Brilliant news about the new grandchildren, Debs and Dawn. I am (very much in secret) extremely jealous!
Kay xx
Brilliant news about the new grandchildren, Debs and Dawn. I am (very much in secret) extremely jealous!
Kay xx
Hello Debs
Its lovely news about your new grandson in the making.
I know I am a bit slow here but I would very much like to see your tv interview. Have only just picked up on this. Can any of the more savvy people tell me whether you can see it on the bbc web site and where it is.
Hope you are feeling well today
Julie x
there is a link on page 20 of the Katie Price Asda thread if you click on that it should come up.
Love Debsxxx
Hi Debs, well it’s been almost a week now. and I wondering if all the KP activity enabled you to thrive, or be completely shattered.
How are you now? Still very weary or up and about?
Well I have not been on much because I have not done much, in more ways than one!
I had my chemo Tuesday and it hit me straightaway, yes hours on the loo and then Wed Thurs sleeping Friday and Saturday not much better but then the pains have started so they wake me up more so I am back on the movicol and all the other vile stuff that is supposed to make you GO.
Has anyone else experience of this vinerolbine am I the only one on it tablet form. I think my problem is ‘mental fils’(omentum) I think that is why I can’t get it sorted it certainly has a mind of its own. Plus my fingertips type everywhere I don’t want them to. It is as if I have gone in to hybernation. Maybe I will wake at the other end well, with hair!
Love Debsxxx
Oh Debs, hope you’ve had some relief by now, or we’ll have to start another dance. I like the idea of hibernating and waking up with hair - do you like mine by the way? I think I may try a side parting tomorrow…
Now, getting back to my Mastermind specialist subject - Constipation in the 21st Century. I have had a fixation with pumpkin seeds this chemo - they are fiddly uggers to shell, but are really addictive so I can get through half a packet (or more) a day. I was pleasantly surprised to find myself having a delightful poo on day 2 of my first cycle (effortlessly, I might add), and almost daily thereafter. They were my secret weapon for 3 cycles and then the last cycle I gave them a miss and, lo and behold, 6 days of no pooage. Perhaps they are worth a try?
Rest up whilst you feel subhuman & fingers crossed for some action!
Hi Ripley
you have pinched my hair style, maybe we will see it on the catwalk this season.
Will be sending Ian to get me the pips used to use pumpkin seeds all the time, in my hippy days I dried my own.
I had my chemo yesterday my bloods were good even though I felt rubbish, I find that strange to understand. I am suffering with really bad cramps like labour pains. I do have another ‘gate’ to report but don’t know how much more you can take. So I will sit on it a bit longer literally!
Well it is sleepy day again so will catch up later. Not happy I missed live chat last night hope you all had a good natter I was thinking of you hope you are all doing o.k.
Love Debsxxx
Hi Debs
well , it might be time to dust off the dancing shes again …wish you could ‘share’ my problem ( up to 6 times a day!!!)
But Ripley sounds like she is the expert - although don’t you think all those nuts have altered you a bit?
As for the hairstyle girls - you are both trendsetters - mine is unruly curly mass ( about two and a half inches) growing vertically upwards - a bit like wild mad woman…what a dance troop! Jayne
Hi Debs, Sorry to hear about the the appearance of berrygate. What a lot of crap you have to put up with Debs. I am not longer running to the loo. Haven’t been for 2 days now…since I had all the pills to stop me going…so thinking of having some AGEN Prunes. Have you tried them. They are gorgeous and the best ones are beside the dried fruits in Waitrose. I eat them straight out of the packet but they are good on meusli or your preferred breakfast cereal. Sunny up here in Edinburgh. Will have to move my ass and get out for some fresh air. Actually I should be tackling paperwork but I cannot be bothered and have diddled about all morning avoiding it. LOve to all, Val XX
No it is not the return of ‘berrygate’ I am all clear there well I was last time I checked!!!
Hi Debs, Sorry misunderstood. Glad it’s not berrygate though.Love V
Hi Debs
So sorry to hear you’re still feeling poorly and having more pains, and hope whatever the “?-gate” is gets sorted out for you very soon.
Marilyn x
just wanted to send lots of love debs and say i hope all functions are getting better… hope you can enjoy some of the sunshine today,
hi Debs, hope you are feeling a lot better today, you are an inspiration to everyone on this site.
Carol xxxxx
…the suspense is killing me - is it ‘bummygate’?
