hurt so much. ?
Taking temp and paracetamol it is then. I have a friend going through this who has arthritis and if I feel this bad I feel so sorry for her.
Hoping it doesn’t last too long. Any ideas roughly Gillian how long to expect this pain for?