Deterioration of this disease

Oh Debs, I am so sorry you’re having such an awful time and that the Vinerolbine may not be working for you. I haven’t posted much lately but have been thinking about you and hoping you were doing ok. Glad you’re still retaining your sense of humour, I don’t think anything will take that away from you.

Have been for my pamidronate this morning - two women and two men in the room with me - one lady was asleep the whole time, the other was quite bright and chatty but neither of the men said a word - I know exactly what you mean!

Take care and hope things improve for you very soon

Lesley xxx

Hi Debs,
Sorry you’re having such an awful time, hope you feel better soon
Thinking of you.

Marmite xx

Just sending you my best wishes, Debs



hi Debs, just sending a wee note to say hi and hope you are feeling better

love n hugs

Carol xxx

Debs, sorry you’re so poorly, thinking of you and hoping things get better for you soon. Pat x

Hi Debs
sorry you are having such a terrible time - must have been so hard with your daughter visiting and wanting to spend ‘quality time’ with her and bean… I have put on my dancing shoes and we will all put on a stictly show for you - only no ones gets thrown out - they must dance faster until it works I hope scan shows that you can continue treatment and blooods etc improve , by the way pretty poorly IS much better than ugly poorly and having seen you on TV you are definately the former thinking of you and willing you better Jaynex

Hi Debs, Sorry to hear you’re feeling so poorly. Hope you begin to feel better soon. Love Lesley xx

Hi Debs

I am really sorry to hear that you are feeling so ill - especially with your daughter visiting at the weekend, probably didnt help u either, as you wanted to do so much.

I am also sorry I havent kept up to date, but not been on line too much recently with my own little worries, nothing like yours right now, but also so busy with kids and school and stuff, but I do think about u and everyone all the time, wondering how things are going.

I hope that things improve for you and that you start to feel bit better soon.

Lots of love and gentle hugs to you

Dearest Debs,
Off all the people here, you are the one that I remember! Glad to see that you are hanging on in there, horrible and lousy as it is.

I had my Taxol,Avastin, Zometa cocktail this morning. It has been now a year and 5 months of this treatment. They have decided to leave me on this until it doesn’t work anymore!!!

I just wanted to let you know that I think about you very often, and always look for you whenever I come on the forum.
I pray that things will improve for you.
Best wishes,

Dear Debs,
Just seen your latest post. Am so sorry you’re feeling so awful.Thinking of you and Ian so much. You’ve given me so much confidence to make the most of my life while I can. I’m dancing madly again for you and really hope it works for you. It’s a beautiful day here - hope it is with you too. Loads of love and hugs Debs. xxx

dear Debs,

Just to say I am thinking of you and really hope you begin to feel better. When my little boy is practising his break dancing (hilarious, although he takes it very seriously) I will be sending good thoughts your way.

Hi Debs,
Just sending lots of love to you, and hope things start to improve very soon.
Jacquie x

And another hug on its way to you Debs. I’ve got my dancing shoes on for you too…

Much love Kay xx

Hi Debs, What a fan club you have got on this thread. You are such an amazing woman. We are all rooting for you and hope you see an improvement soon. Please don’t pooh pooh this letter…or perhaps we should just wish exactly that for you. So poo poo away girl. Smile and the world smiles with you. Love V XX

‘i could have danced all night, i could have danced all night and still have begged for more…’ and i will and hope that it brings about the desired result! i hope you have a good day today and you are soon more comfortable,

love and prayers,


Hi everyone and a million thank yous,
I had to ring the chemo ward yesterday as I was not sure what to do I had terrible pain in my kidneys. I waited about an hour and then a chemo nurse rang to say they were trying to find ‘Brian’ but if I had a temperature to ring back. I sound so soft and I promise I am not I have a good pain threshold I knew I did not have a temperature so went back to sleep. G.P. rang to say they would call in to see me after surgery,Ian under strict supervision packed a bag. We laughed it is a bit like being pregnant with a big bag stuck in the hallway, but I just know if I have to go in he will be in a worst state than me!
Dr came about 6p.m. gave me a good going over and was satisfied that I have not got a pair of kidneys about to die on me. There is a bit of fluid if I get a temp I need to contact the ward. It always makes me feel concerned when the Dr give you a bit of a hug and hold your hand, mind you he looked like a young hippy, he was really nice.
As I have not had chemo again this week I am going again or as I believe it is my dancing troupe thank you all again.
I have my scan tomorrow and then see ‘Brian’ on Tuesday so I am a bit concerned it may show something horrid. Funny I have always felt confident when on chemo, I have never had one yet that has not worked, so I think I am going soft.
Thank you all for taking the time to reply it is helping us so much even Ian has a read before bed and he is touched by replies.
Love Debsxxx

Hi Debs

Glad to hear that you are “going again”!

Your kidney pain sounds awful and of course you will be concerned about the scan - you are definitely not going “soft”! I do hope though that the scan does not show anything remotely horrid.

Thinking of you. Kay xx

All the best for tomorrow Debs.
love to you both

Got my fingers crossed like everyone else for your scan results. You are so kind and helpful to other people and if Karma works, you deserve to have a lot of good coming your way. I really hope that terrible pain has gone or at least is under control so you can rest tonight.
Good luck
Lily x

fingers crossed for you debs, hope it goes well.
love reneexx