Deterioration of this disease

Hi Debs

So sorry to hear you had crap news, and sorry to be late in finding out but my horse kicked me and I ended in hospital with a ruptured spleen!

I hope that they can get some good results for you with the RT and I’m glad you are still posting on here. As always helping others! Take care of you though!

Lots of love


Debs the old fashioned ways of communicating are best…2 baked bean tins…empty of course and a long piece of string…I think you have to be in the same room for best results though. :slight_smile:

We bought a wireless doorbell when my frail M-in law came to stay last Christmas. Now I have the button by the bed, and the bell bit in OHs desk drawer (he works from home). Mostly useful for summoning early morning cups of tea!
Big love to you Debs, and everyone else

Well today Ian picked up my wheelchair I will need in for next week so he picked it I have not tried it out yet as I am still sleeping most of the day, what I will be like next week when I start treatment I am dreading it but what choice do you have?
‘Brian’ rang last night to wish me luck he has done my treatment plan but he will be away it is his usual family holiday. Nice that he found time it was 7pm before he sets off with his family. I had several questios my uggers in the liver are bad but he wants this wbr done first and then I will go on caelix I a havig problems with my typing and I feel a bit sort of not here if that makes sense?
As we live so far from friends and family it is hard on us making those calls.
I need those prayers please.
Love Debsxxx

You’ve got my prayers coming your way. Prayers, love and hugs. x

prayers and love are coming your way.

Oh Debs
Praying like mad here as well for you and Ian.

…sending them up Debs for you and Ian and all your family.

Take care my friend. Remember like marmite says - ‘all those things we’ve been through that we never thought we could - and yet we did’

much love

Hi Debs,

OMG I have just logged in and I’m so sorry to hear your news.
Brain mets is so frightening and still ‘the untalked about one’
It seems a life time ago now I had my treatment and I hope soon your in a similar place.

At times like this we have so many things we want to do and say to people and we feel we haven’t done enough and the guilt of putting our loved ones through the upset.
Please try not to worry and concentrate on your treatment and getting well.
Know that your friends and loved ones are there for you and thats all that matters.

I hope the treatment is not to hard on you,

Sending lots of love and hugs


Thanks Tess.
Love Debsxxx

Still in my thoughts and prayers

Thinking of you sending you love and prayers
jenny xx

o debs, i haven’t been on for a few days and missed your news… there really are no words and what few there are have all been said so well on here. i’ve never stopped praying for you and that extends to ian and your family. as i write i have the picture of you being interviewd for the bbc in my mind. i proudly said… that’s my friend, you are friend to so many on here and as someone has already said we need that to continue. i pray you have a good weekend so that you are as strong as possible for the treatment next week,

lots of love,


Debs you have been in my thoughts and prayers these last few days. Like Lenny I was telling others to look out for your interview, ‘I know the lady in Cornwall, she is one of my BCC friends.’
Good Luck my friend…With Love.xx
Tess it was a lovely surprise to log on and see your name and your post appear a few days ago. With Love…xx

Thinking of you Debs and hope you can manage to have a good weekend

Lots of love Lesley xxx

hi there debs

i hope and pray you have the strength you need to cope with where you are at the moment, this disease can be so frightning. i have a friend at the moment who has been told there is nothing they can do for her,but i think they are giving you treatment still? so maybe there is still hope or at least more time, to see the granchild you have waited patiently for. i will pray for you.
i am reading a good book at the moment “What to do when youre scared to Death” by Pat Palau, who also had cancer a long time ago. it has got a christian theme to it, so i dont know if you would be interested or not. However hard things become, try to keep things in the day, try not worry about tommorow,(easier said than done, i know.) im sure you will find the peace you deserve to help you through. god bless x

hi debs

I’ve not been on for a few weeks but am so sorry to hear your news. It’s strange how very attached you can get to people you have never met but I am absolutely devastated for you.

I really hope your treatment goes as planned and you feel better soon. I know it’s hard sometimes to be positive but you have fought all the odds before and beat them so here’s hoping you do it again and see you grandson coming into the world.