…I was thinking that but didn’t like to say anything!!!
Hi Everyone,
sorry I have been so quiet but all i do is sleep! How you can sleep 10hrs wake for maybe 2 then sleep 2 is beyond me. Yesterday I went to our local Dr’s I have only been there a few times since my secondary diagnose as I seem to spend so much time at the hospital. My Dr rings up checking how I am and has made me promise to involve them more.
I felt like I may have an infection still with these crampy pains so I took a sample I said I think it is 2 stars protein and it was had an examination tummy nice and soft and he said he could hear my bowels rumbling. So we got on my bowels topic something until recently I would never ever discuss. Why do women find it hard to discuss? Why are Dr’s so young? (I was looking at young handsome Dr thinking he would be perfect for my eldest daughter.) The moment was ruined by bowels chat.
Anyway it has been ages since my last poo so I am back on all the remedies that aren’t. Feels so full can hardly get all the anti sickness steroids pain killers.
I talked about my problem with young Dr. who had no idea what it is nor has ‘Brian’ my onc. the only person that has been a witness is Ian and the last time he said he didn’t need or want to witness the ‘problem’ Think I have scared him to death!
Anyway on a much happier note Donna-Marie and James are coming for the weekend so I will get to hug my baby and her ‘babyBean’
the weather is really good and most of the holiday makers are back home so St Ives is less crowded so less germs(I hope).
Have a good weekend everyone.
Love Debsxxx
…I think i might be really dim - still don’t get it - but sorry to hear you are still feeeling tired.
Have a great weekend with the family Debs
Hi Debs,
Haven’t been on line for a while,been busy being scared about bloods, having CT scan, and then chemo. All Ok no progression since June, so am very happy.
I was on tablet vinorelbine up until it failed in June ( now on carboplatin/capcitebine) and used to have griping pains, but constipation not too bad.
On current chemo do have probs with constipation. Managed it quite well this time, am quite proud of myself. Took 2 mivicol every night from 2 days before chemo, suplemented with senacot on day 3 and 4 and achieved result on day 5!
only trouble is I now think I have a urine infection, and don’t want to have any more antibiotics as I only finished some for infection in vein in my arm last week.
When I have antibiotics I end up having faecal incontenance, which is not fun.
What my husband calls the ying and yang of chemo.
But I have to be grateful I don’t feel too bad most of the time.
Don’t expect this information on poo procedure much use to you, but it just might be.
We’re meeting up in Bristol again on October 30th, and would love to see you if you are well enough to attend.
Marmite x
Marmite it would be lovely to meet you all again and god willing I will make it.
Well my weekend was very sad D-M and James got here Sat night we had a take away and settled down to X Factor which was really good just relaxing together. Sunday I wanted to go shopping but I felt ill, no change there then the young ones went into town we had booked to go to dinner at 7pm but each time I moved to try and get out of bed I was throwing up with the bile stuff. My eyes were streaming with tears I wasn’t crying but I think some of you may have experienced it. Poor D-M this is supposed to be a very happy exiting time for her and I am making her so sad with this cancer crap! She had to keep going off for a little weep with James to cuddle her. Poor Ian did not get much of a change he had to stay with me I did say I would be o.k. but bless he would not leave me, for fear something awful would happen.
Went to have bloods done yesterday after D-M and James set off home.
'Brian came to find me and said what happened to your scan I said I thought Dr had forgotten to book one but I had an appointment with him tomorrow. He has booked scan for this week and I had a good 15 minutes with him. Looks like vinerolbine may not be working for me but he wil reserve judgment until scan has been done. He said I was pretty poorly. Is that better than ugly poorly?
All my bloods have crashed so no more treatment my onc came in and said I could have pamidronate but I needed fluids urgently and blood transfusion. Ian left me and was told to pick me up from the despatch ward at 9.30p.m. No room on lady bay so had to go in with the chaps.
They were a miserable bunch. They have cancer you know?
Very kind sister moved me after a couple of hours, one of my chemo friends arrived she had only just gone home and had to return with high temp. It was like musical beds poor staff never stopped I have the utmost respect for them.
Well I am home and in bed and feel really ill still not poo’d.
Think my dancing girls need to ‘Keep Dancing’
Really do hope you are all doing well, the weather here is lovely just sent Ian to M and S for PJs and socks my feet in hospital yesterday were freezing.
Love Debsxxx