Delay in hair growing back

Delay in hair growing back

Delay in hair growing back Hi there everyone!

I know this subject is one that has probably come up loads of times before but I would really be grateful for your experiences regarding how long it has taken for your hair to start growing back.
I had my last chemo at the end of March ( 3x FEC, 3xTaxotere) and still have v little hair ( just the old dandelion style tufty bits ). Has anyone out there had to wait a while for their hair to start sprouting?
My BCN says everyone’s does grow back but I am starting to panic a bit!

Hi yummymummy, you can tell your bcn that she is VERY wrong !!! i have been told by my onc team AND the makers of taxatere that my hair will NEVER grow back EVER ! It has happened to 3 other women worldwide. So it is now a possibility (i am 15 months after end of chemo).Sorry but it makes me so angry when anyone says all hair grows back. Maybe you could tell her, as it should be mentioned now as a possible permanant side effect.
I am sure yours will grow again though so try not to worry. I have found it very difficult to deal with and my poor hubby has my ugly bald head to look at first thing in the

I had 6 cycles of epirubicin and cyclophosphamide, ending in Jan this year. My hair has been growing slowly- it is still only an inch long and until April, there really was n’t anything there. I’m sure everyone differs however I’ve found it to be a slow process. My hair is also coming back VERY curly and wavy.


Hi Yummy Mummy I finished my chemo at the beginning of January and my hair is growing incredibly slowly, its about an inch all over, i think it just takes time to cover the whole head and then i should imagine the length will be next to start growing, i hope. Mine has come back darker and thicker, i used to have lovely long blonde hair so i dont like what im seeing but glad its coming back.
all you can do is wait and see and listen to what other members have got to say.

Good luck


I had last chemo at end of Dec 06 and hair didnt really start to grow until mid Feb, last Friday I had my first proper haircut (albeit short and spiky ) I didnt think it was growing very fast so I took photos of it with my mobile phone each week and when I was getting fed up with the lack of growth I would look back at the old photos and then I would see how much it was growing. Mine has come back curly so I bought some mini ghd straighteners and can just about manage to make it look spiky - although have got a few burns on my fingers!!!

Try not to despair it will come back eventually, I think after we’ve been bald we are allowed to get p…sed off when waiting for the re-growth.


I have posted a message on the forum in USA to see if anyone there has suffered from it. Guess what? there are at least one or 2 other people (and thats just what i have discovered this afternoon!) that hair has never grown back.
Now for all i know these could be the other 2 that Taxatere have admitted to knowing about but maybe there are more. We shall see.


I’m sorry that you’re feeling down about your hair or lack of it…

BUT it doesn’t get any better…I’m beginning to think I was better off bald as I had a 3mth old to look after and didn’t have to bother about that at all, all last summer…

Now my son is just over a year old and my hair is SO out of control and I have such little time to sort it out!!

It’s grown back curly and really thick!! I too have had the straighteners out and nearly burnt my earlobes off!!

I’m sure things will improve for you soon ( I had last chemo end of Sept and by Christmas had already had one cut and was sporting a very trendy curly short style).

Pineapple (((HUGS))) that is just so unfair and a major side effect that BCN’s should be aware of…grrr!

Thank you so much for all your responses…I am going to try my best to be patient ! I am so sorry Pineapple about your situation, I am going to mention that there can be a problem with Taxotere to my BCN when I see her next week. My body hair shows no sign of growing back yet either, has this happened to anyone else?

its normal Hi again

my body hair took ages to come through to, although when it did start coming through i just wish that the hair on my head was coming back as the same rate as the bl**dy hairs on my legs!!!



Hair Hi

I finnished my chiemo last summer and have very thin curls with bald patches on my head - and still have no eyebrows!!
The only bodyhair that I have is in the bikini line - I thought someone was playing a sick joke on me but apparently I’m not alone others suffer the same.
But to put things into perspective although I get cheesed off with the hair situation I’m happy to be alive - having said that some days I can recognise that and other days I feel sorry for myself when I look in the mirror and see that I look ten years older.
Keep your chin up
Love and best wishes Doreen
