Decision making


I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January and had a mastectomy on 30th Jan.  Path report showed tumour is strongly hormone receptive and HER2 negative.  It was grade 2 and there was none in the lymph nodes although there is some lymphovascular invasion.  I have started Tamoxifen.  When I first saw the Onc a month after my surgery he told me about the Oncotype DX test but wasn’t sure about funding.  A week later he told me funding was available and told me to expect test results a fortnight later.  On the day I was expecting the results he phoned me to say that the test hadn’t been done because the company hadn’t been paid.  He said funding could come through any day so we had to wait and see. That was last week and I finally heard yesterday that funding is not available after all.  I still want the test done (we can just about raise the money ourselves).  I was relying on the test to help me make my decision about whether to have chemo or not.  I don’t know if I’m running out of time though.  Everyone tells me, to be effective I have to start chemo with 3 months of surgery.  I’m at 10 weeks today and the test takes 2 weeks.  Can’t get hold of my oncologist (his secretary tells me he’s not available).  I really don’t want chemo… the thought of it absolutely terrifies me.  I’m a gibbering wreck right now!

Hello CJT

Welcome to the forums, this must be very difficult time for you.  I’m sure other users will be along to support you soon. 

In the meantime, maybe you would like to talk things through with a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer practical information as well as emotional support.  The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.

With best wishes

June, moderator


i have just had my 2 nd course of chemotherapy yesterday…with 4 to go

Everyones journey is different…and the decisions you make must be right for you. All I can say is if chemotherapy improves your chances of acure…then it sounds the best option…and the one I chose

Chemotherapy scared me too (and I am a nurse) but to be honest our minds are what causes the fear…and makes it far worse than it is …

The first session…was very calm and took about 2.5 hours…1 hour was waiting for the antisickness tablets to kick in prior to having the medication…then about an hour for the drips to run through into the vein in my hand… …

I did not have the cold cap which is supposed to help retain your hair…I do not know of anyone this worked for…so didn’t bother and meant I was out of hospital sooner on the day.

The process was painless and very calm …and I left feeling well all that worry and sleepness nights for nothing…then walked to the car park and went shopping with hubbie…

The medication controls symptoms well and you start to feel your old self within a few days… the main side effect is being tired…but still managed to cope at home and was driving within a few days…

Don’t let others stories scare you…look at the positve stories…and no one else is like you so how can your journey be like theirs…

I hope this helps …don’t let fear put you off having chemotherapy if its the right choice for you!..

I wish you all the best…if I can support at all please let me know xx Take care… Donna