Best of Luck

Diane xxx

Thank you so much for the lovely replies. Thank goodness for the internet I am having to check every word and then when I post have to edit this is getting frightenly out of control but Ian has promised he will help.
H e has a very dry man type humour so this will be a laugh.
I am giving instructions fro the bedroom not unusual for me. He has just popped in with mop and bucket to do floor but no signs of a duster yet!
Last night he had a bad migraine and what a woos he was worst than me he had a good sleep in and says he is feeling better today. Bless he is worried to death as I am so help and advice from any of you wonderful ladies who have had WBR it is so good to know others have had a degree of success. I have very shaky hands now is that the brain turning to mush or the steroids? I sleep most of the time and have these really bad pains in left leg, trouble with getting off the loo or out of bed.
Want you all to know the value of your friendships as Diane says we don’t have to meet to know we have true friends on here. Support we can give and receive costs nothing but means so much.
Wheelchair still in the car waitibg for first trip to hospital the weather here is beautiful so thos on half term will be pleased.
Love Debsxxx

men are such wooses, but we would be lost without them, me and my hubby had a really good heart to heart last night and its really cleared the air for us, he hasnt really spoke much about my cancer but a glass of wine last night, all his feelings and worries came out, we both feel a bit better now, even my kids told me how they were feeling about it all which was good too.

Debs, wishing you all the very best for your next treatment and sending you a big scottish hug xx


Carol xoxoxox

Hi Debs…I’ve often found Kitkat’s BCC posts on WBR for others. I wondered if you remembered Kitkat? Her WBR was very, very succesful. Unfortunately she passed away many months later due to other complications unrelated to her brain mets. I will post her Brain Diaries here…over 2 posts…if you or Ian would like to read them…Take Care…xxxx

Brain Diary Hi All
I’ve decided to impose on you all my lovely journey through brain mets as there didn’t seem anyone out there who’s done it recently/firsthand. Don’t want to scare, rather to reassure, so if you don’t want to read, stop now!

As you may know, saw the doc last week who confirmed brain mets. Hospital called Tues ( week later) for me to go in Thurs for mask and simulator for whole brain radiotherapy. Have to say, VERY impressed at speed of NHS here, also slightly scared that they felt it necessary to do it so quickly!

Mask was fine! I was worried I’d feel claustrophobic, but it was a bit like having a a warm string vest put over my face! It was only on for about 5 mins and then cooled down. Then they clip you down on the table, but the radio is only about 6 mins total, so I can do that! Easy! No tattoos as they draw on the mask!

She also showed me the MRI films and the mets were very small white spots. About 6 or 7 dotted around, but lower in the brain than I had thought. Not many in the top bit, and one a bit alarmingly near my optic nerve, but she reckons this radio will stop it inflicting any damage.

The radio will hopefully reduce them but, as usual, won’t get rid of them. Whether they recur is apparently dependent on what happens elsewhere in me, but as liver and bones seems stable for now, fingers crossed.
I start next Tues, 10 sessions over 2 weeks. Hair will go patchy and thin again, but it may not come back this time. Still, rather be here and bald, than hairy and not!

Feel so much better now its all going ahead and I can deal with it! Been working out driving rota and babysitting rota today.
Driving by the way, is off for the ‘forseeable’. basically if I ever want to drive again, the doc would need to fill in a form for the DVLA. Just going to have to get used to it, and use taxis and buses etc.

Was a bit concerned that this would in some way change me, my personality, but just going to have to try it and see. Surgery is not an option cos there are just too many.
Steroids seem to be stopping headaches and clumsiness, still a bit woozy but think thats the steroids themselves! Plus, they give me thrush so mouth back to cardboard and weight dropping off again. Mind you, I’ve got plenty to lose so no worries there!
Anyway, think thats all for now, let you know how its going next week.
Love Kitkat

Brain Diary Part 2 Hi Everyone,
I’m back! 4 whole brain radiotherapy treatments done, 6 to go and not feeling too bad!
It’s a very strange experience when you actually have the radiotherapy. When I’ve had it before on my boob and back, there is no smell, no lights just buzzes. This time there is a definite smell, kind of burning but not really, they call it ionising apparently, but my friend whose been driving me noticed it in the car! It also flashes a kind of blue light at the back of my eyes which has baffled them as its not supposed to! I think it must just be zapping a particular nerve in there somewhere! Its so quick though that I don’t have time to worry. I have to say that by the end of it, I’ll be glad to finish!
I’m feeling more weary today, and had a bit of a funny ear last night which is all down to swelling in my poor head. I do feel a bit like a bit of bacon! Hair still there, but scalp definitely feeling tingly kind of pre hair fall out feeling for those who’ve had chemo.
Anyway, will have a good sleepy weekend. My poor Mum has been away on holiday since all this kicked off and knows nothing about it, because I so wanted her to have a good holiday, so thats all about to hit the fan this evening. I hope she’ll forgive me.
Hope everyones doing ok
speak to you when I can
lots of love Kitkat