Decisions over Recon and muscle

Hi all
Havent been on the post for around 6 months, things move on so quickly, i forgot. Anyway, have had lumpectomy 2007, chemo and rads then DCIS in July 2010 (same side), followed by strattice recon but it had to come out due to cancer cells on skin. Expander in, then LD flap and expander out to take as much skin as possible. Had chemo Jan-April (taxotere) last year, and finished herceptin last month.
Still have tightness around my back under the horizontal scar and also tight around front of my armpit. Yesterday i had been leaning on my right elbow on the settee and last night I felt a muscle prominent at the front of my armpit, does anyone have any idea what it might be? It is stiff but not painful, of course first thoughts are a lump but it feels more muscular. Also have a frozen shoulder on the opposite side so I am uncomfortable all the time.
Cant believe I saw the plastic surgeon last week and told him i didnt want any more surgery, ie implant until next year, so my next appointment isnt until next March!
Would be grateful for any feedback
Thanks ladies

Hi Annabelle
Is the lump/ muscle on your LD side? If so I’m sure it is just the LD muscle where it has been brought round to the front… I have exactly the same. I had appt with my breast surgeon last week and got him to confirm this… He got me to put my hand on my hip and press … then I felt it contract… tumours don’t do this!!!
BUT if you are worried ASK…it’s what they are there for!
Love E x