I have high grade DICS and due to have a 3rd WLE on 30th April but have decided to delay this until 29th May to fit in my holidays as I am drained from mental exhaustion. Both the Consultant and Breast Care Nurse have assured me this is okay. Would other ladies in similar circumstances do the same? Was diagnosed 28th January, 2013.
Hi Diamondlady.
If I dare say, DCIS is non-invasive and you should be ok to leave it for a few months. I was diagnosed in February 2012 and didn’t have my operation until April 2012. I too went on holiday, and wanted to have the time to decide what was the best option for me. My breast care team said that this was ok to do too.
Mandy xx
Hi Diamondlady
Sorry to hear you need a 3rd WLE. I had 2 for High Grade DCIS and found the waiting the hardest bit but I think that is more about wanting to get on and out of ‘limbo land’! Sometimes it can be good to feel that you have some control and hanging on to some sort of ‘normality’ is one way of doing that.
If your care team says it’s ok then it’s up to you to decide what would be most helpful. I suspect that your physical body will heal faster if you are in a good place mentally too.
I’ve decided to go back to work part-time before rads as I’m going stir crazy at home (I live alone) and I want to feel more like the old me with a bit of a purpose and some structure to my day. Can’t wait to plan a holiday myself!
Sue xxx
Hi Mandy, Thanks for your comments, very encouraging. How did your operation go - did you get the right safe margins?
Been away for a few days and for a while I ‘forgot’ my ailment. I feel so good I cannot believe I have DCIS.
2 weeks today we will be away but already I am wishing my operation is all over. The earliest they can do the WELE is 30th April so delayed by 3 weeks only.
Take care - keep in touch.
Hi Sue, good to hear from you. I assume your 2nd WLE went okay? How long do you have to wait before your radiotherapy, sounds as if you have not had that yet (again assume your choice to delay a little while?). I was told by the Registrar you have to get the therapy soon after the op, national guidelines says at least 31 days after surgery.
My consultant has said I may not require radiotherapy but am not counting on that as I have been disappointed a few times since.
Wish it is all over and done with. Still, can be worse I suppose.
Take care - keep in touch.
Hi Diamond Lady
I was dx November 1st, but didn’t have surgery until December 12th, because we were having our bathroom changed into a wet room to accommodate my mobility problems. I thought it better to get the work finished before I started any treatment as I knew I wouldn’t be able to tolerate it afterwards. Good job I did too, as we were without a bathroom for two whole weeks!!! Luckily we have a downstairs loo we could use temporarily. Like you, my surgeon and bcn said all would be ok. My tumour was 3cm, grade 3, with one out of 3 nodes affected.
Hi Diamondlady
yes they managed to get clear margins this time - wooo hoooo!
I’ve been to see the oncologist today who was very good and went through the histology and listened to my concerns re genetics. Haven’t got any dates yet though.
Hi Susieseaside64 - Good news for you. I have had lots of hassle trying to find travel insurance with no luck so taking a chance. Anyone knows what happens when they have got the ‘all clear’ - does one declare this 'ailment’on insurance or any forms?The minute I said I am awaiting surgery it is ‘Sorry we cannot cover you’.
Also my 43 year old daughter who had a mannogram on 1st May has just received a recall letter from the hospital for next Wed - needless to say I am so worried as my DCIS is still in the throes of treatment. She only had the mammogram done as I was worried about the genetic issue. Hoping it will not come to anything as I can barely cope with my own DCIS.
Hi Poemsgalore, Apologies I omitted to mention your name in my earlier post. Are you okay now? I am fairly new to this site, only about /4 weeks. Take care
Hi Diamondlady
I’m sorry to hear about your daughter - it must be such a worrying time for you all. At least it’s getting checked now.
Regarding travel insurance. Even 10 months after my surgery, they increased my premium. I did pay the extra, but I was in two minds whether to or not. The thing that I find so frustrating, is that I don’t have a breast there now for anything to go wrong, so why should they charge extra!!?? I think if you choose not to pay the premium, then you are not covered for that particular problem, but covered for everything else.
I hope all goes well on Wednesday xxx