Good evening. I’ve just been to breast clinic and had my. Ultrasound done. I found few hard lumps on both my breasts. They are about pea size and they are not moving. Surgeon examined me and bc I’m. Still breastfeeding, sent me for ultrasound. After that he told me that although he doesn’t see anything alarming my breasts.are.very dense and ultrasound is not Clear. He asked me. How long I’m. Planning to breastfeed and asked to. Come back about 6months after I. Stop for mammogram. Although it calmed. Me. Down a bit and I’m. A. Positive person so I believe everything will be fine. I still worry a bit. I know that breastfeeding makes breast tissue more dense and that ultrasound is clearer… I was hoping he would. Tell me. Its. Fine and that’s it. Has anybody experienced this? If. Yes, did it turn out to be cancer? Thank you!
Hi Zuzana,
I’m sorry you haven’t received a response from other forum users yet - hopefully someone will share their experiences with you soon.
If you are concerned about your ultrasound and have any questions, please know that you can talk to our nurses on our free helpline on 0808 800 6000.
You can also post a question on the Ask Our Nurses section here:
And our nurses will come back to you as soon as possible.
Best wishes,
Breast Cancer Care