Dense tissue plus lump

Hi everyone , I just wanted a little advice and reassurance.
2 weeks ago I found a lump and saw the Dr. The Dr refered me to the breast clinic and was seen yesterday. The Dr checked me over and I had a ultrasound. I returned to the dr to be told all was ok. The Dr said he was shocked there’s was nothing there as he felt the lump himself and other Dr said I had dense tissue.
Obviously it’s good to know nothing showed up but I feel like I had no real answers to the lump and just a see Dr if I spot any changes.
Just wondered if anyone else has the same and any ideas how long I should return if the lump doesn’t go.
Thanks for reading x

Hi Pink2785 and welcome to the BCC forums

I am sure your fellow users will be along with support for you soon, please also feel free to call our helpliners to talk your concerns over, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays on 0808 800 6000

Take care
Lucy BCC


I have a similar situation.

I had breast cancer last year and had  a lumpectomy, chemo and radiotherapy. I have recently had my first mammogram since treatment, which has come back clear, however I have found another lump and have been referred by my GP back to the breast care department. I am waiting for the appointment, but am confused as to how the mammogram did not pick it up if it is harmless. Does anyone have any experience of this?
