December 2024 chemo starters

I think I had the midnight munchies and was attacking the biscuit box!
Enjoy the rest of your morning! :smiling_face:


Aha! Thanks @bluehourd, I wondered why I started to get more tired yesterday, didnt realise the Dexamethasone had been keeping me going - had just been told it was for anti-sickness.
I hope @mumto2 has had as good a day as possible and you get home safe and sound from your 1st chemo, been thinking of you all day. I’m getting ready for round 2 now - blood tests tomorrow and then chemo on Thurs. Meal prep all organised until the weekend so hopefully hubby can do it if I feel more “meh” this week.

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Good plan to start the chemo when it suits you! I did that (and ended up a Dec starter not Nov). It was just lovely to have a few weeks of being me again after surgery and before chemo.

I am really suffering with the muscle pain— any advice most welcome! I’ve going for the acetaminophen, walking and light stretching, hot showers, staying hydrated. But if the pain killers wear off I’m not happy! Hopefully that stops soon. Haven’t had too many other side effects apart from exhaustion yesterday. Oh, and a funny wee rash which is gone now.

Generally feeling on the up now which is great, I go back in for dose 2 on the 27th, which means by new years I’ll be halfway done. :+1:t3:

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Hello All

Well that’s the first one down , done and dusted. All went well, no reactions , no problems which is good. Cold capping first 10 minutes was interesting but found the cold boots worse :cold_face: mitts were not too bad. Got talking to a lovely lady opposite who was also in her first treatment so we had a good old natter and laugh which was nice . Bit tired tonight so will be off to bed shortly , they say side effects will start in a couple of days so have that to look forward to :flushed:.

Catch up again soon xx


Hi All
Im getting ready to start chemo on the 18th, 12 weekly of TC and then 4 EC, a bit of a slog, then a lumpectomy and radiation therapy.
Having a portcath fitted this Thursday, a bit nervous about it.
Agree about living in a parallel universe, once over the initial shock you have to get on with day to day stuff while dealing with understanding this new world you’re in.
Nice to be in touch with you lovely ladies going through the treatment.

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I have started getting a few things. I want to try the Suzzipads to try to reduce the risk of peripheral neuropathy and my hospital don’t provide them so I’ve ordered some. Unfortunately, you can only get the large size at the moment so I’ve gone with them. Now I’ve started googling heated gilets as I feel I might turn into an icicle with freezing head, hands and feet and further bits of me might start dropping off! I’m already one boob down so I worry there might not be much left soon!
I’ve got some lanolips as it was on offer in Waitrose this week and Liz O’ Riordan said she found it great. I’m not sure if it’s any better than other lipsalves but I thought I’d give it a go. I’m all stocked up on moisturiser as my breast care nurse advised that this is important. She also mentioned to have vaseline to line your nose as it can get sore so I’ll make sure I have that. She also mentioned wearing sunscreen but I did give her a slightly sideways look at the Welsh grey miserable weather and the current 4pm sunset. I’m not sure there is currently any UV anywhere in the UK but I humoured her with a little nod.
I’ve got my wig appointment this week and also micropowdering my brows (which I’d never even heard of before yesterday!)
I might get some laxatives in just in case because she also suggested that the anti-sickness Odansetron often causes constipation. I feel if they are on the shelf then they won’t be required!
I bought some frozen pineapple as some people mentioned that being useful (I think it was to get a chalky taste out of your mouth but I really can’t remember - I expect my son will discover it at sometime when looking for ice-cream and eat it!!!).
I think I’m going through the equivalent of nesting but for chemotherapy. I hope to get my house clean and a few batch cooked meals/soups etc in before too.
Other than that I feel I can treat myself to comfy joggers and lovely soft scarves for 6 months of partial hibernation.
Has anyone got any other suggestions?

@mumto2 First one down!! :muscle:t3:
That’s great you didn’t have any immediate adverse reactions and sounds like they took good care of you. Did they send you home with various meds to help ward off nausea and such?
Let us know how you get on in the next few days. Hoping you can get some good rest in, too.

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I’m glad you had some solidarity on the ward and had a natter and a laugh.
I’m hoping you got some sleep last night and don’t feel too rough today.

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Hi @hucky345

Sorry that you have to be in this club but a big welcome to a lovely group off supportive women.

I had a portacath fitted last week and whilst it’s another procedure it made the chemo so much easier yesterday - the lady opposite me was waiting for hers and they had to faff around with a cannula . The fitting was ok and I had sedation which I d we would recommend as I don’t remember much of it but there is a bit more faff at the beginning. I had to have bloods taken so they just fitted the cannula for bloods and sedation so it’s no worse than that.

Wish you all the best for the 18th and ask any questions you might be thinking about x

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Hi @pugmom29

Was tired today so will see how I am tomorrow but thinking that maybe just with the Adrenalin/anxiety of yesterday . Came home with a few different bits , anti sickness 2 x some immediate ones and another set if I still need some ongoing) white blood cell increase injection ( Filgstram or something like that ) and my steroids for next round. They also suggested I ask my gp to prescribe loperamide melts ( Imodium instants) and difflam oral rinse which they did today , may be slightly different for you in the US. I definitely needed my electric blanket for the cold capping , mitts and boots - take fingerless gloves and toeless socks/legwarmers if they are providing the boots and mitts.

Will update how I am feeling in the next couple of days x

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Thanks @welsh-warrior I did get a good sleep last night , just tired today ! Otherwise ok.

I posted before thus about fingers gloves and socks but not sure what you get with the Suzzi pads ?

