Hi everyone
I am wondering if anyone has experienced a delay of over 12 weeks from surgery to starting chemo?
I have had post op problems and am now 9 weeks post surgery. My SNB was positive but I have not been able to have ANC. Surgeon put me on Tamoxifen while I wait for chemo. Last week onc said that delayed chemo won’t be as effective! I still need time to heal so he is giving me another 6 weeks then he will review me!! I told him that will only put me 3 weeks over the 12 and I wanted figures to say chemo would not help. He then told me I would need FEC-T which I was expecting given lymph node involvement! I have doesn’t the last week fretting that the delay in treatment due to post op infections means my chances are reduced. Can anyone please give me dome advice as I really feel I need some
Thanks everyone I really need a boost
Hi Sal,
I’m one of the February Valentines. Most of us began our chemo in or around February. But one of our number had to have two more surgical procedures before she could begin, and didn’t actually start until the beginning of April. She also needed Herceptin. She has now completed her chemo, Herceptin and Rads. So don’t worry too much about your delay.
Hi Sal, I am on a similar position. First op was WLE and ANC in October. Then cavity shave 2 weeks ago. Now waiting to have mastectomy which is scheduled for 17th December. As a result my chemo has been delayed from November to December and now looks like January. Unless my healing is delayed or I get a seroma. I seem to have been gearing up for chemo for so long. At the earliest it will be 3 months from my first surgery to starting chemo which seems like a horribly long time. Chin up hon. Well get there in the end. X
Hi it seems we are both suffering a longer journey! I hope you are managing to stay positive- it seems to get tougher as we hit obstacles and at leSt I have not had the operations - bless you- so I can’t complain too much. Thanks for your support I need to give myself a huge injection of cheer to get me going!! Chin up as you say and forward…