Hello ladies, I am joining you all rather unexpectedly today, I had been told scheduling would phone this week and I should start chemo sometime after 14th January. InsteadI got a call today from the hospital and they want me to start on Cristmas Eve!
In in the end I said I would start, it’s got to be done and it’s all being going on so long! The first breast clinc, biopsies etc was 4th Aug, diagnosed 11th, met surgeon 19th, lumpectomy 11th Sept, results, needed an MRI, then a mastectomy and node clearance on the 6th Nov! So it’s all be very drawn out and rather slow.
It was very difficult to know what to do on the spot like that. But being as the health authorities down here in East Kent are in special measures, overspent and 4 - 5 weeks behind with chemo (and failed to hit their cancer deadlines) I thought I’d better not miss the opportunity!
I just hope I won’t be spending Christmas Day with my head in a bucket!
Hi Amanda, Welcome to the group. Yes mine also all took long untill the op, and then another long wait for the chemo. In this thread we had our first ladies going for their second chemo today. It’s great for support and information.
I’d advise you get some anti nausea meds for Christmas day as that seems to be the most common complaint apart from generally feeling exhausted.
How are you doing Gillian? BTW when they check blood before chemo what are they actually checking??
Good luck tomorrow Lynne. Will be thinking of you.
Hi Amanda! I have the same date as you, here’s hoping we are grand for the holiday!
Good luck for tomorrow lynne, will be thinking off you x
What do you ladies bring with you in the day for entertainment? I’m having the cold cap, which I’m dreading as I suffer badly with headaches, so I’ll be in for a while. Can you concentrate enough to read or watch something?
Firstly thank you all for your support, it really does help and you don’t feel like you are alone in this horrible journey.
Had first fec 75 today. It was no where near as bad as I feared. I just feel very woozy and tired. Was given an anti nausea drug called Emend which I believe is very effective . So far so good no nausea, fingers crossed it stays this way!! I have been constantly drinking water all day so to flush the chemicals out of my body asap.
I have also gone for the cold capping. Although as you would guess it is very very cold but is bearable. The first 10 minutes are the worst but after that you get used to it. Hopefully it will work but if not I’ve got my wig as stand by!!
Tina various trusts have various injections I have one its called neulasta and its the expensive one. Some have more over a few days.
Suggest you stop using any perfume etc you adore as itll help you like it when all over and done with (have boxws all my nice stuff up) I have changed everything from shower gel, perfume, fabric conditioner and i got unscented body lotion so on bad days I can still make sure I get that on
.jen x
Good luck to everyone .
Had my sentinel node on Monday , was a little uncomfortable but really ok .
Second tax not until 04/01.
Hope nobody found 2nd chemo worse than the first?
And there was I thinking it was only me being weird when I couldn’t stand the smell of anything, couldn’t even go into the kitchen. Didn’t realise you were all feeling the same. I also have sore feet, the soles are itchy and generally ache. Also have pain in my hip and I am on day 12.
Thanks for the info on blood cells Gillian, will have to ask when I go back. My onco gives me very little info unless I ask. Get most of my info here.
I had my first FEC today, the appointment at 10.30 and I was done by12.15. It all went smoothly at the hospital, first drunk was emend, then steroids then the drip and more anti-sickness in that way. Have two more emend for tomorrow and Boxing Day and two more types of anti-sickness drugs and steroid to start tomorrow. Also five injections that I have to give myself from Monday.
I feel fine at the moment but it’s early days yet…I feel a bit like a bomb that might go off!
First one done! Had multiple antisickness drugs at the start, about 5 of them. No idea what they were as I was too nervous to concentrate. Then they tried for a vein, which was a success considering all the problems I’ve had.
Next came the cold cap which was…awful. I near wanted to rip the thing off my head at the start. But I just concentrated on my breathing and near broke my partners hand! It finally went away which was a relief. Sadly the cap didn’t go to the bottom part of my hairline so will lose there.
Feeling pretty woozy right now. 2 hours after discharge. So going to sleep!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and wishing you all good health for 2016.
Day 16 of chemo and my hair is starting to fall out. Yesterday I noticed it was sensitive when I touched it, like when it naturally goes one way and you make it go the other and you feel the root … Don’t know if I’m being clear. Anyway as I have cut it so short I have to style it with wax and ended up full of hairs on my fingers. Xx
Thank you for your greetings Marina, lots of love to you.
Having your our hair fall out for Christmas wasn’t the best present for you though! I reckon mine might be going sometime around the 10th of January, being as my 1st FEC was Christmas Eve. Then the intention is to get it cut really short, and get my wig (which I already have) fitted properly and trimmed if needed.
Hair falling out here to and painful when hair flicked in different direction.
About to have a shower but scared of coming out bald ! I know it’s silly . Xx
Tina, I’m wondering if the swelling you mention is seroma (?) build up? I’m pretty sure I have this following my drain being taken out Christmas Eve. Got really bad Christmas Day but seems to have settled a bit now. My under arm continues to be sore like you describe too! I had surgery on 7/12. Got my first appointment with oncologist this afternoon, so I’m following you guys on this thread to help me know what to expect!
Lots of love xxx
Im doing OK (had s rubbish 3 days but thats it im back to normal) I have cycle 4 starting on the 12th Jan and am on weeklies from then so I have (fingers crossed no delays) 14 weeks to go till chemo done -12 weeks of treatment in that
Call BCN re scar x probably nothing but get looked at ive got all that to come post chemo currently worrying about it even though its 4.months away
SEs arent necessarily cumulative but mine were a bit worse on cycle 3 (though its a week today and I feel OK again) my onco said after cycle 1 that the only thing that may worsen was fatigue and if I didnt look after my mouth etc that but if your brushing and rinising etc then you should be OK mouthwise and if you rest and exercise then the fatigue is doable (by exercise I mean a couple of walks round the block it really helps you feel more awake
Dont worry about being alone x Ive done 3 cycles And will be doing the remaining 4 alone hubby has managed to get home for 1 night on each one on the saturday as I have my treatment the following Tuesday so we have a nice day out fill the food cupboards with my treats and goodies then hes off again. Hubs is a flight away so by the time he gets here its time to turn around . Its crappy I know x make sure before they all go off you have lots of easy things to eat in and make sure you DO eat even when you cant be bothered because its just you and you are tired try eat healthy but if you fancy something and thats all you fancy then have it (i had pavlova for tea last night!) and I had microwave pasta and sauce the night before something I would never eat pre chemo but it meant I ate. Im doing a nice mini roast today though as I fancy one hubs has managed to get leave (he asked for it in October!) So hes home NYE for 8 days yay
Im a bit infront of you but since ive had chemo first I will be around a while yet you will have the knowledge to help me when I have my surgery so I will be around and about if you are lonely or are missing hubs drop me a line x
Hi, hope everyone had a good Christmas well as good as can be expected!! I had my first fec on 17th Dec, suffered a few side effects main one was feeling like I wasn’t firing on all cylinders… Feeling as close to normal as I think I will get now until my next on 8th Jan (if bloods ok on 6th).
I was just wondering if anyone else is having neo adjuvant chemo?? It has all happened so quick and I’m trying to catch up on why I am having chemo first, seems most have surgery first?!? I understand it treats the whole body in case anything has got away!
Anyway I hope everyone is able to relax now the busy period is over x