Hi there everyone.
Hope you don’t mind me jumping in to the December group. I start with a chemo unit visit on January 3rd and probably start treatment the week after. 
I’m 54, I live in Scotland, I’m married and have a 21 year old daughter who lives 2 hours away.
In Oct I had a right smx with clear margins for a 43mm ER+, everything else negative, grade 3 tumour, one sentinel affected and 5 surrounding nodes clear and also removed. Abdo and chest CT clear.
It’s like a different language isn’t it?
Like everyone else, mind totally blown even just getting to this point! 
My menu for 2025 is 4 x EC every two weeks, 4 x Pacitaxel every two weeks. Reckon we’ll have to stretch that to three weekly but will see how we go!
I’m not cold capping but Suzzipads at the ready to freeze my hands and feet. Oh joy. 
I’m writing away here and I can’t actually believe it’s me I’m speaking about, does anyone else feel like they are in a parallel universe??! 
Next course, radiotherapy to auxilla for 15 days, Abemaciclib undecided and Endocrine therapy to finish (me off)
Oh yes and bone infusions 6 monthly and a bonus mastectomy at the end. 
Just hugely grateful that we have the NHS to help us nail it! 
Also so chuffed to find some equally daunted new friends to get through this with. I really appreciate our new connection. Looking forward to getting to know you all on here. I wish I could give you all a big hug. 
I’m very open and wear my heart on my sleeve, happy to discuss anything within our little support network. 
@welsh-warrior I asked if I could delay my treatment so I could spend December with family & friends. My mum died of leukaemia and I’d had a gutful of hospitals and treatment so they agreed.
I also had clear margins and a mastectomy so they were happy there was no extra risk.
I’m sure if it’s safe to do so, more time may also prepare you to be in a better place before you start. 
I am eating, drinking and socialising as if I’m starting some sort of chemotherapy treatment in January! 
I’d highly recommend it!

I jest, as we often do in situations like this. Like everyone else I’m actually petrified.