Deterioration of this disease

Dear Debs

So sorry to hear your news. Just want to let you know that I’ve had gamma knife twice and thankfully it has been successful. I am currently having chemotherapy but still manage to have good times and I hope you will cope with your treatment and meet your grandson in Feb.

Best wishes, Gemini.

Hi Debs & Ian, I would like to send you both my love and best wishes. I hope your treatment works for you, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. You have so much to look forward to and this will help you along the way, take care love junieliz x

Hi Debs

Just wanted to say along with everyone else, how sorry i am at your results.

I follow your thread, as i wish so much my mum could have been just like you. Your inspiration that has passed onto so many ladies on here is unbelievable.

I hope that you get to meet and hold your grandson as i know this is what you really want.

I will have everything cross for you, i’m not a religious person but i will certainly pray for you and your family

Take Care

Kerry xx

hi Debs…never posted on this thread before, but often read it. So sorry for your news. I felt that I wanted to let you know just how much I feel for you, and you are in my thoughts…{{{{gentle hugs}}}}

take care

Hi Debs

Like so many others, I have never posted on this thread but have followed your postings and have great admiration for you for your feisty appearance on TV re Tickled Pink. I too am so sorry for your news.


Hi Debs,

From another admirer of your dedication to dispelling the myths about this awful disease may i wish you the best of luck and minimum discomfort with your next phase of treatment.

All the best

I, too,Debs have followed your threads and am so sad at your news.

I went to a healing mass today and have prayed for everyone suffering from this disease. I also prayed for our families and friends who support us, who do all they can to make things as “normal” as possible for us.

I will continue the prayers for you all.


I am so very sorry to hear that the chemo has not done what everyone on here was hoping that it would. Keep thinking about holding little Bean and it is not too long away till he makes his entrance. By having the treatment it will buy you the time you are talking about and we all hope plenty more too. Perhaps he was sent to help you through this really tough time and he is waiting for you,
Keep one eye on looking after yourself and the other on that little charmer who will be in your arms in months
Big hugs
Lily x

Debs I am so so sorry darl. Its really just not fair you have to go through this.
God is good,and I am sure you will hold that little baby.
I will pray earnestly for it to be so.
We will all will you on, and pray for you and your family.
Tell the treatment it will work, like it did for bikini girl. It must.

Thinking and praying for you darl (((((HUGE HUGS))))))

Debs I am so so sorry darl. Its really just not fair you have to go through this.
God is good,and I am sure you will hold that little baby.
I will pray earnestly for it to be so.
We will all will you on, and pray for you and your family.
Tell the treatment it will work, like it did for bikini girl. It must.

Thinking and praying for you darl (((((HUGE HUGS))))))

I just want to hold you.

hi debs,
just to let you know my thoughts are with you and your family and i will be saying a prayer for you that you get to see and know your wee grandson.
love reneexx

Hi Debs

I still follow this site but haven’t posted really since my mum passed on, but couldnt not post when i read this jst want to say my thoughts are with you , and im sure that you will def see your grandson.

Vicky xx

Debs, like so many of us here - never posted on this thread - but just wanted to add my love and prayers. Your amazing personality shines through your posts, and I am thinking about you,
Take care
Lizzie XX

Thank you all so much it is good when you do a post and get a response. I don’t do a blog I decided my thoughts, rants, fears and joys would be posts on BCC when I started reading posts on here. Some moved me tears and others made me laugh out loud!

Day 1 with brain mets.

Rang eldest daughter who was confused and then heartbroken in equal measure had all day at work to decide how to tell her girls. She chose the separate approach I don’t think she could cope with the joint drama. Molly is 21 with baby so she told her on the way home and then told Grace when she got in. Grace rang about 7.3o so we just chatted about normal stuff and then the question ’ yea nan but how are you? I daid I would start a new treatent next week so would most likely sleep a lot. Silence then she said I know mum has told me. So I said try not to worry. I will lose my hair again but that does not bother me anymore. For her that is very worring. We have all always had long flowing locks. I didn’t mention the fat sunbeam face we will cross that one when we come to it!

Ian’s best friend rang and Ian was telling her where we are up to she was sad, shocked and asked what they could do. I did intend telling my best friend but by the time I had spoken to D-M I was tired so will speak to er tonight.

Strange how my typing is suddenly rubbish I have asked Ian to let you know if I go ga ga over night but I am hoping that I cope like Tess has.

Love to all my cyber friends.
Love Debsxxx

Good Morning Debs
Good to see you up and about.
Hope the sun is shining down there.
M x

Thanks Magsi, lovely to hear from you I am in bed tapping away. Tried to ring Ian first on intercom phone than on office phone then mobile all phones being in the same building!!!
Will kill him once these steroids kick in. Ahh I hear movement on the stairs.
Is it the wedding this weekend?
Love Debsxxx

I can just imagine the scene.
Yes - on Saturday at 2 p.m. I become a ‘mother-in-law’!! and 3 days later escape to Exeter YHA to do 2 more sections of the SW Coastal Path
You do realize that we will be looking out for a coffee and croissant stop like last time. But it must be a tasteful setting - morning room, matching tea set etc etc etc.

Debs, you did make me laugh with all your phoning of Ian. You should get a loud buzzer to sound in every room!
It’s a bit miserable here today - good job I’m being very good and staying in till I get rid of this annoying cold and chest infection!Did some frivolous online shopping for a new rug and cushions last night to cheer myself up! Am supposed to be going to see the opera Porgy and Bess tomorrow but don’t want to be coughing my way through it! How are you doing today Debs? Lots of love, Anne xx

Yes saw that on ‘gormless’ thread cushions and rug for comfort or romance? l always but in 3s one on one in the was and one in case, but think 4 is better!
I used to have a fog horn but all the shouting in the world Ian has gone a bit deaf so at least we are still able to laugh. Mind you he is still sulking so maybe we will laugh after lunch if he remembers lunch!
Love Debsxxx

Meant to say Porgy and Bess is lovely that was the next one on my list to share with Ian. Don’t know if you have seen Mac and Mabel another good one.
Love Debsxxx