I also got my gp to prescribe difflam oral rinse and loperamide melts - as we can get a medical exemption certificate for prescriptions now because of cancer this was helpful for me. ( one positive)

I took an electric blanket it was a godsend with all the cold stuff - now I am lucky enough to have private medical insurance but I am sure they will have a plug point you can use - it was nice just to snuggle under it.

I took something to watch and didn’t end up reading my book as was impossible with the gloves :gloves:.

Oh and hat and gloves for the journey home

That’s all I can think of for now x

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Thanks for the advice - I’ll ask my GP as I see her just prior to starting treatment.

The Suzzipads arrived today. To be honest, you could replicate what they are (gloves and socks with built in sleeves for cool packs) by just buying some flexible cool packs that you shove in the freezer and wearing two pairs or socks/mittens or even socks on your hands too and shoving the frozen cool packs in between the layers. The NHS doesn’t provide them locally so I thought it was worth buying. I did notice the cool packs only last 20 minutes so you will need some extras if you go down that route and have to DIY.

Did you find all the cooling fairly bearable? I told my nurse that if I could manage childbirth then I hoped to be ok with a cold head but too be honest I’m not a cold fan!!!

I hope you sleep well tonight. Xx

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Morning everyone, newbie here lying in bed and dreading the day ahead. My first of 4 EC sessions today, followed by 12 paclitaxel and immunotherapy. Will be cold capping so I have my bag packed with blankets, scarves and gloves. I was slightly confused when I saw mentioned Suzzipads cooling for hands and feet, does this mean you should have cold hands and feet too, is this to protect your nails? Also, how do you make sure you’re fully confident the cold cap fits properly? That seems to be a key part of giving yourself the best chance of it working.
And finally, the nurse mentioned an injection I have to administer myself, what is that for? I’m sure she’ll explain again today.
Sorry for the slightly random collection of questions, there’s so much buzzing around in my head and I keep thinking I’ve forgotten or missed something. I feel like I’ve entered a parallel universe since finding my lump 16th Nov!
Thank you lovely people, xxx

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Welcome and I hope it all goes well today.
To try and answer your questions, some of the drugs can damage nerve endings in your hands and feet and cause loss of sensation or abnormal sensations. This can improve with time or be permanent. It is more with the second set of drugs you are having rather than the EC. There are limited studies to say that cooling or compression (wearing a couple of tight fitting surgical gloves for example) can reduce the blood flow to your fingers/feet and reduce the possibility of this side effect. It would also help your nails but that is unlikely to be a concern long term. So some of us are happy to try cooling feet/hands as well as head (just to look even more fashionable!). My breast care nurse did say that in the past ladies have tried dipping their fingers in icy water and so you could always take a small bowl and some ice if you wanted to try or ask for a couple of pairs of tight fitting gloves. However, you may not need to worry as much for the EC doses so you could just chat about it today with your team.

I hope it all goes well today - will be thinking of you



Thanks mumto2, good to know that portacath fitting was ok.

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Hi again!

Yo answer your question about the cold cap - have a look at the Paxman (they make the cold caps I think) cold cap site as they do good tutorial videos but essentially there are 3 sizes and try them all to find the one that fits the best and be fussy about it touching all bits of your head (especially the crown) is what I took from it. They also advise about what shampoos and conditioners to use.

I haven’t been through it yet to give you any first hand advice but I found that very useful.



Hows everyone doing with their treatments? I’m +7 days now after my first dose of TC. back to work (from home) and feeling much better. The worst side effect has been muscle pain (from the Filagrastim shots), I’m really suffering-- all advice welcome to manage that one!

Also in case it helps anyone else-- I did microblading on my eyebrows before I started treatement and I’m loving them. Here’s a before/after photo of them just after they were done. phiacademy / parisa Kooknar on Instagram: "The Phibrows method will give you natural-looking brows thank to your realistic hair strokes♥️ #microblading #beauty#phiacademy#Artist#prettywoman#phiapppro#brown#happy#natural#branco#phibrows#shading#powderbrows#phicontour#master#colour#lightbrown#darkbrown#mediumbrown#love#nice#Royalartist#hair#eyebrows#try#popular#public#Philips#beauty#treatment . . . . . . . . @pk_phi_aesthetic @pk_asthetic @branko_babic_phiacademy"

I’ve got my dirty hair now, my soft trousers, my chemo belly, and no makeup but dammit those are some good eyebrows. LOL.


Hi All

@welsh-warrior first 15 mins of cold capping was a bit tough ( take paracetamol beforehand they told me when I got there so that’s worth knowing) the it settled down and I was ok.

@suddy2026 welcome to the clan ! Hoping the treatment went as well as it could today and your settled back at home and get a good sleep.

@bluehourd glad your feeling a bit better I hear you on the injections as I am aching all over today, I’ve had plenty of fluids and regular paracetamol along with electric blanket which has helped but it’s something I would like to find out more that could help with that too.

Otherwise peeps I’m doing ok, no stomach issues a bit of nausea but drugs working for that hopefully nothing more in the next few days.

Take it easy guys xx


Morning everyone. Thank you for all your helpful posts, I’m still waiting to start so they are really helpful.
If any one can’t find size S/M suzzipads on Amazon, they are on eBay.
Keep going! :sunflower:

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Hi indigo2
Im waiting to start as well and yes agree everyones posts are helpful. 1st session next Wed. I had my portacath fitted yesterday its all starting to feel a bit real now. Just ordered my Suzzipads as well.