Deciding to on whether to have treatment or not?

Hi, Im new to this forum. A year ago I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, I had full debunking surgery, followed with 6 months of Chemo. In Oct last year year I found out that I carry the Brca 1 gene, the consultant suggested I consider having my breasts removed to prevent breast cancer. But, at my 3 month scan for the ovarian, they found tumours in my breasts and bones. I have now been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer. My oncologist has suggested hormone therapy to slow down the growth, but after reading the side effects, and after what I have already been through with the ovarian, I’m having doubts about having any more treatment. My question is, has anyone else decided not to have any further treatment and if so, do they still get advice on managing symptoms?



Hi Maxi,

I’m so sorry to hear about your secondary diagnosis and I understand how difficult it must be to make this decision about treatment.

I see my colleague approved your request to join the secondary private group over the weekend, I would suggest posting the same message there as you are more likely to have it seen by people in a similar situation.

I hope the community can help, feel free to also chat to our nursing team if you need on 0808 800 6000.

Take care,

Becca at Breast Cancer Care.