December 2019

I got the results I did not want 3 Fridays ago. The little bastard came back from his american holiday with the news that I needed chemo. Saw the medical oncologist Wednesday morning to be told I would be having 6 rounds of FEC-T starting in the next few weeks. I got my chemo card Friday with the dates on it. I got the pre-chemo chat 10th, PICC line insertion and bloods 12th and get my first FEC on the 18th. I won’t be waking up with my dreadlocks on my pillow, or have to fish them out the bath etc as I cut them off and had CFU shaved in the back of my head. I got some soft cotton beanies from when I made lots for a dear friend who is no longer with us. The ones that don’t fit me I will leave in the chemo unit at Yeovil.

Hi Tracey, acknowledging your pain and distress and sending a big virtual hug. Hoping all goes well with your treatment plan and you get your dreadlocks back ASAP. A huge blow, I know, but you will come through, as shown by posts on here. Not the Christmas you want, lovely, but theChristmas you need. ??