Hi, new member here.
Going in to have a complete axillary clearance tomorrow following a left mastectomy on 28/2 and a sentinal lymph node biopsy that showed 11cms of grade 2 lobular carcinoma with extensive dermal involvement. To be honest I really don’t know what’s going on with treatment because it’s taken me two years to get to this point and nothing seems to have any sense of urgency.
I originally had pagets disease in 2006 whereby my nipped was removed and I had a short course of radiotherapy after and I was absolutely fine, could still go bra- less in summer tops and everything was good, even though it took 9 months from referral from my GP to surgery. Was done to mammograms every other year.
Fast forward 10 years and I asked my GP to refer me again as I felt that there was a change in the best. It didn’t feel the same and it felt lumpier where the scar tissue from the first op was. Went along to my local hospital who scanned the area and said it was just scar tissue and that it was fine.
I asked if they were sure because it didn’t feel the same as it had for 10 years and was changing shape. They insisted it was fine. In hindsight I wish I had pushed further but I suspect l suppose because I wanted to believe them I did. Start of October 17 had my routine mammogram at a nearby hospital because the local ones machine was broken. Heard nothing for a couple of months which was normal (they always said they’d only contact me for anything untoward). Got sent an appointment for breast clinic in December so thought nothing major or they’d have me in quicker. Got there to be told appointment was cancelled. I asked what appointment was for and was told mammogram. It turned out that my mammogram from October hadn’t been sent back to my normal hospital. By this time my breast was completely misshapen and was shrinking fast. They finally got the mammogram result sent through which showed a large mass. Called in start of January and scanned again and again told it was just scar tissue and nothing showing up. My response was to say ’ look at me, you can clearly see there’s something not right!’ the doctor then took some biopsies to reassure me. Follow up appointment 12 days later was told I had a new and different cancer to what I’d had before. Even then it took forever for other tests to happen. Then referred to a third hospital as my local hospital don’t do reconstruction and was was to have mastectomy and reconstruction. They cancelled my first two appointments with them. Finally got seen and surgery scheduled for 28/2. Surgeon took more biopsies. Two days before surgery told couldn’t do the reconstruction as it had broken through the skin. 5 weeks on going in the morning for node clearance. I’ve not been told what will follow, I just know radiotherapy isn’t a option because I’ve had it before. Last surgery I had to go in the day before as I’m insulin dependant diabetic, I queried whether I would this time as I’m still diabetic, told probably should but have heard nothing since.
Am I the only person whose whole experience seems to be a catalogue of errors and misinformation? It’s really knocked my faith in the treatment I am receiving. I seem to be continually dealing with idiots!