Delayed treatment due to open wounds on surgical site

Hello there,
My name is Dawn. I was diagnosed with hormone positive invasive ductal carcinoma last December grade 2. I was operated on the 16th of December. I had no drain after op. My two surgical sites reopened due to infection I’ve had six weeks of antibiotics, had a pico dressing for two weeks and now I have a Activ.a.c dressing on. I was meant to start radation last week but can’t due to my wounds still being open. It’s really starting to stress me, what if the tumour starts to grow again.
Anyone had a similar experience??


Hello @dawn_louise_48

So sorry - that’s a miserable situation to be in and and a lot to go through and I hope it’s starting to heal. I wonder if it might help you to talk your fears through with the Nurses on the Helpline here - they would also be best placed to answer your questions . It’s closed now but open 9am - 4pm weekdays and 9am - 1pm on Saturday on 0808 800 6000 .

You don’t say exactly what operation you had but if your surgeon was sure that he got it all then radiotherapy is there as a backup and hopefully you should still be able to have it within the window when it will benefit you. Xx

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Thank you so much for your reply. It was a lumpectomy I had in December.


Hi Dawn, I know how you feel, I had my RT put back by 2 weeks because of a tiny infection at the end of my lumpectomy wound that refused to heal. Antibiotics I found were ineffective, at best just keeps it static and wastes time, while making me feel nauseous and eventuallythrew them up. Im glad you got the pico vac eventually, it worked a treat, wish they had put it on in the first place.


Lol, just googled active ac - bigger vac. Although, your wounds are more open than mine was, you are on the best treatment fir it that should heal it quicker than anything else, fingers crossed for next time they remove the dressing to assess, hopefully you will be pleased at the improvement.

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