Delayed test results

Hi all
I had my op on 14th May’ WLE & SLB and was told verbally and in my discharge letter that results would be 10-14 days. Appt advised 7 days before and set for Wednesday 29th May. I had a phone call in the afternoon of the Tuesday (the day before) to say I wouldn’t be getting them after all due to the bank holiday and that I would have to wait another week! All my friends and family horrified as I was as many of you will now how awful the wait is. I went along to the appt as I had a seroma that was stretching my wound, they decided to drain it despite my concerns re infection & what I had heard about the probabilty of needing that done several times, 2 days later I had a terrible rash on both arms & top of my back, GP diagnosed an infection so now on antibiotics and trying really hard not to scratch but not given anything to treat the rash, hoping it will go when the antibiotics kick in . I questioned them regarding the delay in results as bank holidays don’t take us by surprise and waiting a whole week more seemed very unfair. The lady doctor seemed out of her depth trying to console me so called in a breast nurse who couldn’t really say any more than the doc had already said. Then the bombshell, they hoped to have my results next Wednesday but couldnt say for certain, now I don’t know what to think. Has anyone else had their results delayed, now worrying they may have lost them.

Hi Katzygirl,

Sorry you haven’t had any replies as yet, but I’m sure your fellow forum users will be along soon to offer their support. In the meantime if you would like to give our helpline a ring they’ll be only too happy to talk to you. Calls are free 0808 800 6000 lines open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2.

Take care,

Jo, Facilitator

Hi Katzygirl,
The waiting is awful, but unfortunately it seems to be part of the system. Having being on the forum a few weeks I think it also depends where you live when you get your results.
I was caught up in the easter bank holidays when waiting for biopsy results (2 &1/2 weeks) and then the same for the results from my lumpectomy at the beginning of May. I have since learnt that at my hospital they results are sent away, they have to wait for them to come back and then your case is discussed at the weekly meeting. After that you then have to wait for the results clinic of your consultant (they tend to have set days for results, op etc), so taking all this in account is can sometimes drag on.
I know it seems like forever. Keep posting on here when you feel down as we all know what it is like and can support you.
Take Care

Hi Katzygirl. I know how you are feeling I had exactly the same experience . Due to clinic for results friday 11am having been told secretary would ring me on thurs if results not ready. So all psyched up to recieve results[post surgery] phone rang at 9.30am to say no results ready ,would have to further week as had to be dicussed at weekly MDT meeting even though they would probably be through by frid afternoon!!! Went to appt anyway as had concerns over wound. I don’t think the drs have any conception of how something like that affects us ,BCN was very supportive. I got through the week with help and support of wonderful friends and I know you will to.So i am sure they haven’t lost the results and it is much better for the pathologist not to rush and make an error I am thinking about you. Sorry you have had a rough time with the wound

Thanks Faye & Judith
Really appreciate your support. No call today as promised so called them to see if results back & discussed at MDT meeting told that they are still not back but they have another meeting tomorrow morning & are hoping they will be back in time for the meeting. Don’t know what I will do if that are not ready for appt tomorrow as I know it will be another week which will be unbearable.
Such a pity because I was coping so well, I think I would be ok with discomfort of swelling & itching if I knew that they had clear margins & lymph nodes now I am miserable and moaning which is not like me honest.
Will hopefully have update tomorrow fingers crossed.

Results are in so I will get full results late this afternoon but they have told me over the phone this morning that my lymph nodes are clear!!! So relieved, lets hope other results show low grade so I dont need chemo as have alread decided 98% that I wouldnt have it due to a sickness phobia.
Will post later

Hi Katzygirl,
That’s great news.
Keep us updated.
Faye x

Fingers crossed for you x

Thanks for your good wishes, very pleased with my results today, they all came out as they had predicted except for some mention of another affectd small duct next to the tumour ( I think that’s what he said) but that was also removed so cancer all gone. Total mass was 24mm so not under the 20mm that I had hoped for but I am just concentrating on the bit that I do fully understand that recommendation is radiotherapy & 5 years Tomoxifen and that to me is the best outcome.
I now feel I can say I" HAD breast cancer" rather than “I have” and the treatment is just to ensure any rouge cells are killed off and to stop it returning. I also feel my odds against me getting it again are as good anybody including the millions of healthy people out there, it may not be exactly true but that’s how I am moving forward.
Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone dealing with cancer and will definitely be visiting this website and contributing to the forums, they have been brilliant for me and will continue to be while going through the treatment.
Love & good luck
Steph x