After surgery I started to use a roll on from Holland & Barrett that is free of chemicals. Whilst having radiotherapy I used a Salt of the Earth roll on as advised by the nurses. Since finishing treatment I have gone back to the Holland & Barrett roll on, but I don’t find them as effective as the spray deodorants I used to use. I still have some deodorants that I had bought before diagnosis, but feel worried about using them.
I know there is no proof of any connection, but I was wondering how others feel about this and whether you still use conventional deodorants/anti perspirants or use an alternative.
Hi sunnyday
not sure if this is in answer to your question but i y
use biosens which comes as either a roll on or deodorant spray and is aluminium free-it is very effective and smells nice.Even better is that i pick it up at tesco during a weekly shop so no hunting around
hope this info helps
love Marie x
I use one called Crystal which you wet under the tap. I only ever sweat on the side where I haven’t had surgery. A nurse told me when you’ve had rads that can sometimes happen, think it does something to the sweat glands on the affected side. Crystal has no parabens or anything and I think they usually have one out in the autumn where a portion of the price is donated to BCC.
I use an aloe vera based deodorant which is free of all the bad things I cant remember at the moment (!) its really really good and effective - hope this helps
Hi, since I read that aluminium based deodorants can cause cancer I have switched to chemical free ones. The best I have found is perpsi-rock which is crystals that you add water to and then spray. It is really good and lasts forever.
I chucked out all my old toiletries and make-up and have gone chemical free and organic on everything I put on my skin, including sun cream to avoid nano-particles. I especially wanted to avoid parabens which are in virtually everything. The products like face cream don’t absorb as well, but I find that reassuring. I use deodorant from Green People which has a pleasant herby fragrance.
Bit extreme, but I try to avoid as many chemicals as possible:
After dx out went the deodorant, perfume, soap and shampoo, my face cream is organic shea butter. I bathe in epsom salts and only ever wash my hair with water. I cleanse my face with filtered water.
I have completely disposed of using sun cream. I am usually quite pale skinned and walk the dog most days, but the sun here really is not very strong and so have not been sunburnt. Now gently tanned for the first time in years. Vit D and a healthy glow all in one.
I do use a bit of make-up and hand soap especially with handling food and the dog.
Obviously this is not for everyone, but it works for me.
My feeling is why take a chance and why use a chemical product when you can use one that isn’t.
There are lots of products out there and it really is a case of trying them out to find one that you like.
Like Finty I avoid parabens and the other one I always watch for is parfum (sometimes called fragrance) also known as phthlates. Any fragrance included I want only from essential oils not chemicals.
I use Pitrok but only need to use it on my unaffected side as since ANC and rads I don’t seem to need it on the other.
There’s been a lot said about the dangers of parabens over the years and I’ve been slowly trying to rid myself of products that contain such things. It’s not an easy task though as I have a very limited budget to play with and many natural products cost a lot more than the ordinary ones, so it’s a gradual process of elimination. I will however feel a lot happier when I can finally go parabens-free.
Hi, the Body Shop has a range of paraben and aluminium-free deodorant (roll-on and stick) that is pretty effective. I too try to avoid chemicals - they’re everywhere and I’d rather not use them if I can help it!
Im the same now I know what you mean by not as affective I think its a case of trying a few of the chemical free ones out I too wont use chemicals or aliminiums now
Some chemical-free products are very expensive. I’d love to just use Neal’s Yard stuff as it’s wonderful but just too pricey for me.
I usually use Lavera which are a bit cheaper and they do mini-sizes of moisturisers for £3.90 so you can try them without making a big financial commitment.
You do find their stuff in health food shops but I always order online. Deliveries have always been next day but you do have to pay for delivery unless you order more than £40. I also use their makeup.
I know this is a bit off-topic as we are talking about deodorants but I use Lily Lolo cosmetics because they are chemical free and far better than most of the other mineral products on the market. Plus they are prices that are much more affordable too and last for ages.
I have found a crystal deodorant to be quite good and economical.Have found Lush products quite good too.
I love Neals Yard and have the family primed for birthday gifts etc or when they want a favour!
On the makeup front I only use mineral products.Have found a really good company online E.L.F. They are really reasonably priced,charge a set £2.50 delivery for any amount and do lots of special offers.Quick delivery too.
Thank you all for your recommendations and comments. I shall be looking in to some of the products mentioned, and will also check out some of the websites too.
I had thought that I was being a bit over the top in feeling so cautious about this, but it is reassuring to realise that others of you feel the same way that I do. I am also concerned about bath products and body washes, so perhaps I will find some alternatives on the websites you mentioned, and by looking up some of the brands recommended.
Once again many thanks to all who responded to my post.
Have tried lots of alternatives over the last 5 years as I was, ironically, worried about breast cancer. Now that I have BC, I’d love to know if anyone posting is a heavy perspirer like me, and what really works for them?