Hi, I posted on the forum on a previous topic concerning a feint “dimple” on my untreated breast. I went for an examination at the breast clinic and was examined by the senior consultant who decided there were no causes for concern and when I asked if I should have an ultrasound just to be on the safe side he said no. I have just found out I have dense breasts as I visited a site (Breast Density Matters) which showed examples and my mammogram images are identical to heterogenous dense breasts, yet no one has ever told me this not even the consultant! Apparently it is not routine in the UK to tell women at their screenings or appointments (but is in France, USA and Australia) so I am a bit shell shocked to be honest and naturally very scared. I took it as read from the consultant’s comments that any new cancer would be easy to detect as I had lost tissue density but obviously this is not the case. I have had some useful information from the Breast Density Matters UK site which I will take to my next appointment but wondered if anyone else has any experiences of this and can give further advice? I have had 2 clear mammograms since my diagnosis in 2014 and also an ultrasound on treated breast 2016. I am due to have my next mammo in December.
The only comment I can make is that I asked the surgeon whether I had dense breasts. I had to choose between a lumpectomy or mastectomy as the area was quite large, I was worried that if they were dense any recurrence would be hard to spot. The surgeon looked a bit surprised to be asked. Mine are apparently 2 out of 5 so not very dense, but to be honest the pictures on the mammogram still looked like the dense breast pictures that I’ve seen. So I’m not sure that it’s very easy for a layperson to tell.
I wonder if your BCN can give you any more information from your notes? I asked for copies of my pathology reports so I could look up what they found, it’s interesting to get the full detail and there’s a lot of information available to check on the terminology.
I hope you find the information you’re looking for, good luck!
I spoke to my BC nurse today. Confirmed I do have dense breasts but said it is not health board policy to investigate any concerns by ultrasound unless there is a lump. I am furious as cancer can present in other ways than a lump and I have an indented vein on my right breast which the consultant has just appeared to dismiss as nothing even though cancers are harder to spot but are also more common in dense breasts! I truly feel like I am being fobbed off by this system. Does anyone know what I could do in this situation? Feeling depressed and scared now.
Thanks Evie! I am hoping and praying all will be ok but I am really anxious and not very optimistic given all the circumstances. Will post again once I get my results as they should give them to me on the day unless (heavan forbid) I need a biopsy!
Just to let everyone know my scans were clear. The feint groove isageing skin/stretch marks and the consultant confirconfirmednot have dense breasts. A huge relief and a weight off my shoulders. Happy Christmas all xxx
Hi thank you for sharing about dense breasts. I was diagnosed in 2016 and a 2.9cm tumour did not show on a mammogram and was diagnosed by ultrasound biopsy. I too am concerned that yearly mammograms are not enough to protect me. I will be very interested to hear if you are given any advise. With very best wishes to all xxx