Denise and fearnes charity trek

I would keep the pace up too, following ewan! I think I am the only person watching this who wants less coverage of the celebs and more of the VIPs .

I agree! The “real people” stories are much more interesting. I’m having a major blubfest watching it now!


Thanks for watching the show, hope you liked it (sorry if we made you cry too much :wink:

Paula xxxxxxxx

The personal stories made it for me!
It was such an insight into the real lives that we all juggle behind the scenes.
Very moving. Great show. I hope all those on the show have made links to keep strong together.
You brought the reality of BC to the fore. Well done Paula et all.

Paula I remember you now! Recognised your user name! Well done on the trek, I really enjoyed watching it and even though it made me cry at times, it was good crying, if you know what I mean! But a big big well done. Xxxxxxxxx


Just watched it, a bit dehydrated now- sniff.

Well done Paula… And all the VIP’s


Paula - what an amazing achievement - it looked such hard going physically (especially that last really steep part)and emotionally for you all. What a change to see some ‘real’ people like us on the telly doing such a thing.

i enjoyed watching it too and agree that i cried good tears,

well done xxx

Really enjoyed watching. Would agree more of the VIP’s was what I was wanting. Got a great phone call from daughter after her and OH watched it last week whilst they were away! I was at a friends so left with a head ache from holding the tears back!
So where are we all headed them girls??? and who with??? Ewan Mcgregor will ask him next time I bump into him in the woods(his brother used to live up here and we really did bump into him whilst out with the dogs)!
Fantastic achievement girls!! Well done.

Don’t know about the others but I’m off to the woods near your house for a rendevous with ewan, come what may he will love me til his dying day.

Or will he love me til the end of time?oh my memory isn’t what it was!

I watched this programme and feel let down that it did not raise awareness as well as it could. The six women VIP’s I thought a derogertory term, as there were only six of them and they had names like the celebrities who featured more than the women who actually had a story to tell the whole nation about Breast Cancer. I wanted to hear more of their stories, instead the film appeared hastily put together with bad editing that flicked contstantly.
Why were the celebrities seperate from the ladies who had experienced first hand this disease?
My friend was in it we were both were in hospital together I hardly saw her on film so consequently her experience was not shared.