Debs I don’t know how you manage to find so much humour in tragedies! You just make me laugh. I hope life is giving you just a little of something to smile at cos you deserve it!. Anyone looking up fruit pie recipes on google might find a surprise ingredient!
Forgive the aside to Jane here:
I did say something similar to you on pals Jane in a pm. I was on a Marsden generated trial to compare oxocodone and oromorph. Oxycodone is used extensively in the USA much as oromorph is here. The trial is looking for a common factor in individuals who suit one more than the other - something in the bloods/genes so that when these medications are indicated - the best one for that patient can be given. I notice a huge difference between the two in the effect they have on me. I just would not touch oromorph now. Somehow on that I seem to lose ‘me’ if that makes any sense. I find the side effects are far less drastic on oxycontin. I am also finding that rather than top up with oxynorm when I need more I am using the fentanyl lozenges which react with the pain episode a lot faster.
I am hoping to be accepted on another trial to test ‘sativex’ which is basically extracts from the cannabis plant. It is being prescribed for MS sufferers and now being extended through this trial to cancer patients who have breakthru pain on oxycodone or oromorph. I will know on Friday if I am going to give it a try, otherwise it will be another nerve block.
Thanks for sharing your story Debs, it really made me chuckle whilst cringing with empathetic embarassment for you.
Its not close but the embarassment reminded me of a time when I went into premature labour with my son (now 17) and lay in a delivery room with a friend with a rather tasty doctor examining me and suddenly noticing a rather strong smell of fish and feeling very embarassed. After the doctor left I turned to talk to my friend and saw that she was eating a packet of scampi fries! I just hope the doctor noticed too and didn’t just go and write something about my personal hygiene on my notes!
Who’d be a woman!
Scampi fries in the delivery room! I’ve heard it all now. If I were you ostrich I would check back in my hospital notes just to be sure.
I started this thread when I was full of dread I am laughing my last remaining bits of hair off.
Ooops head hair that is.
Debs, you have made me laugh so much with this thread - you have an amazing ability to find humour in these situations and I think it’s absolutely brilliant, I take my hat off to you (or even my wig)
I really hope your blueberry is nothing to worry about and that it will disappear very soon of its own accord. I have to say that I’m quietly relieved there will be no photos
Don’t ever lose that sense of humour, you’re an inspiration and I really hope you can get your vinorelbine this week and that it will work really well for you.
Love from Lesley xxx
Hi Debs,
Thankyou for sharing that with us at your own expense and embaresssment.
Hope it is nothing to worry about.
Looking forward to seeing you at browns in Bristol next tuesday.
I was having a chat with friend about embaressments of cancer and chemo and having occasional faecal incontinance. She said I should carry spare pants in my bag and then bought me a frilly yellow thong. My favourite colour but not the sort of thing I usually wear beats boring old sloggis anyday!
Much love
marmite x
Debs - you so did the right thing in sharing this. It made me laugh out loud - especially the image of you and Ian trying to hide your identities from the doctor.
It sounds as if you have sprouted an interesting fruit in your lady garden. Mine is barren of all growth. It’s a desert, in fact. Why does the bloody chemo succeed in holding back the growth of my body hair but not the growth of the cancer?
Hope you get some results of the biopsy soon.
well yesterday I took my first steroid and today I had the second lot. I say lot as I have to take 4. Well I was up and dressed at 10 am not usual for me and I have entertained Magsi and D for morning tea we had croissants and cheese cake I served it in my Cath Kidston breakfast set and I think they were impressed. We had a lovely chat and a laugh she doesn’t know about my ‘blueberry’ problem yet but she will when she returns home. Magsi gave me a lovely bracelet that E.J. had made I was moved to very happy tears. A priceless moment which I will treasure until, well you know when.
To all my cyber friends I want you all to know how special you are and how you have helped me along the trials and tribulations of this disease. We are all very different women and I embrace the differences.
Well will I wont I start my new treatment tomorrow. Will I meet the Latino who will remove my berry. I have to have a local but doubt I will be as chatty as I was when I had the port and hickman lines put in.
Love Debsxxx
Have just found this thread. Wishing you all the best with your treatment. Thanks for the laugh about your fruity problem! I needed a smile today.
Take care of yourself,
Hi Debs
I’ve not been on here for a few days but it’s quite amazing what a little rain and warm sun produces - a blueberry no less! Thanks for the laughs and keeping your pecker up especially for the latino doctor. Good luck with all treatments and examinations tomorrow.
Nicky x
ps your tale of investigating your lady garden reminded me of a similar escapade in Dawn French’s autobiography where she had to remove a piece of glass from her Mother’s! You need to read the book to find out why but I hope the Dr’s facial expressions or fears, as described by DF, are not the same.
Hi Debs/Jane
Sorry I haven’t been on for a while, I felt I needed a wee break as I wasn’t in a great place a few months back and you all helped me through fantastically.
I have just read this thread from start to finish. I think I got to about the 5th comment before I started to cry (which isn’t like me!) because I just couldn’t bear the position you are both in with this horrible disease. I so want to say every swear word in the dictionary but can’t be bothered with all the *** I would have to insert.
I do feel over the past 16 months I have got to know you both and hate the thought of either of you feeling scared and frighted because of the disease. Debs you have gave me so much strength over the time I have spent on here and your words have encouraged me to go for it with the media etc. Jane - I have always read your comments and admired your utter honesty regarding this disease, that and the fact that you are also have the same type of breast cancer as myself. It’s your turn to get the support from the rest of us know and boy have you both earned it so rant away!
I will be thinking about you both and will not be going AWOL from this site any time soon - I feel guilty that you have both being going through such a hard time and I have been oblivious to it.
I will be hoping and praying that you both get through this hard time and that your new treatments work out well.
Diane xx
I’ve just realised Deb that the Latino Dr. is a close relative of ours - I will ask him if he’s seen anything untoward when I next see him - or would you like me to forewarn him?
Please no you are being wicked please you are not related. I will have a sack on my head and will not be wearing my jans.
Great to see you back Diane think we all need a break at times.
Love to all
Love Debsxxx
Just a little anecdote about lady gardens. My cousin had to have a smear test and gave herself a quick going over with a tissue from her handbag before she saw the gynae. She was a little perplexed when, during the examination, the gynae reached for a pair of tweezers and carefully removed something from her lady garden and put it in the bin. She was so embarrassed when she looked in the bin while she was getting dressed to find that the gynae had found a postage stamp in her lady garden!
LOL Deirdre! That made me laugh out loud!! He he! Thank you!!! (you do wonder what they think as they walk away and, even worse what they talk about in the bar when having after work drinks *cringes*)
I’ve got a smear test tale as well…
Back in 1993 i had to go for my routine smear test and it was done by a gp i had not seen at the practice before… All went as normal - although i was slightly embaressed as i had never had anything that intimate done by a male doctor before…
Anyway came the time for him to be putting it in the bag and writing on the details to be sent away… And i pipe up with - oh by the way we have just moved, i now live at 55 … Drive.
Oh he said… i live at 59… !
Jane and Debs - I am so sorry that this disease is doing this to you… I’ve read so many posts by the two of you over the past year and gained so much from them… Thank you… I just hope you are both around for a long time yet (painfree) to make us think and question things and enjoy more precious time with your loved ones…
…actually he has offered me the opportunity to ‘shadow him’ on ocasions - what shall I do?
Off to clinic with a bag over my almost bald head. My berry seems to be growing it is nearly as big as my head, no second thought nothing can be that big.
Love Debsxxx
Good luck today Debs, xxx
I’m having a bad day today and nearly wet myself larfing !
take care and keep larfing girls xxxxxxxx