Decisions to make

Can anyone give any advice on mastectomy and decisions about reconstruction pros and cons. I met with surgeon last week and felt I was not given enough time and information about reconstruction. Can a decision be left for a later date. I know I can not have certain procedures due to radium treatment on that breast 20 years ago. May be I am being vain but I need to see scar and what it looks like first. Also realise reconstruction is quite a big operation.
Please help. Alexis

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Hello, I had a double mastectomy about eight weeks ago. I chose delayed reconstruction because there was a nine week wait for recon and I wanted the cancer out as soon as possible.
I was adamant I wanted reconstruction eventually….

However, immediately afterwards I felt really happy with my body and as time has gone on I actually love it. I was 34gg and now I love not having to worry about implants or the big operation and recovery which DIEP would be. I understand it’s not for everyone but I love my body as it is and feel there’s not much info out there about staying flat - I’ve actually had two medical professionals talk about how prosthetics would make me feel more feminine!!! I feel very feminine, thanks, and actually loved wearing little tops over the summer.

I started following delightfully_deligne on instagram who has amazing fashion tips, and is very open about not having reconstruction.


Thank you for positive feedback. it helps to know people do get through this.

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Hi @alexis1,
I had a unilateral mastectomy with immediate DIEP reconstruction in May. I feel the decision was right for me, but if you’re not sure, delayed reconstruction is certainly an option. It is a big operation and long recovery, so definitely good to assess all of your options before making a decision. If there’s any info I can help with, feel free to ask!
Sending best wishes x

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Like @lynnc123 I wasn’t intentionally going flat, long story but I decided to do so as you can have reconstruction later. We are not in the right place for those kind of decisions in my view. Absolutely no regrets for me and can’t imagine having put myself through it. Good luck with whatever you choose to do x


Hi I was originally told I could have a lumpectomy but after further biopsies and MRI Surgeon advised that a mastectomy was really the only option due to extent of DCIS and high risk. So a bit of getting my head round, first lumpectomy, which I was ok with , then mastectomy. I had 2-3 meetings with Surgeon - happens to be a woman and think that makes a difference. Felt she understood where I was at in coming to terms with the new procedure.

Unfortunately I have a different Cancer going on which means I have to be on chemo. Due to surgery - 2wks ago, I had to come off it and restart when wound heals. For this reason I couldn’t have a DIEP recon straight away as recovery longer and delays my chemo. So, I was advised to go for skin saving mastectomy with expander and have reconstruction after my other surgery is completed.
I had preferred to have an implant but in case I need radiotherapy Surgeon advised the temporary implant.
At the moment I don’t want to go flat and now having mastectomy with expander - it actually doesn’t look too bad! I was really upset about having to have surgery- I have 2 young children, and have to have other surgery so this was the last straw! Now 2 weeks later I’m glad it’s all done for now. Just recovering slowly.
I’ve now decided that I’ll keep expander until I can have reconstruction not have an implant. I will also need reconstruction on good side to reduce. There is a long NHS wait for follow up reconstruction but Surgeon says she’ll put me down as a priority. Who knows later on I may decide differently but at least the skin saving mastectomy gives me time to think about the options .
It’s really difficult to come to a decision and you have to be sure you have time to consider all the options , also speak to the surgeons again and also breast care nurses. I saw a male Surgeon who was very negative about DIEP recon and felt he was pushing towards prosthesis and going flat. I followed up with female Surgeon who was more positive. I think once you trust your Surgeons advice , I was offered a 2nd opinion but didn’t take it up as I didn’t think I’d get a different answer after I saw all the results.
Good luck - I’m sure you’ll make the right decision for you - talk over your options with professionals all the pros & cons. I’m still waiting for results of lymph nodes . Sorry for long message. I think making the decision is the hardest bit - once it’s done you can move forward. Take care .Xxx


Thank you for your kind, supportive reply.

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Thank you for your insight on the procedures. Wishing you good luck.

Thank you for your informative advice. Wishing you successful healing and health.


I also struggled with this decision. I looked at the Keeping Abreast website, which was incredibly helpful. Click on the reconstruction support video section and you can find out about every different type of reconstruction (as well as mastectomy without reconstruction) with videos where you can see women’s bodies post surgery and they talk through it all. I watched this and was actually very reassured about opting not to have reconstruction at this stage. Also the Flat Friends website is very good.

I had a lumpectomy 30 years ago - without any cosmetic / plastic surgery because then it wasn’t possible. I have now had a second cancer and mastectomy due to radio treatment first time round. I have had DIEP and am really grateful that it was offered. Instead of a mutilated breast which I had to live with as a young woman not to mention the various partial silicon prosthesis to wear in my bra. I now for the first time in 30 years feel I look “normal” to myself. It is how you think about yourself and what you want for yourself that is key. Yes DIEP is a hefty operation but once the tummy heals that’s just about it. Maybe some small adjustments but nothing major after the initial op. I look at it a long game. and my investment in what I hope is a long life to come. I am happy with my decision because it was mine alone. Good luck, take your time deciding what you want and ask as many questions as you want.

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Like the other women on this thread, I think the decision is entirely personal and one to take your time over. When I had my initial consultation with my excellent (male) consultant and he advised I needed a singe mastectomy I was all for an immediate implant reconstruction. However when we discussed the margins of my grade 2 tumour and the possibility that I might need either/both chemo or radio afterwards, which would ruin the implant I felt less sure. I discussed the pros and cons with my sister and others In the end I decided to not go for the implant option because of this risk. In the end I was lucky and didnt require chemo or radio after my surgery but I dont regret my decision at all. I am quite proud of my body as it now is and even happy to wear normal swimsuits with no insert. Anyone has an issue with that its not my problem its theirs!! My surgeon has been very supportive and said I can decide to have a DEIP at any time and he will put me in touch with the relevant plastic surgeons that he recommends. Hope this helps


Thank you Molly3. Really helpful advice.

Thank you for your honest reply.