
Can anyone help me out? i was adviced by the nurse not to wear any deodorant/roll-on while i was under going chemo but i have found that where the lymp glands were taken from i do smell my sweat a lot more(or maybe it’s just me) is there anything i can buy? which is more natural? at the moment i’m using baby powder which smells nice but doesn’t last long.

Hi Dee, I think you would be ok with “Simple” roll on at the moment, my physio recommended it, no one ever mentioned not using them whilst on chemo to me. Funnily enough I used to sweat a lot under my arms and now after axillary clearance I don’t sweat at all on that side! I’ve not bothered with deodorant on my bad side. All the best,

Hi Dee,

You cant use Deodrant during Radiotherapy but havent heard of this during Chemo. I used my normal sprays or roll-ons all the way throught chemo without any probs. Alot of people get very health concious after dx and switch to non chemical deodrants which can be found in health shops.
I find that I hardly get troubled by sweaty pits since treatment even on my good side.
Lots of luck to you.

Love Andrea xx

Hi Dee,
I was advised to use a oll on one and preferably aluminium free as well. The only one I am aware of is called biosen, its a bit more expensive bt seems to do the trick. I seem to sweat less on my bad side (strange eh, well we are all different)

Louise xx

Hi Dee

Since (and during) chemo and radio I have stupidly been using ordinary deodorant on the unaffected side. And guess what? Don’t need it it! Wondering how much I have spent over the years? Seemed to have stop sweating…

Good luck


Hi. I think the issue is that the aluminum and salts in normally-used deodorant are harmful. My understanding was that the aluminum in deodorant showed up on scans as deposits. Therefore, for testing, no deodorants were to be used.

You might want to check this thread out…it gives a fuller explanation.

In the United States, we have Tom’s Natural deodorant which I use. There are others listed in the thread.
