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Hi Babychops, am so sorry to see your diagnosis, such a difficult time for you.

When I was diagnosed my BCN said that if any of my family needed to talk, she would arrange an appointment with them, just to have a chat.  Am not sure if this is available in every area (I am in Scotland too), it maybe helpful. Have a word with BCN about psychology services, if that’s not any good phone your doc, asap and ask for help.

My heart goes out to you, take care xx

What a horrible situation to be in you poor thing.  Is there someone else who can give your Mum some emotional support - husband/sister/other sibling?  You have A LOT to deal with right now and however much you love your Mum there is only so much you can deal with .  You could try MacMillian or the Samaritans (they are really good at just listening to anyone who feels desperate - you don’t have to be about to top yourself!).  Perhaps the GP could recommend some anti depressants for her or famly counciling.  I don’t know what else to suggest really - but you need support too - come on here and rant when you need to - it does help


Hello Babychops, sometimes it’s just seem all to much and let’s face it it is difficult.  Did you you know you can telephone the Maggies Centre and try to arrange telephone counseling.  Also if you contact your local Mind group there are support sessions for carers. Hey it’s not going to be easy to relax,  but just for a moment if you could ask your Mum to walk down the road and count backwards in 7’s from 100, just suggest it.  (It actually can’t be done but for a split second it will quiet the mind) Little steps.  It’s all about distraction even if just for a moment. If you can could you purchase from Amazon a CD - Progressive Muscle Relaxation after E.Jacobson Excercises for Deep Holistic Relaxation, Listen to the long 16 step version once a day, do not expect this to work for at least four to five weeks, but listen.  Try to go for a walk, it releases tension, attempt to dig the garden, even if she manages to get the fork out of the shed it’s success, attempt to tidy the kitchen cupboard, arrange all the tins so they face forward, put the condiments. salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard etc in order, clean the cupboard if possible with a strong smelling detergent I find Flash New Zealand Spring fragrance the best.  It doesn’t matter if the results are not sucessful but just attempt.  You’re probably reading this thinking what a load of bol…s but in itself that’s a good thing you have been distracted for a few moments. ;-).  But what you’re looking for is a quick fix to a problem that in itself appears insummountable. What ever happens today whether your Mum cries, screams or shouts or just sits there glum, just ask her out of the blue to walk and count backwards in 7’s from 100. It’s all about quietening the mind. Stay in momemnt. Hope to speak soon.

Love you


Just remember be kind to yourself, remember step by step and let’s try and take things easy.

Still thinking about you Babychops, have you tried The Haven Leeds contact 0113 284 7829 again councelling offered via the telephone.  I know it’s difficult but there’s something inside you that keeps trying xx