delayed radiotherapy

Hello everyone - wish we were meeting for other reasons!

I had WLE on 27 11 2007. My planning appointment for radiotherapy was last week (Thursday 17 01 08) and my radiotherapy is due to start on 13 Feb 07, which will be ELEVEN WEEKS AND ONE DAY after my operation on 27 Nov.

I have done a lot of research into all aspects of this ‘bombshell’. On the radiotherapy side, the delay should not be more than EIGHT weeks following surgery before starting the treatment.

I am extremely worried about the consequences. Does anyone have any information please?

Many thanks

Hi Dee,
I’m in the same boat as you. I was diagnosed on the 6th Dec and was given the choice of masectomy or WLE. When I opted for WLE the consultant said it would be followed up with radiotherapy about 6 weeks after surgery. WLE was on 16th DEC.When I got the results last week I was told it would be a further 6 weeks to see onc because of the number of cases they had and that I’d only just been been referred. The waiting is sh*t. By my reckoning I will be waiting about 10 weeks just to see an onc. I can’t understand why if they knew on 6th Dec that I would need radiothherapy I was only referred last week. Maybe I.m wrong but I,m starting to get the feeling right hand doesn’t know what left hand is doing. BCC handbook does say that there may be a delay in some areas because of shortage of equipment. Like you I,m not happy about this and am going to see GP tomorrow to find out more about my area and if there is a problem with shortage I,m going to see if there is anywhere else I could go. Where did you get the eight weeks from , any ammunition I can use would be appreciated. I know this doesn’t help solve the problem but I just wanted to let you know you’re not alone. Its bad enough coping the the bombshell but then knowing you can’t start beating it because of shortage of equipment or work load is a double whammy. Take care and let us know how you get on

Mine will be exactly 10 weeks by the time I get started next Monday. I also thought it was supposed to be 8 weeks. I’m not overly happy about it, and partner is even less so, but I guess I’m low priority since the chemo and surgery went so well.


Hi all

You are welcome to call our helpliners for advice and information regarding the potential delays you are facing in your treatment.

The helpline number is 0808 800 6000 Monday - Friday 9am-5pm and Sat 9am - 2pm.

Best wishes